Tuesday, February 28, 2023

---and the snow falls--

This is what we look like this morning- It has snowed all last night--and to-day---I have been out blowing the drive so little Lopez can walk out there-
The above is a real picture , of men digging out , in March of 1947---  Below the picture  it says it took, 20 men 3 days to open that road in Port Perry, Ontario.---  I need these 20 men here to dig us out---We kind of look like this, to-day!

To-morrow is March--- and hopefully good things will happen--like--IT WILL WARM UP AND STOP SNOWING!

For now,  I guess we just shovel on--and on----  and dream of sunshine with warm air-----one day it will happen--

I read all your comments  on Chihuahuas  yesterday--and I appreciate your input-- No more bones for him---Too bad too, because they do keep him busy--- Sometimes he just keeps the bone  beside him--but--Heaven help  the person who takes it away--one  very true comment was, "Why take that bone away?"---LOL--I suppose I am always afraid he might chew off a piece of it and choke--Her comment was, "How would you like it if you were eating a great piece of pumpkin pie and someone snatched it away--"-Maybe I would bite that person too----LOLOL---  So, I do appreciate  hearing from you------ --You made me smile!

I will go out and try to move the snow from the gate to the road. The snowplough went by and tons of snow was blasted into that part of our driveway--(Where is Spring?--Where is Spring?)---Lord love a duck----Living near the North Pole ( Well, it seems like the North Pole!)_ is not a lot of fun this time of year)-

To change the subject here-I must show you "ME" in my all time fattest-holding a grandchild--and below---- is "ME" --now--- at my all-time lowest weight--but about 10 years older too--I wish I could say, I lost all the weight shovelling snow--- but----no, I lost most of it when Himself  retired and was not "Himself" anymore----Life changes as one ages --for sure! All those diet places I attended and not much weight ever fell away-- - Maybe I lost a great deal of that weight, more weight   when I learned to blow snow and spent a great deal of time out on the driveway--away from the frig--  Lord love a Duck!--

Anyway----  perhaps I am just wiser now-- stronger also---  because---  when we need to be strong-- we just do what is required-- and you know, the good Lord  takes care of the body--  *S*

-------------------Be strong to-day-There really is no good reason not to be strong!


Monday, February 27, 2023

The Chihuahua and the Housewife!

The above is so so true--There is no greater honor, love, or blessing ---than being a Mom!---The next best--is having Grandchildren---definitely not the same as their Mom, but,  to hold the grandchildren when they were babies--lay them down in their crib to sleep--and feeling  special--that these parents left their precious children with Gramma and Grampa , was almost like a repeat of  when our own  children were with us, but-less worry--

 And now we have dogs and a cat--Why do we feel that we need something to take care of ?-- It seems these pets are no worries at all---well, I felt that way, until yesterday, when I tried to take a pet store bone away from Lopez the Chihuahua and he  snarled--and then growled---- and then----HE SNAPPED AT MY HAND--- He actually seemed like CUJO reincarnated---- This dear wee dog who looks at me so lovingly most of the time--  actually drools on me ,  seems to care so much for me--- then--- HE BECOMES CUJO---
There is a lot I do not know about a Chihuahua ---like-----  why do I have him?---AND I DO LOVE THIS LITTLE GUY! -----but----he is VERY possessive of a bone--or a bully stick-- so--they have disappeared from his life--Out of sight-out of mind--- I HOPE!-----It almost makes me feel like I should go back to raising kids---  not Chihuahuas------- (But I really will not go that route-  again!)-
I did share the Chihuahua info with Himself----- which was no help-- because --he cannot hear ----so---I am sharing this with all of you, hoping there are some Chihuahua owners/Cujo  lovers out there, with advice---I do like this little fellow--- well, I hate to admit it but---I think I even am beginning to  even love him--- Am I crazy? 
Is my common sense  really leaving my body?--------Am I doomed to be eaten by this Chihuahua?----Lord love a Duck------Any help you can share with me will be so appreciated!
Well------I do love this wee fellow---99% of the time! 
Enjoy to-day----It isn't even snowing  here! 


