Friday, January 31, 2025

Today I am choosing Peace and Understanding--

Good early morning--dark --- It is just after 6am here--Lopez and I are up--I have a hair appointment at 9am--so--I am up early here--  will crate Lopez when I go--Last night, Son#2 took Himself and I to the Red Lobster AGAIN for supper--That restaurant is in Peterborough which seems so busy to me-- I really do prefer  it here in Lakefield---  smaller--quieter--just like a "Hallmark "Movie---

And --such good news --We got home--the phone rang, and it was Son #4--AND----He just wondered how we were doing-- It was so nice to hear from him--

I hear that  Trump says the tariffs are supposed to come to Canada to-morrow-I have no idea what that means to Canadians---- I suppose it will affect us financially --who knows--I was  not impressed with Trump yesterday , with his comments on that  "AIR" disaster--Son#2 has flown thru that air space and always said it was a disaster waiting to happen--crowded air space maybe??? son #2 is leaving for Brazil this morning--

    Remember --  just put one foot ahead of the other --and keep going--some days that is hard to do--

It is the beginning of a lovely day---  I hope to-day will be good for you -----We CAN make it that way-



Thursday, January 30, 2025

Be Strong my friends!


Good morning--  a brand new day-- AND---WE ARE A PART OF IT!   Some people are not---  my friend , Linda, who  used to run with me, every morning at 6am-- out in the dark we would go--and begin our "run", around our town--We did that for 2 years-- She passed into Heaven  yesterday----  so sad to see her leave my life-- She was an artist--She painted our shoes ---

-- I have her painting, hanging in our bedroom----She was a beautiful person--I know that she  is in a better place right now, but--  I am sad that I have to see her go--

I could not blog-yesterday-- but, I thought about you all-

The blinds are wonderful---

They do cut back on the sun --AND the people looking in, as they walk by--
I must tell you also, that Lopez, the Chihuahua, while we were taking Himself to an exercise program, went into our bedroom-- climbed up on our beautiful Duvet --and PEE-ED--ON OUR BED----  ON THE DUVET----and it is pretty much ruined--I washed it--well, son#2 took it to a larger machine at a Laundromat--and we tried to dry it--but---it's lost all it's puffiness--just not the same--Boo Hoooooooooooooo!
I missed you all yesterday--  but--I just had to mourn my good friend, Linda     

So---  How am I doing?--
Well, I miss what I was used to--a lot--but , I am trying very hard to adapt--I read the meme below--and I am trying-----(but I am not doing well, in that respect--
You all are so good to not give up on-me--Thank yu---
Be Strong my friends!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The mind believes what you tell it--

 We have snow---  a lot!--  It seemed like it snowed all night--and I could hear the wind blowing it around-This morning I have been out clearing off the car--and pushing the snow away from our parking spot--If the paper guy does come and throw out the paper, I will see it. It is cold---  very cold!

The "blinds " are supposed to come this AM--and the guy should be here soon, to hang them--FINALLY we can close them---have some privacy --(when they are hung)-----

Yesterday I did  moan (a lot!) and  I wanted to return to Elliot--That is an awful feeling you know--to be here but wish to be there--Crazy!!  I know that I am better off here-- do not have to "blow" the very long driveway---with my "sorta old" heart-----I saw a picture however of one of the people living in our house in Elliot and I could see the snow, plus the house in the back ground--you know, it wasn't only the driveway that I used to take care of, but the doggie trails around the yard also--and the walkway to the dog pen--which always was 4 feet high of snow--Anyway, enough of that eh?

            I guess everything happens for a reason eh??--Sometimes, it takes time to see the reason----

-I must get ready for this "BLIND" guy---  put Lopez somewhere--and not think too much about life's changes--  just focus on TO_DAY----

                                I shall return in a bit--with pictures of BLINDS on windows---Keep your chin up, as Dad always said---You are worth it!!!-----

                                                               Later---then--'Gater !

Monday, January 27, 2025

Poof, weekend gone!

Sushi and I say, "Hello"--- Big news here--  a snow storm heading our way--cold-er temperatures heading our way, with "mega"snow --Yuck! -- The only thing I can think about--about more snow--  is--- SPRING is just around the corner---  YEAH!!!-----oh-----AND I DO NOT HAVE TO SHOVEL SNOW ANYMORE!!!-----  hard to believe!

