To-morrow is March--- and hopefully good things will happen--like--IT WILL WARM UP AND STOP SNOWING!
For now, I guess we just shovel on--and on---- and dream of sunshine with warm air-----one day it will happen--I read all your comments on Chihuahuas yesterday--and I appreciate your input-- No more bones for him---Too bad too, because they do keep him busy--- Sometimes he just keeps the bone beside him--but--Heaven help the person who takes it away--one very true comment was, "Why take that bone away?"---LOL--I suppose I am always afraid he might chew off a piece of it and choke--Her comment was, "How would you like it if you were eating a great piece of pumpkin pie and someone snatched it away--"-Maybe I would bite that person too----LOLOL--- So, I do appreciate hearing from you------ --You made me smile!
I will go out and try to move the snow from the gate to the road. The snowplough went by and tons of snow was blasted into that part of our driveway--(Where is Spring?--Where is Spring?)---Lord love a duck----Living near the North Pole ( Well, it seems like the North Pole!)_ is not a lot of fun this time of year)-
To change the subject here-I must show you "ME" in my all time fattest-holding a grandchild--and below---- is "ME" --now--- at my all-time lowest weight--but about 10 years older too--I wish I could say, I lost all the weight shovelling snow--- but----no, I lost most of it when Himself retired and was not "Himself" anymore----Life changes as one ages --for sure! All those diet places I attended and not much weight ever fell away-- - Maybe I lost a great deal of that weight, more weight when I learned to blow snow and spent a great deal of time out on the driveway--away from the frig-- Lord love a Duck!--Anyway---- perhaps I am just wiser now-- stronger also--- because--- when we need to be strong-- we just do what is required-- and you know, the good Lord takes care of the body-- *S*
-------------------Be strong to-day-There really is no good reason not to be strong!