Friday, April 19, 2024

Imagine yourself happy----

 You know, I wish when I was in High School, there had've been a course on, "How to manage a Home"--There was not----  Another very useful course would've been, "Managing your finances when you run a home"------and a course on "Plumbing" I could've used right now---"Landscape Gardening"---would've been useful now also---Instead I remember trying to sew a silly Apron, which my Mom ended up making for me---

So why am I telling you all this?---Because, the new wash machine, which was delivered yesterday, is sitting in our garage---not hooked up--- I have washing up to my ying yang-- and I am not able to use the new washer --The store I purchased it from, had to call our plumber  to make sure that all the pipes in the basement are safe--not going to leak---We have our plumber changing fittings where the specs join,  on Tuesday and he is also in installing a soft water tank--- which stops corrosion--- None of this will affect the new wash machine--- The store in town does not  believe me-so frustrating----so, even tho I just bought the new washer , I am so angry at the store, and might just ask them to take it back--

Well guess what?--The store where I purchased the washer just came out and installed it--AND I LIKE IT---  VERY QUIET---  nice----so happy all is ok-- --So, one more thing done--One must be  a tad tough--not take "NO" for an answer--- hard tho---I always was a bit of a wimp---but ---that doesn't get one anywhere anymore-- 
Ok----  We are off to  town on a few errands--- so so nice to have a wash machine--

I really hope your day is going well--



  1. Sis, were you interrupted complaining about the washer in the basement? Then they came and hooked it up...and you were able to go back and finish your blog for today?
    In any case, I'm very happy for you!
    Sadie got another load done here today, too. Sheets, etc. I stripped the bed, vacuumed the mattress and swiveled it (can't flip it cuz it's a pillow top), remade it, vacuumed every room, dusted all over, took some items down to our give-away table...and laid down for an hour with Lucky. Whew.
    Saved that 'what were we thinking' meme. You're sure good at finding memes!
    So cold here, and a bitter wind. The web says North America is due for a record breaking heat this summer. Yeah! He.. we don't even have spring yet...just a couple days of teasers!
    But, yes, we pick ourselves up and go on.
    Love the photo of your washer. I have an LG computer monitor. Do you know what LG means? It's 'Life's Good.' Guess that says it all. That's what we gotta think. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--That is exactly what happened--LOLOL--I had just started the blog after getting angry at them and bossy---and they appeared --How did you ever figure that out?--LOLOL You did a lot to-day--I guess its because SADIE helped you eh??-- a record breaking heat wave this summer eh??--kinda nice to hear as it's cold outside here to-nite --Fred very good to-day--- Weird isn't it?--- Good one day--bad the next--life IS the best!!! -- Yu too!!! --Big Hugs, Lynda

  2. The older we get, the tougher we get, eh, Lynda?

    Seriously the angriest I ever got at a merchant was when I was expecting my son, and we had bought a new car and it had starting issues. A NEW, mind you, car! We tried to get them to fix it, but after three failures and finding out they didn't recreate the conditions I told them very specifically led up to failures, I wrote them a letter, invoking the Lemon Law, and telling them that I didn't care if 99.97% of their cars were reliable, 100% of mine was NOT!

    In the end, of course they fixed it. Never mess with an angry pregnant lady! Or a calm old-er one, either. It may take a lot (like a washing machine that didn't get installed) to make us boil over, but look out when you've pushed us that far!

    Good for you, standing your ground. Hope that machine serves you well for many years!

  3. Hi, Marti here. I don't know what you did, but you did something and got it installed before Tuesday! :) I used to have an LG, but it was a pain, and then the disk in the middle came off, and then the guy who came out (I have a home plan that covers all appliances), said it would need a whole new motherboard, and I should just buy a new washer, so I bought a Maytag old school machine with a center thingie that turns, so far, so good. I HATE washing machines, today's ones never last more than 2 years. My old one used to last and last.

  4. Oh my! So glad you have your washer hooked up now after all that. So many hoops to go through, eh!

    HUGS and here's to a good weekend.


    1. I had to tuffin (lol) up and not let anyone run over me..Learned after my divorce to be strong and stand up for myself. I had become so beaten down, I really had a lot to adjust too.
      Glad you got your washer hooked up. I used to hate going to the and I did take blankets and comforters a month or so ago, much bigger washers.
      Hope you and Himself are fine Lynda.

    2. Oh Darlene-It's hard to be tough--I know--but I am happy that I got what I wanted--had the machine shopped from out of town which never goes over too well locally--Good for yu to stand up for yourself--Lynda

    3. It is such a quiet washer--- I do like it--plays music--LOL--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! Yay for the washing machine! I always say, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Good for you speaking up! Cheering for you in Ohio! Hugs!

    1. I hate being a pest about stuff--but--- it worked this time--nice machine-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda: Glad you were able to get your washing machine installed. I could believe they just left it in the garage. But at least you were able to get it installed. Service is hard to get these days. Now you can spend the weekend catching up with the washing! Haha! And I agree about high school courses. Home ec didn't teach us much about what we needed.

  7. Hi Lynda
    Glad you stuck up for yourself and got the stores attention. I know you didn't enjoy being firm but it worked. Nice washer. Glad it's ready to roll.
    Happy that himself is having a good day.
    Great inserts!!!!
    Hugs and blessings

  8. Linda from WIs..All I have to say is YEA!! I know how it is when the washer breaks (mine did a coupe of years ago....

  9. It's Kathy. I'm so glad you got everything straightened out and installed and a bonus, you like the new washer! Sometimes we just have to be persistent! I hope the rest of your day quieted down. Pretty boring here. It's cold outside, and windy. We even had some snow flurries this morning. I'm glad the day is done, the dishwasher is going and my responsibilities are over. I'm going to spend some time reading tonight!


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