Sunday, February 26, 2023

I believe that we can save the world if we save ourselves first.

 We shall make it a good morning---   there is a lot of crazy news out there--- I had CBC TV on as I fed animals this AM---  Lordy Be!--There is nothing we can do about the news--   the price of food-- the snow in California, the  buildings collapsing in Turkey--and--then there is Ukraine-- ---  Here we have way way too much snow--- and there are days that I wonder if I can physically keep the driveway open  or will it "get the best of me"--as Mom used to say-- Strong thoughts---- 

But, you know what?---  WE ARE  LIVING THRU THIS----and as Mom always also used to say, "We should thank our lucky stars"---- ( I realize now that Mom knew a lot-)---- Mom and Dad lived thru a great deal ---  I can remember sitting on the floor in front of a standup big brown radio, and hearing a man's voice shouting out stuff--- It was probably Hitler--and Churchill ---  We had never even heard of television at that time.  I do remember feeling that one of the man's voices, was frightening----  I knew things were  happening in the world that was not good----  my parents never explained what was going on----  but--they survived ---

So, we have sun this AM---  sorta cold --- with a big storm  arriving to-morrow---  (What else is new?)--  LOL---
The above is my message ----- Eventually  this snow should melt---  flowers--  music --- more daylight--- spring----  just around the corner--
I do believe that we can see the world if we each save our little corner--- -- 

 This morning Sushi wanted to say hello to you all---Sushi--the  feral cat who found our home when it was minus 30 outside one December--and she adopted Himself and I , after residing UNDER our bed for 4 mos.__Can yu imagine how tough her life was--just a kitten, all by herself----  even eating bird seed from our feeder-----  but--she never gave up--- Then she met me, and was petrified of me---as I was of her--- Now she visits me nightly--  sits on my chest and purrs and purrs---

It is a good day to keep our home fires burning---  stay strong--  be positive--- and dance.---I do believe that we can save the world--each ope us--ourselves-

Saturday, February 25, 2023

There is good news in March--Lord love a Duck!

 I have good news------ March is  4 days away----AND----- You know what is going to happen in March?-

Now, you all are saying--"Well, it is not here yet"----but-----SPRING BEGINS MARCH 20, 2023---and----that is a wee bit more than 2 weeks away-- FINALLY-----  the snow might stop falling--in fact, it might even melt-- Lord love a Duck! 

The official day that  Spring begins, changes from year  to year-- (I never knew that)- It is called , "The vernal Equinox", and  that date marks the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator from South to North.  The official date  changes  from March 21st to March 20th  . It has to do with the earth's  revolution around the sun. The earth takes about 365 .5 days to complete a revolution around the sun . The extra quarter of a day (about 6 hours)  is partly the reason the official date varies.

When I was in Public school,  we had a verse we used to sing-- It went like this---

Spring has Sprung

The grass has riz

I wonder where the bodies iz?

The bird is on the wing

But that's absoid

I thought the wing was on the bird--


It is so amazing----  Winter is almost over--- well------almost over---The snowblower--and the shovels can be put away--SOON--- and the hoe and the wheel barrel  can come out--SOON! ---and--- we can dance around that May Pole  ---and -- the Hummingbirds will return-- ( maybe we should load up on the sugar ----  get ready for them-- ) All this is just about too much for me-- 

Now----did I make your day--or what?

Friday, February 24, 2023

March is just around the corner-

A new  day-- very cold--minus 26C--but sunny------Even if it is cold, we can  face this day--(but--I hope it warms up soon)-----

- Before I get off on a tangent here, I must tell you that Son#1 came --IN THE DARK -last evening--and ploughed us out--the driveway and beyond the gate--out to the road-- I thank him SO SO much! -It meant so much to me-- I had been out blowing snow with my EGO snow blower--  but---- as the plough went zooming by--for the 2nd time, I knew that  all the work I was doing, was a lost cause--It had snowed all the night before--and ALL day yesterday--It looks like we live in the arctic !----  It was so good of Son#1---  It felt like he was GOD himself out there--

Little Lopez is getting  used to being dragged out in the arctic air each day, but he does better , I have discovered, when Beau comes out with him --- I guess he gets the idea of what he is supposed to do, from big Beau--  then he runs back in as fast as his little legs can carry him.