There is always lots going on here--running out of "whatever", which means a trip to a store--AGAIN--You know how it is----Last night Son#2 took us to Swiss Chalet for dinner--in Peterborough--That was ever so nice--

And I must tell you that  yesterday, I must have replied to all your comments , at least a few times--then I would look for my comments to your comments--AND MY COMMENTS WERE NOT THERE---  What on earth is happening eh?-- I found when I checked , just before bed--my comments (the new ones I added) were still there--  Now I understand when you tell me that you commented and yer comment disappeared--- Why is this happening??--

Anyway--- I must get off of here and try to call a few more businesses and inform them of our new address------- -----kinda frustrated here with how difficult it is to move and not go crazy--

                                                    -Now---isn't the meme below so true??--

-------appreciate every single day of our life---no matter what!
We must remember that!
My closing thought--


Sunday, January 26, 2025

"Stop worrying about dying young-"----


Good morning---  It is Sunday--"Change the bed day"---a huge (I mean--"huge") bed--in a tiny room--

                                    But--it is done--Whew!!!! and the living room is tidied up--

So--We are ready to get to Church--Son#2's wife will be singing in the Choir this AM---so, I shall "hoof" it over there and sing , of course , not to sing in the choir_ ---but--shall sing out the songs loud and clear, in the audience-- and, of course it will be exciting--  (finally made it to Church AGAIN)

So, things are getting better here--Lordy Be! I was in the depths of despair"--so sad that we are here , (away from our beautiful home on the lake)----But--there is now $$$$ in the bank--invested of course, which was impossible before---and we just might need that because I can now invite ALL OF YOU to my funeral--LOLOLO--(Well, wouldn't that be a blast?)--- You would , for sure, feel like a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON)--L-O-LO-L-OL

So, it is Sunday to-day--the day to "change the bed"--and with 3 sets of sheets, it is no problem anymore--
We now have a new Lady living  in an apartment. below ours--Last night I took her a plate of dinner-- because I remember how terrible it was to even have time to eat , for 100 weeks after the move--She had that same look, as how I felt, the day of the move--(Unless you have experienced a "move" recently, you would not recognize what I am talking about!)----The grown kids help you move in--then they are out of there--I remember , for me---that's when the tears began to flow)---
Time to get ready for Church --  Aren't you happy that you are not sitting near me , in the Church?---
I hope your day is going well-- I do hear that SPRING is in the air--SOMEWHERE---- Have the faith--


AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT DYING--(in case you are)--- WE have nothing to worry about--at our age, you know--

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Words of Wisdom--

January 25th  , to-day, is Robbie Burns day--He was born in 1759, in Scotland-- - "A heel  and a toe and away we go"" and My Grandfather  would dance me round his kitchen in Port Perry--I absolutely loved him to pieces---BECAUSE HE SPENT TIME WITH ME---and I have never forgotten him---  He was one of 13 children , whose parents emigrated to Canada many many years ago--WITH 13 children--

                                                        Gramma and Grampa on the far left-
                                                        Grampa Wallace holding my oldest bother, in Windsor , ON

-"It's a wee brichk moonlit nichk"----a famous quote from Robbie Burns-----  anyway, it is a new day --I hope that you get out there and enjoy it-----We have very coolish weather--a bit of snow also seems to fall daily----

Someone told me the other fay, that Spring is just around the corner--It seems  a long time away to me-but, I do believe that the day light hours are increasing--which is a VERY good sign---

Just a reminder that  one should  think seriously about downsizing  ---before one ages too much---  before you collect any more "stuff"--very hard to do-and even harder the more  one ages--I wish I had  downsized  a lot sooner than I did--vey hard to do however--even harder when one is "OLD"--


Friday, January 24, 2025

Are others happy because of you?--

Good day--  no snow falling --yet--and, I hope to get out of here by 9am to go to a new hair lady-----no snow falling--yet--not predicted  also---  which is wonderful--Hope it stays that way----The above is so true --NO ONE CAN DO EVERYTHING-------  but--- everyone can do something--

Himself, Son#2 and I --  got into Peterborough yesterday to the Audiology place--They poured Molds into himself's ears for the new hearing aids--It means another trip there in a couple of weeks--but--eventually-- Hopefully --himself,  will be able to hear again--I hope!---

I am up early here  to get everything done , so I can walk to the new hairdresser----a couple of blocks away--Hopefully it is not to cold!--I am hoping that one day I will get the same hair do-----that I used to have in Elliot-- If this doesn't work to-day, I have one more  Hair Lady to try--the Lady who does hair in her home--

So, life goes on---- Praise the good Lord! ----  One tries  stuff---  sometimes it works out--sometimes one has to keep trying I guess--kinda like "downsizing"---One does it---then wonders what on earth one was ever thinking----Altho, I think I am getting more used to this move--sometimes it is  hard to adjust---other days-- it seems OK--- 

My brother called  yesterday-- He and his wife sold their magnificent home a few years back and appear to have adjusted very well--They travel a lot-- and will be up here this summer----  said when we lived in Elliot, it was too far for them to visit, but now, in Lakefield, which is about 12 hrs South of Elliot Lake, now they are going to come here--nice for sure! 

