The one good thing about this cold is it will make more ice on the lake-- People will not be as apt to fall thru the ice, in their snow machines-- This happens too often if we don't get very cold weather. Little Chihuahuas do not do well on these frigid days--even in the parka ----I always try to keep him crated until it warms up somewhat--
I read all your responses to the blog, yesterday-- I think it broke a record--45 people put their opinion in--I appreciate ALL your opinions---Anyway, I am leaving it where it is- It is easy to access which means a lot as we are busy people with no time to search around looking for this blog. However, things may change in the future-It was so cold over night, that we had to leave a tap running , --just dripping a bit--- in the kitchen. Our water comes from a well, and we do not want anything to freeze, which has never happened, but it's good to take precautions .
I heard on CBC this morning that there is a shortage of Pilots---perhaps part of the reason people have long waits in different countries if their flight gets cancelled and they are waiting for another plane--Also, many people are flying again--
Have you noticed that there are more daylight hours lately ?-- I just looked out, and it is daylight here already. I do notice it is lighter in the evenings also. --The last day of January--to-day--onward --To-morrow will be February--
-Everyday is a gift-- EVERYDAY --is a gift--Do you think of that each day?-- I need a reminder to not let "stuff" get me down-- When one is in the 80th year, that is so important--EVERYDAY IS A GIFT --even when it is minus 22C outside-- even when 20 tons of snow is falling---and has to be cleared off the driveway-- even when "Stuff" gets gets in our way---There really is something good in everyday--
Try to be awesome--Every Day may Not Be Good---- but--- There is something good in every Day.--------------------------The " Cookie Monster" has it right---------- I think--