Son#2, the air Canada Pilot, had to correct me this AM--He is not in Denmark--He is in Holland--He sent an interesting food picture yesterday--  It is "Beet Root curry"--- I bet it was delicious and good for a person's health!

---a canal in Amsterdam-with "flats" beside the canal


The Vincent  Vangough Museum above -----

it is almost  the end of February--  -YEAH!---  And that means March  is "on the wing"---Hopefully March will bring longer days--  more light in our day ---and the sun might even have some heat in it!-
A kind Word is TRULY like a Spring  Day---puts a "spring in our step"-- revives or soul---I remember going to our cottage  in the spring, in Port Stanley, with My parents--  opening it up-- the days were cold --not half as cold as now--- but the promise of summer was ahead--My sister and I would help Mom  vacuum up the spiders-- we had a fire on the beach-- renewed friendships with our Port Stanley neighbours and boyfriends---- hung all the sheets out on Mom's rope clothesline's--walked to town to get a milkshake at the Pharmacy there-- It was the promise of another summer--
-always try to be strong (--  don't let the snow get you down--LOLOL)--- a new season  is "on the wing"---just around the corner--- 
Now isn't the above, the truth-----Hugs to you all---  Sadie is waiting (who yu know is really me)-to give the kitchen floor a good cleaning-----This day has begun----and it will be a good day---because we will make it a special occasion--


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Happy I'm not a Chihuahua

 And we have a blizzard  going on, outside--heavy heavy snow falling--The Chihuahua, wee little Lopez,  absolutely hates days like this--I put his parka on, but he sat down and refused to venture beyond the front steps---I can't say as I blame him! --so----  those  white pads are once again spread out--- which may or may not catch  whatever he decides too do-It's mostly a hit or miss deal!

Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot  is in Denmark--Amsterdam---right now-. He did get out of Pearson  airport, in Toronto, late last night, but I see many flights were cancelled--

The above is a picture of what it looked like at Pearson--  He said many planes had to go back and de-ice again, as there was such a back log of flights-- He says his flight just made it out by seconds before the airport was shut down.-- He flew all night-3 pilots---He  says it is plus 10 in Amsterdam--
This is Amsterdam--
------------------and breakfast at the hotel---  with Danish chips---
It doesn't look too promising about "the hair"----I shall see--perhaps the snow will lighten up as the day progresses-----If I don't get there, all next week I will  resemble "the wreck of the Hesprus"---as Mom used to say---  like the Lady in the picture below-----
   Sadie (who, as you know, )-is really me--  says she will dust and  clean our bedroom----- No matter the weather--- or as Mom used to say,--- "Come Hell or high water"--- Sadie is here--- 

I noted yesterday that a few of you told me , that you turn off the world news-- less stress--- To-day,  I shall  do that I guess , because what on earth can I ever do about it?--  

    I shall practice Happy Thinking    ---- and --believe that I can do whatever needs to be done---
Lord love a Duck! -- It is just another day , to make it a good day--an occasion-Aren't you happy that you didn't enter this world as a tiny little Chihuahua ?----


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Be a Warrior---not a Worrier!

We are going  for supplies--  Groceries--bananas----- To-morrow a storm will keep us home-- I think it will begin here this evening-- I see where there will be a great deal of freezing rain in Southern Ontario--hopefully not here--  "Ice" all over everything outside is definitely not good-----Here,  the ice that was all over the driveway, is now covered up with snow--- Yesterday I drove back and forth on the driveway and packed the snow down--  I knew I could not use the snow blower as there was lots of tiny pellets of ice which could break a sheer pin on the snowblower--which I do not know how to change.---Lordy Be! I have had to learn all this--

Himself has been somewhat better--  I think because he is wearing one of his hearing aids--and he hears---doesn't mix up what I say and he understands what is being said--  It must be difficult for him---not too steady on his feet-- having a wife telling hIm what to do and when--- Lord love a Duck!

