I want to be happy---- We are so fortunate to live where we do---have vaccines----
I'm late posting , as I was grocery shopping--We needed bananas, plus plus plus! We have a wet snow falling--with the temperature hovering around zero-- kinda a messy day!
The grocery store was crowded--and I see that the check outs are now herding people thru their cash, like we are a bunch of cattle!-- There seems to be no more "social distancing "---- Himself wanted to come with me--- so I was later than usual getting there. He sat in the car with Lopez.
This is only Tuesday--- Isn't that so nice?--We have a bit of the week , before the weekend! --The grocery stores were full of "stuff" for gifting , for Christmas--plus calendars-- I always load up on calendars, as I send one to each of my grown children, with everyone's Birthday , marked in them-- That way they aren't calling me asking, "Who has a Birthday this week Mom?" I was given a wee Birthday Book, when I was 7 yrs old, from my Dad and I still have it and keep it up to date. I have tried to buy these , but--there are not any to be found , and when I ask in a store, "Do you have a Birthday Book?" ---they always look at me funny!
So, lunch time, then shovel time, after a wee nap----I like to shovel so Beau can come out with me , to play.---
The weight --- of me---- is still in the 180's--Lord love a duck! ----- --must be because of the above!--*S*