Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Soul Friends Never go Crazy Alone...

 We have sunshine--- with not too cool temperatures--It's looking like a nice day--Lopez and I have walked a couple of times, up and down the back road--It's the kind of day that it feels good to be alive- 

I need a calm spirit  to-day-- I hope the good lord blesses me and keeps me calm--Himself was not good last night--was angry--at me--- all over silly stuff-- Lopez  ----who is petrified of Himself's cane---was afraid to walk by it, to come to me, so I could take him out--so Himself , I think, figured I should just leave the wee Chihuahua and go out, and I could see the cane being swung as soon as I would do that-  so--there I was not moving--there was Lopez , not moving---  and Himself yelling at me and telling me how terrible I was and all sorts of stuff  was coming out of his mouth--so, of course Lopez would not leave my side---Whatta chaotic mess!---  It makes me wonder how long can I take care of Himself--It wasn't going well --but--you know, to put a senior into a home is very costly-- and  I know he would not enjoy living there--
                                I wonder is some kind of paid help might be a better plan?--

        So, Son#2 the Pilot has been eating his way thru Denmark and loving every moment of it! The bottom 2 pictures are breakfast 

There are more from yesterday--

                                                 AND-----then guess what he found?
                                                                MAC DONALD'S

I hope that your day is going well---- Do any of you want to come up here and give me a hand?---I sure could use help--

The new washer arrives Thursday---and I really hope to finish raking the front lawn this afternoon---IF ALL GOES WELL--
Just look at the pig---She is absolutely loving her life-- Maybe it's not so bad being a pig-
What on earth do you think?

No matter what, make the most of this day--


  1. So happy you (and Lopez) have gotten walks in. . . with some sun. Yeah!

    Glad you took Lopez and got out – away from Himself. *SIGH* All I can say is you are right. It is costly to put Seniors in facilities. I took care of my parents and had care in the home for awhile before Mom became unmanageable. It’s honestly about a horse apiece (at least here) cost wise between care in the home and a facility. Obviously being @ home is the best, but . . . have to determine what works for you. AND himself.

    Holy food feast! Those look like fabulous plates of food! LOTS of food. And wow, that’s a HUGE McDonald’s.

    Yes, for sure, friends keep us SANE!


    1. I believe care in the home is the best--=as long as it is managable Barb-I admire how you did it with yer Mom--=Lynda

  2. Happy for your better day weather wise. Hopefully Himself will be better today, too. I remember when you said he had hit Lopez (and later Beau) with the cane. I don't blame the wee dog for staying close to you.
    We will have rain on and off all day today and tomorrow morning. Very windy, too.
    Did you see my reply to your comment last night?
    You will love your new washer, but will probably have several loads to catch up with the laundry. Plenty of time before Thursday to rake.
    Will the delivery drivers take the old one away for no charge, too?
    The food looks wonderful. Looks like they eat a lot of veggies.
    Oh, I told you the ingredients for my salad supper and forgot one: for protein I added black beans (unsalted),
    The dreary day today kinda makes me want to do my snuggle with Lucky early. Will try to hold off. Sadie ("who you know is really me," to quote a dearly beloved sister of mine) at least has a bit of stuff to do, to include straightening up, dishes, and litter box contents out to the dumpster.
    Enjoy the part of your day that's going well, and try to think a better thought when something isn't quite what you want.
    Yes, that piggy is adorable. Looks like she's loved a lot.
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yes he swings tht cane round and Lopez does not like it--I just dunno Maggie-- This was a bad day---but it did improve as the day went on--Lynda

  3. Keep that good attitude and enjoy this day. As for Himself, perhaps the folks at the senior day care facility would be helpful in deciding what might be your best options. Unfortunately in the States care is very pricy, and I imagine that is true there. What would you have an in home care person do? Anyway, my heart goes out to you. Aging presents so many problems and we are at the stage of life when we just don’t want to, or can’t, handle them all without some help, so we just stew about it and do nothing. Again, it might be a good idea to bring up the subject with one of the children who is more understanding of the situation and more sympathetic.
    Enough with my suggestions. You are very capable and are not really wanting our advice, just venting. It is just that all of us readers worry about you and you do deserve a break from handling everything, including a husband who has health issues that affect his personality.
    Hugs and don’t work too hard on the yard!

    1. yu are so right--I "stew about it"====and do nothing--dunno what a support worker would do--and they are expensive--Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. It must be so hard sometimes. You must have the most patience! We have a rainy day today and it's so nice to just sit and listen to the rain coming down. Some thunder too! Daisy doesn't like the rain - when she went out just now she stopped, looked around, and came right back in. I'll have to get her outside when we have a break! We live on a very busy, kind of a main road in our suburb. There are always police or ambulances going by but yesterday, twice, there were multiple emergency vehicles. So much noise! Daisy gets up on the chair to look out the window but I don't think she knows what she's looking for! I hope today is a better day for you both!

    1. poor Daisy---not liking the rtain--She has a mind of her own for sure-Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda. The piggy is adorable.
    Sorry yesterday evening didn't go well. You are patient, kind and loving and the outbursts are very upsetting. Hoping today goes better.
    No doubt you are venting but perhaps one of the sympathetic kids can provide insights. What would you have a "helper" do? Visit with doc while you do whatever you need to do at home or away?
    Great looking food from Denmark.
    Great inserts.
    Take care of you.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Marge I just do not know what to do with-him--or what a helper would do--and Lopez might bite the helper--= LOl--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! Hope all is better with Himself today! Look at those food pics and that McDonald’s is really cool! It was beautiful in Ohio today. I wanted to walk the dogs but Sadie got busy. Rainy tomorrow. Hope your weather is good. Enjoy your night!

    1. The MacDonalds looked nice I agree-Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda: Yes it was a nice day to go for some walks - if you can - I don't walk well anymore and even have a dog walker! Rain the rest of the week after today. Good food pics and of course there is a MacDonalds! Maybe the Lodge would have some suggestions for help. I know you checked on this before but maybe they would know how to get someone to come and sit with him in the afternoons or something so you can get out more or even just do stuff outside. It's going to get too scary - certainly for Lopez and possibly you sometimes too. Take care Hugs Brenda

    1. Oh Brenda --- I kinda do not know where to turn---It turned into a better day as the day progressed--but------ not a nomal day--Lynda


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