Monday, April 1, 2024

Memories are made of this!

Here is that rabbit AGAIN---Easter Monday--  a Federal  Holiday-- meaning--??--  well, they say banks are open, but our bank is closed--  and it's not a statutory Holiday--I guess the stores are open. Are they open in your area?--Anyway, it is nice to have an extra day tacked onto the Easter weekend.

Sadie, (who is really me!)--did not get the day off--was here early and vacuumed--And Son#4's daughter's Birthday is to-day so we are going to their house for dinner--kinda nice!---I have a card ready and will put some $$$ in it--
This is APRIL 1st--- APRIL FOOLS DAY---   My Dad's Dad, always used to try to fool all of us, on this day-- in his kitchen, as we sat at the table eating breakfast--His name was Samuel Allan Wallace--He went by Soddy Auddy Wallace--SAW ----to everyone 
    Grampa  on the far rt with the braces--  Gramma on the far left--  at the side of their house--in Port Perry, ON.
Anyway, always on April 1st we seemed to be there--- and Grampa would say--"Oh look, there is a mouse going up the wall"--and of course we would say, "Oh yes, I see it"--because if Grampa said it was there, it must be there---- because Grampa knew everything--- To this day, I have always played "the mouse game" with my own children---  and we laugh and laugh------

We absolutely loved Grampa-- and we loved his huge old house, with the cows outside ( Mom warned us that all hell would break loose  if we ever stepped in the cow patties!)--and the chickens in the shed--  and the stove pipe going up inside our bedroom which we were told to not touch--
Below is Grampa holding my oldest brother who is now in a Nursing hopme ----  
 -Now how did I ever get onto all that?--  Memories are so precious aren't they?----and of course, a reminder , always a reminder ---- to NEVER GIVE UP__ to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF--to BE KIND----and I hope you take time to-day to remember those memories  told to you by your Grampa--- Isn't  it strange, but I do not have those fun memories which Gramma must've shared--or--maybe she never had time to share-- I only remember her carrying in huge bowls of vegetables from the kitchen to the dining room at meal time-- (A woman's work is never done!)
Big hugs to you all-- stop and smell the roses to-day--- spend some time with the children ---Memories are made of this!



  1. Marti--You are so funny-- organizing the Boy Friend's stuff--You'd think he might like it!-- LOL--He might as well get used to it--LOL-- There were 5 of us in my "growing up" years--5 children--Dad working --Mom teaching----For the 1st few yrs I shared a room with my older sister who never liked me very much-- My younger adopted sister I absolutely adored----lotza chaos as I grew up-- but--- always knew I was loved----- good memories tho--- I adored my Dad--- My Mom was always working and because she never had a Mother, she was not a very warm person-- Dad kinda raised us-- -- Poor you getting chewed out for trying to help the BF--LOL--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Yes, memories are so precious. I loved my grandfather - I thought he was the biggest person ever. He loved to take movies of all of us and he would sing and dance. I had a nice breakfast with an old friend this morning. A very good way to start the week. No holiday here, everything is open. In fact, there were a lot of stores open even yesterday. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Kathy-nice to hear that your Grandfather was a good guy! --makes for good memories-Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda! Happy birthday to your sweet granddaughter. My first yorkie that we lost last year would have been 12 today. Sad! My nephew leaves tomorrow and won’t be back until he is out of school. Then here for the Summer. I will be happy. I think he may get a first job part-time. He is 16. Enjoy your fun birthday dinner tonight. Sending Ohio wishes!

    1. sad to hear about yer dog-- hard to get over isn't it? And now yu will miss yer nephew--Are yu going to replace yer dog?-- Lynda

  4. Lynda, love your memories of April Fool's Day and your grandpa. I wish I knew mine better. I was in awe of my maternal grandpa. He owned a Mobil gas station in a small town in Michigan. When we came, we'd get to get a bottle of soda from the old fashioned cooler outside. My dad's father I never knew at all.
    I have wonderful memories of my maternal grandma, but none have to do with April Fool's Day.
    Sadie has done quite a bit of stuff here already, too. Must've been her clone. We share what we have, right? That's the 'being kind."
    A bit more for Sadie to do here.
    The appliance truck was here for quite a while. We though we were getting a new washer. Turns out it was a joke...came up, looked, and the old washer is still there with the "Out of Order" sign on it!
    Dinner at my daughter's was great yesterday. My grandson asked his mother to make him more of the broccoli cheese casserole. I had to give her the simple recipe.
    Then I drove like mad and made it back here for our get together. I just tasted a couple things and brought a plate back to my apartment for the evening.
    You will have a great time at the birthday party! Seeing family, free food, making a little girl happy...what could be better?
    You are so awesome, sis, with all that you do. Have a marvelous day and night, too. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie.

    1. Lordy Be Maggie---Come up here and use our washer--That is terrible that it is taking so long to replace--You poor guys!--Oh Maggie--- Its not that I like doing what I do--but---- well, you know-- One dAy I shall call yu on the phone-Do yu have a house phone--I do not awnt to use up yer minutes on a cell phone-- Hugs, Lynda-

  5. Happy Easter a day late! I was so busy cleaning house, fixing dinner, and planning a scavenger hunt for my grandkids, I did not even check my email, FB, or your blog for the last 2 days! Today I am tired. I went to my yoga class, and came home and decided since it is cloudy with a chance of rain, that today I shall just read and relax! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter! I bet she gets teased about April Fool's Day! Enjoyed your comments about your grandpa. I remember both of mine! One was easy to get along with, the other was more strict, but I loved them both! I was fortunate to have them both until I was in my mid twenties when they died a year apart! Good memories for sure! Finally, so glad Sushi stood up for herself and that she didn't hurt Lopez - except myabe his feelings hahaha! Maybe he thought he was "Alpha" dog since Beau is gone!

    1. Yes yu really were busy over Easter--How lucky your family is to have "YOU"-- You mustve mde their Easter--Lynda

  6. Memories of the folks who were "old" when we were children are priceless. Just think, some day, years from now, the children in our lives will remember us in a similar light.

    You should be glad not to be immediately taking on another puppy. My Ember got here about 6 p.m. Easter Sunday, and NOW I remember how much work Carl was, and I only had him one day a week. Still, she's precious, as most young things are... so soft, always wagging a tail for me, whining and seeking me out. licking that tickls... yes, all puppy! She won't stay "little" long, and "little" is a relative term, depending on breed.

    Meanwhile, we must pace ourselves and live one day at a time. Oh, and the mail was delivered here today, so not a government holiday. Grocery stores were even open on Easter Sunday... remember when there were laws that kept them closed on ALL Sundays?

    Hope you have a fine Monday, and a good Tuesday to follow!

    - Barb (OKM)

    1. Ember is a puppy---How wonderful!! So what happened to Carl?--I must've missed that Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda,
    Happy Birthday to your sweet granddaughter. Nice that you are going "out" for her cooking yay.
    I don't have any good memories of grandparents. Maternal grandfather was alcoholic and only saw him when he came to my mom for money. Paternal grandparents were cold, strict Germans.
    Loved the last insert!
    Have a great day. Enjoy your evening.
    Hugs and blessings
    Marge in St.Louis

    1. Hi Marge--- sorry about those Grand parents--They sound terrible--Lynda

  8. Happy birthday to your granddaughter! That's lovely that you'll go to help her celebrate her birthday.

    hUGS to you

    1. Hope yu had a good day Barb-Lynda

  9. Memories are the best!
    My Grandson’s birthday is today as well. We went to Red Robin. Fun times!
    Have a great week!


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