Sunday, January 26, 2025

"Stop worrying about dying young-"----


Good morning---  It is Sunday--"Change the bed day"---a huge (I mean--"huge") bed--in a tiny room--

                                    But--it is done--Whew!!!! and the living room is tidied up--

So--We are ready to get to Church--Son#2's wife will be singing in the Choir this AM---so, I shall "hoof" it over there and sing , of course , not to sing in the choir_ ---but--shall sing out the songs loud and clear, in the audience-- and, of course it will be exciting--  (finally made it to Church AGAIN)

So, things are getting better here--Lordy Be! I was in the depths of despair"--so sad that we are here , (away from our beautiful home on the lake)----But--there is now $$$$ in the bank--invested of course, which was impossible before---and we just might need that because I can now invite ALL OF YOU to my funeral--LOLOLO--(Well, wouldn't that be a blast?)--- You would , for sure, feel like a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON)--L-O-LO-L-OL

So, it is Sunday to-day--the day to "change the bed"--and with 3 sets of sheets, it is no problem anymore--
We now have a new Lady living  in an apartment. below ours--Last night I took her a plate of dinner-- because I remember how terrible it was to even have time to eat , for 100 weeks after the move--She had that same look, as how I felt, the day of the move--(Unless you have experienced a "move" recently, you would not recognize what I am talking about!)----The grown kids help you move in--then they are out of there--I remember , for me---that's when the tears began to flow)---
Time to get ready for Church --  Aren't you happy that you are not sitting near me , in the Church?---
I hope your day is going well-- I do hear that SPRING is in the air--SOMEWHERE---- Have the faith--


AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT DYING--(in case you are)--- WE have nothing to worry about--at our age, you know--


  1. It's Kathy. Thanks for all the positive reminders. Some days we all just need to be reminded that things really are good. I've been in the depths of despair for a couple of weeks now - feeling like I will NEVER again be able to walk, cook, bake, or even clean the house. BUT - I am reminded today that in only 30 days I will see the surgeon and he will say "yes, you may vacuum again!" I can get through the next 30 days. And by then it will almost be March with Spring just around the corner. AND I woke up today without pain - first time in weeks. AND my daughter is coming soon to take me to Brunch to celebrate my birthday - that we couldn't do for a month because I was so sick. AND today I decided to get out the old Gratitude Journal - and let me say, Lynda, that I am very grateful for you! Enjoy church today and sing out loud. God loves to hear our voices! Have a wonderful day.

  2. Hi Lynda, great blog.
    Your house looks good. I'm happy that you are feeling more comfortable there.
    How incredibly sweet and kind to bring food to the new tennant. You are a keeper.
    How'd the hair turn out? Good, I hope and less expensive, also hoping.
    I'm thrilled that you are going to church again. Sing your head off lol. The Lord loves us to sing his praises.
    Is Doc going to senior center there?
    Great inserts!!!
    You inspire me to be a better person. I admire your positivity, strength, and so much more.
    Be happy, warm and well.
    Love and hugs from Marge

    1. Marge This is my second reply to yu--The first one never showed upon the computer--don't know why-- --Yes Himself will be going to a Day Program I hope this coming week--Lynda

  3. Lynda, your bedroom and living room photos look perfect. I can see Sushi's box and cat tree. And your wonderful piano. Hope you get a chance to play today.
    It was very thoughtful of you to bring food to your new neighbor. But you were brought up right, so of course you did that.
    Quiet day here. Not going to Bingo downstairs.
    It's warmer today with no wind and blue skies. It will be even warmer tomorrow. In the afternoon, I will try to start the car again. Hopefully it will work. Do you use gas line antifreeze in your car? I've got one more bottle of Heet.
    I hear the laundry room is free. I'd better get in there.
    I will be back later. Hope the rest of your day goes as well as the first part. (I used to love singing at church, too.) {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. Yes yu can see Sushi's stuff in the picture--and, yes, that poor :Lady-eh--and she did look tired--Awww poor yu with that car--- and its winter--hope yu go it going finally--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! Happy Sunday! Your rooms look lovely! How nice that you are making it to church again with so much to do. So sweet of you to take the lady a meal! I know she appreciated that SO much!! Sun is shining in Ohio and it feels great. Hope you make it to Medina sometime since I am near there. Ice cream, ya know?! LOL! Have a wonderful day. Hugs!

    1. One day, yes, we will get go Medina---- Wouldn't that be funto meet? Lynda

  5. PHOENIX1949

    "Stop worrying about dying young-"----

    First thing that popped into my head when I read your title was that having the surname YOUNG you would die young no matter what age!! Twisted sense of humor here at times.

    Susan, Central Texas

    1. LOLOL--- I never think about the last name_"YOUNG"--LOLOL-- Lynda

  6. What a wonderful thing to be able to go to church with family! Sing out, my friend, and rejoice. Oh, dear, Susan's comment... LOL!

    1. Hi Barb--very uplifting going o Church--Lynda

  7. So glad you were able to get out to church, and sing. And it's close enough to walk? That's nice! I'm always glad when I've been to church and singing, greeting others, hearing a great teaching. When I can't go, I'm able to watch it on YoutTube in real time or later, which is nice but not quite the same.

    I'll bet your new neighbor was grateful for the meal you took her. Just to know someone thought about you is a lift to the spirit I think.

    Happy Sunday!


  8. Maureen This poor soul lives in a basement apartment--and I haven't seen her all day --hope she is OK-=-I do not want to seem like I'm watching her but I kinda hope she is OK--so hard to move----no--I haven't persued on the cleaning Lady yet-- but I did buy a new Dyson--LOl--Lynda

  9. Oh, I could not live in a basement apartment. I need to be able to see the sky and clouds and people and plants. Maybe a basement apt is cheaper and that's all she could afford. Maybe in a couple of days check on her just to let her know someone cares.


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