The World news this morning on CBC was not good----I shall try not to worry---There is nothing I can do to change anything--- 

 A "Worrier" believes that  everything will turn out the way it should---

I shall peek in here later and see how yu all are doing--- I hope your day is a special day--

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

I can't believe how old people my age are.

 We have had about 6 inches of snow fall, overnight--The Chihuahua, Lopez, and I were out-- He decided to go back into the house--poor wee fellow-- No way was he going to wade out onto the back road!- I encouraged him to walk to the shed--and he pee-ed--  but--that was it!-- I suppose I will have to blow a bit of snow--- not too much, as the snow on all the ice might stop me from falling--

 So, Feb, 21st  is to-day--  It is International Mother Language Day--a day to raise awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism--  I never heard of that before. 

It is also National Pancake Day---  Now, I have heard of that!--- My Dad always made pancakes on this day, and we would smother them with butter  (Well-margarine!)-------and  syrup--maple syrup if we had it! --  Growing up, we never had real butter-- Mom bought these boxes of white margarine and it had a small orange round ball in it-

-Our job was to break the round ball, allowing the colour to mix in with the pure white margarine, in this bag, and if we pressed and pressed the bag, the colour would spread to all the bag--and eventually, the margarine was all yellow. Do any of you remember doing that???----  Sometimes too, thinking Mom would not notice, I'd somehow get the small orange ball out of the plastic bag of white margarine, and put the orange ball on my hair--thinking it would give me some sort of highlights---  Crazy!------ 

--People my age have a wealth of knowledge about --"The olden days"---  My sister and I used to think our Grandparents lived in the "Olden Days"---  that is what we called those long gone days--And, guess what?---  People my age, I realize now, lived in those days---  the "olden Days"---  I just can't believe  that people my age  are that old now! ----but, we are "wise" too--- most of the time! 

Sadie  (who is really me!)_was here yesterday  and worked her way thru 2 rooms in this house--Hopefully I can get one more room on this level dusted and cleaned--a difficult task when we have snow outside to  move---But, you know, Snoopy really has the right idea-- just lie down and dream a bit--  think a lot---  and achieve a good day---Always make everyday special---

Monday, February 20, 2023

Everyday of your life is a special occasion-

Everyday of our lives is a special occasion---  I never thought of that before---EVERYDAY  in OUR LIFE IS A SPECIAL OCCASION----I need to write that  on my glasses-- because I never looked at life like that before-If I knew that I wouldn't be here to-morrow---would I allow "stuff" to upset me to-day?--definitely not--Would  I try harder to please people?--- Well, yes--for sure! ---  Would I still try to keep the house  so clean?--NO!-----  Would I get out for a walk , instead of doing so much house work?---YES!--For SURE! --------  It is a different way of thinking---

It is cold!--Little Lopez did nothing outside this AM--Beau did! ---  and for anyone asking  about Sushi- the cat who moved in from the cold, -she says "thank yu very much for thinking of her! "--

It is Family Day , a statutory holiday, to-day in Canada--a long Holiday weekend--It is cold also, so already I see Ski-Doos flying up the lake--probably to ice fish--and we have sunshine, so it might warm up--I hope! 


There are times that one has to stand up for what one believes in---  when necessary--when someone has taken advantage of you--- 
Well, yesterday, I did that---  and it "righted" a situation---and you know what?--I felt so much better -- I never want to hurt the other person involved--but--I corrected the situation--- myself---and I did it I think with dignity--  I guess one has to believe in what is right-- that you can do this----- and what happened was not your fault--so get out there and  correct  whatever was arranged and get your $$ back-- but--I still don't believe that I can make anything happen--LOL

-Himself is now wearing one ear---one hearing aid--and it does help him with his speech-- poor guy! --  When a person cannot hear, they become so confused!--a difficult time ---for the wife also--LOL_You know, there're no classes  given on aging-- We are supposed to just "wing" it--Too bad eh?--

--Yes for sure, as Alice says above,  "How Queer everything is to-day! Yesterday things went on just as usual"-------It certainly has become an adventure everyday!- 

-anew riddle ----I hope your President's Day is a special day for you-- or--in Canada, our family day  -- Life is good if we make it that way!--