Saturday, January 18, 2025

A trip to India--from Son#2 ----and Good Morning-

                                                 Guess who this is from?----LOL--Son #2 the Pilot--   en route to INDIA---and-below--- his meal----massala---  paneer and rice--He said there are 4 pilots on this long flight--In fact , the flight is so long, they cannot return direct-- have a stop over in Germany--then on to Canada--

AND--great news here-- I heard from Son#3 the Policeman this afternoon--first time since we moved here that he has contacted us--unbelievable--  I was worrying over him --as he always has one to not accept "change" very well--so, He made my day!- 

OK -I shall add more onto this blog in the morning----Lopez has been out--  Cold out there-- He is now in his crate asleep --=and Sushi is running all round her meowing------ 
"The cat who came in from the cold"-- 

I'll talk to you all more , in the morning---------It has been a very good day in LAKEFIELD  here--

This was taken early this AM--looking out our front window at our car--with the sun just rising onto this day--So---  Happy Sunday--- to you all---I have changed our bed--remade it--- a challenge in a very small room--But I do love the washer and dryer in our kitchen--I call the  wee  place for it, our laundry room--and the wee closet for the furnace and AC unit, I call our furnace room-

                                    -So--Enjoy yer Sunday--Embrace  the day! 


  1. Happy you heard from #3. I know you feel better.

    1. Thank yu Marge-- so good eh to hear from a great kid-- Lynda

  2. So glad to hear that son #3 reached out. It's amazing how it doesn't matter that they are adults, they are still your kids and you care! I'll try to stop by later and see what you added... rest well, you, and Fred, and Lopez and Sushi!

    1. SO so happy to hear from Son#3 --mustve been hard on him eh--we moved so fast-- Yu gotta love these kids--even grown up-- they are my kids--Lynda

  3. I thought you would like Matt's pictures-- plus the great news that we heard from Son #3-- Lynda--Sending good vibes your way--

  4. Wow, sis...2 blogs in one day!
    Wonderful that you heard from your policeman son! Hope it was a friendly, accepting, loving conversation.
    Pets are funny, aren't they? They do their own thing. I'm surprised Sushi's meowing doesn't disturb Lopez.
    It's so cold here: -11F or -23.899C. I don't even want to go out, but the garbage and recyclables must be done.
    Bingo in our Community Room later...if it's not too cold.
    Will check right after to see if you've added more here.
    Have a happy day all day! {{{HUGS}}}, Love, Maggie

    1. Well--really not 2 blogs-- not 2 long blogs--but those
      pictures came in last night from Son#2 --was so happy to see them--and yes Son#3 actually contacted us again this AM-=was so happy to see him--It is VERY icey outside--I walked Lopez but VERY icey--all that freezing rain we had last night--Hope your day is great!!--Lynda

  5. Great photos from Pilot #2 from the cockpit! The food looks delicious! Agree about the schnitzel! So good.

    Sooooo glad you heard from son #2, the Policeman. Yeah!!!

    Glad it’s been a good day in Lakefield. Hope that streak continues!

    Hugs and blessings!


    1. Barb--It was wonderful to FINALLY hear from Phillip--- He was always one who never liked change-- I jut walked Lopez but the trail is very icey-- lotza walkers on it also with dogs -some off leash--so I just came home-- Good the hostages --(some) came home eh-- HUgs, Lynda

  6. It's Kathy. Daisy and I woke up to -13 this morning and it hasn't really warmed up any. So it's totally an inside day for us! Although Daisy's been out at least 3 times already. The sun is out and I guess she doesn't feel the cold like I do! I'm going to clear off my kitchen table and bake cookies today - it's been months and months! We had a nice visit with Lauriellen yesterday but those boys are so very active! I just hope that soon all this custody stuff comes to an end! The next court date is May 27th! That's still 4 months to wait! But by then the snow will be gone and Spring will be here! Love the photos you posted today! Have a good day and stay warm!

    1. It is colder than cold here also-- icey too-- Nice yu made cookies-- And it must be so hard to see a couple of young boys out of control--and your hands are tied-- I feel sorry for your daughter-- The boys will grow up-- Hugs to yu-- Lynda

  7. Yes! Always enjoy his pics. Thank you for the good vibes! It’s a good Sunday, our fave!

  8. cold day here ----Summer must be getting close eh?--Lynda

  9. RD in AZ here
    just an uplifting Quote
    Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or having everything happen all at once.
    Paulo Coelho
    love the picture of the cockpit in the plane

    1. good o hear from yu--I do appreciate your comments--Lynda

  10. Hi Lynda: Glad you finally heard from son #3. Hope you've heard from #1 & #4 as well. Great pics from the pilot. Wow, that's a really long flight if they can't fly directly back. It's so cold and icy here too. The ice is so dangerous when walking the dog. Have a good night. Brenda


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