I hear Lopez wanting out of his crate , so I must leave you all for now--  and get him up--Hang in there, where ever you are--It is a new day --  so---  we can try once again to get it right--

                                                            Later then--  Be strong--- Try to make others happy-Are you happy?-- "If you're happy and you now it--clap yer hands"-  --We used to sing that!---Funny how we remember  thoughts from our childhood--and they dance around, inside our head-  ---- 
Did you ever think----what if we saw "souls" --and not bodies--seeing a person's thoughts , instead of their hair -do---  
                                                    Would we treat them differently?--



Thursday, January 23, 2025

YOU ARE_unique, bold, and- talented

                                                         --only a "sorta" blog  this am---

We have mega snow falling--  Himself was supposed to get   to Peterborough--work done on his new ears--but---- the roads are bad-- (so I hear)-not ploughed yet--son#2 said if he just waits a bit, they will be cleaned off--but--it still looks very snowy to me--  I have decided to stay here with Lopez--I am not good with those "white knuckle" trips on  snowy roads---I just heard on the radio there are crashes out there--

But--- I do hope that  your day goes well, and something very good happens for you to-day--I shall check on  you later--

                                                    -something above to think about to-day--
Always remember tho--

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

YOU CAN Do It---

Of course I am late posting--I was trying to organize Himself's trip to get his ears looked at  to-morrow---  

I also, called a Lady who has moved here from Elliot Lake--She had all kinds of info for me--which I have been trying to look into---  Man oh man!--  When one moves, it sure helps if you talk to people who are living here already--she even knows a Woman who does hair out of her home--like I used to go to in Elliot lake-- and she also is going to see if her Dr. just might take us on as her patients-

-You see, there is a huge Dr shortage in Canada--  One has to be put on a list, and who knows when you will become patients of a Dr--but--if her Dr would help us, we would love that--

Did I tell you also, yesterday, they took all my recyclables--AGAIN--????--I was so happy-- ---It's quite a job to put the right thing in the proper bin--  There are 3 bins to choose from--and if he /they-see something in the wrong bin, your bin is left beside the road------Another wonderful thing that happened yesterday, "Heart to Home" meals arrived--and we tried a meal  from them, yesterday--They were OK--- not like a meal one prepares yourself--but--OK----so-- I also have a huge book on EASY MEALS TO COOK -=-=myself-

                So, I am trying--but----  things still seem a tad complicated--Will that ever change?

It is cold outside--  It was minus 21 overnight--Horrible for sure!--  I am hoping this might be the last of that "Polar Vortex"-And I hear snow is in the near future when that "Polar" thing moves out--
                                Well, I could  BEHAVE myself---- It really could happen!

I have beautiful classical music playing in this room--I just leave it on all the time--  96.3 --all classical  beautiful music---It reminds me , of when I lived at home, in London, Ontario, when going to high school, and Dad used to put on , very loud -I might add--classical music , to get my older sister and I up, after a heavy date the night before--  Memories eh?---

Yes , to-day, I am going  to be sensible --AND behave myself--but , I really feel like I could just waltz around the room here with the music playing-----

So--- I hope that your day might be musical---  just find a classical station --and ---  waltz around the room-- It does make one feel special--The Blue Danube Waltz ---and you just might feel like you are in Vienna-=




Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Here's to STRONG WOMEN--May We Be Them.-

Good VERY cold morning--minus something horrible here--worse I see in  Elliot Lake (which is quite far north of Lakefield-)-Allison says it is  very cold in Ohio also--AND, son  #2, the Pilot slept in Germany last night--returns home tomorrow-

-So, the wee fella in the picture below--Lopez-- well, I hired the trainer to begin a session with him, me, and her-- The Questionnaire sure showed me that I have --like--NEVER---  done any training with him--He does NOT know to "sit"--or "Stay"--He knows nothing--(except to bite me)-So, any help he gets will be better than what he knows now--which is NOTHING---and this first session seems affordable--

All our Shepherds went to "Doggie classes"--Why on earth did I think he could be different?--So, one more whole lot of stuff, to do--to help the little guy --  

AND----  THE "BLIND" people FINALLY called--  Hunter Douglas Blinds--- They are in--FINALLY--- We have waited 2 mos ----It might help to feel like this place is "HOME" if we had our windows covered- I feel like I know the people that live behind us here--and, I have never meant them----They have seen me in my night gown every night---  maybe even getting into my night gown--  When our patio door is covered (when ever that might be!)-I am going back and introduce myself-- They look like "seniors"--(kinda like us)-----

So, we got thru the "TRUMP"  thing--without seeing the "Proud Boys"-- etc etc-- (Canadians do not ---like that kind of stuff  --We are a fairly docile bunch of people)--

Son#2, the Pilot , slept in Germany last night--will return home here , to-morrow----Then I think he will be here for awhile----- 

SO---  I guess life just rolls on--and on--and on---and we all must keep up-- and we do, do we not?--------because we are strong women--We support each other---

You go girl----
The sun is out--The recyclables  are out by the road--- Please God---  Please make the garbage men take them away-- This day has begun---AND--- WE ARE A PART OF IT!--We really are so lucky--
So--Take "the bull by the horns"-and  get out there and shout, "I AM WOMAN-- HEAR ME!"