Tuesday, February 28, 2023

---and the snow falls--

This is what we look like this morning- It has snowed all last night--and to-day---I have been out blowing the drive so little Lopez can walk out there-
The above is a real picture , of men digging out , in March of 1947---  Below the picture  it says it took, 20 men 3 days to open that road in Port Perry, Ontario.---  I need these 20 men here to dig us out---We kind of look like this, to-day!

To-morrow is March--- and hopefully good things will happen--like--IT WILL WARM UP AND STOP SNOWING!

For now,  I guess we just shovel on--and on----  and dream of sunshine with warm air-----one day it will happen--

I read all your comments  on Chihuahuas  yesterday--and I appreciate your input-- No more bones for him---Too bad too, because they do keep him busy--- Sometimes he just keeps the bone  beside him--but--Heaven help  the person who takes it away--one  very true comment was, "Why take that bone away?"---LOL--I suppose I am always afraid he might chew off a piece of it and choke--Her comment was, "How would you like it if you were eating a great piece of pumpkin pie and someone snatched it away--"-Maybe I would bite that person too----LOLOL---  So, I do appreciate  hearing from you------ --You made me smile!

I will go out and try to move the snow from the gate to the road. The snowplough went by and tons of snow was blasted into that part of our driveway--(Where is Spring?--Where is Spring?)---Lord love a duck----Living near the North Pole ( Well, it seems like the North Pole!)_ is not a lot of fun this time of year)-

To change the subject here-I must show you "ME" in my all time fattest-holding a grandchild--and below---- is "ME" --now--- at my all-time lowest weight--but about 10 years older too--I wish I could say, I lost all the weight shovelling snow--- but----no, I lost most of it when Himself  retired and was not "Himself" anymore----Life changes as one ages --for sure! All those diet places I attended and not much weight ever fell away-- - Maybe I lost a great deal of that weight, more weight   when I learned to blow snow and spent a great deal of time out on the driveway--away from the frig--  Lord love a Duck!--

Anyway----  perhaps I am just wiser now-- stronger also---  because---  when we need to be strong-- we just do what is required-- and you know, the good Lord  takes care of the body--  *S*

-------------------Be strong to-day-There really is no good reason not to be strong!



  1. Lynda, I was 12 when we had that much snow and I was at my sisters house in the country and can remember the piles of snow that looked like these, so high!! Lovely and deep to play in though, lol.

    I think you got your answer about Lopez and his bone by the person who said 'why take it away from him and how would you feel if someone snatched your pie away from you?' I never tried to take these things from my Chihuahuas. I hope that helps.

    Take it easy shoveling all that snow, you're not a kid anymore and that is strenuous work! We don't want anything to happen to you, my friend. I know I look for your blogs daily, I don't always reply to them but I sure read them!

    Oh dear, all the work you have to do and Fred unable to help with it now, would definitely make you lose weight but as I said above, do take it as easy as you can with the outdoor work, that's something someone else should be doing for you.

    We had a lot of snow and freezing rain yesterday and for us, this may be our last burst of snow this winter! I love being indoors looking at it but realize it's a chore for those shoveling.

    Love and lots of hugs coming to you, Fred and your pets xoxoxo

    1. Gloria--You are a GEM! --Yes, Why take the bone away?-- It seems he only turns into Cujo when someone (ME) takes the bone away--(so far anyway)- I just walked him up the road , in his parka, and he did both his businesses---- He really is a little trouper!---- -He loves big Beau---- and yes, why I do the snow blowing and shovelling, I just don't know-- Son #1 came this afternoon and really cleaned the driveway--- He made my day for sure! -----Son #2 the Pilot, is on his way to his cottage-- had to pick up his wife last night at Pearson who was a flight attendant , coming back from Calgary-- She didn't land till 2-30-AM --as all flights were delayed due to the weather--He is happy heading to his cottage in the Kawarthas ---with their dog -Gerrard! ---Nice to hear from yu-- Lynda--with much love !

  2. Yikes! We are supposed to have snow tonight. I’m so ready for Spring!
    You look great!!!!
    Have a good day. Jacquie

    1. Jacquie--No----really??-- more snow tonite?---- Lordy Be! --Son#1 was here to clear the drive--- SO SO good of him--He really made my day-- Lynda

    2. Oh my gosh. **SIGH** NO MORE SNOW! It really, really needs to stop snowing!

      Awwwww ((((HUGS)))) Life does change so much when DH’s – Himselfs – retire. But . . . we’re still upright and YOU look good w/the weight loss.

      Well, here’s a hope that Mother Nature reads the memo – NO MORE SNOW (please and thank you – have to be polite, right, even if we don’t FEEL like that!)


    3. oh Barb --sO much snow--- Son #1 came and helped out a lot--with is big Kapoka or whatever it is called--LOL-- So nice to hear from yu Barb-Lynda

  3. Lynda, you need to stop shovelling snd bloeing so much snow. The couple who came to clear mine said it was heavier because thate was freezing rain on top here. As your son has started helping wait for him to come and help. We don't want you to have a heart attack! They're talking about another storm coming through late Friday - enough already mother nature! Relax for the rest of the day.

    1. Son#1 came at noon--and it meant so much to me--Good boy eh---we are picking up a meal and bringing it home for dinner--am pooped--Lynda

    2. Glad you picked up dinner, all that work is so tiresome and frustrating! Need a good rest and some entertainment. Be glad when winter is over.

    3. I think I will play the piano-- LOL--- Lynda

  4. I wish this snow would quit. I no sooner get the ice off of the car and it is back again. Apparently we are getting more on Friday. Spring can't get here soon enough. It is so nice that Son #1 came and cleaned the driveway. That really helps you in a big way. Take it easy and stay safe.

    1. Oh Madeline-- I hope we never get any more snow-and yes--so good of son#1 to help-Lynda

  5. I think the snow has all gone THERE this winter, because we haven't had any at all this February, and just a sprinkling in January.

    1. It sure has all come here--I can send yu some tho if yu want--LOL-Lynda

  6. Oh, my goodness! Yes, you do need to be strong, and I know you will be. Dear Lord, provide!

    1. Hi Barb-- Lotza snow fell here to-day-Son#1 came to help me--YEAH! Lynda

  7. Lynda, maybe if you got yourself one of those grabber things to pick up stuff off the floor, you would not have your hands close to the mouth of said Chihuahua??????? LOL.....I have 3 all different lengths. One is about 3 feet long, one at 2 feet and the last about 12 inches.

    1. I have a "grabber" thing--from the Dollar store--great idea!--Lynda

  8. It's Kathy. We're expecting more snow overnight and I've had about enough. Thankfully I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I really hate driving in the snow. I hope someone comes and plows you out tomorrow. Seems you all have gotten a real lot of snow this winter!

    1. It looks like Baffin Island here--LOL--So much snow--Lynda

  9. Not MORE snow EGAD. Hope son comes to help! Your working so hard with that stupid snow. Enough Already!
    You look GREAT!
    Play your piano.

    1. Son#1 did come-Bless his heart! -Lynda

  10. Glad to make you smile, Lynda. This yorkie mom just had to give you the pumpkin pie analogy. lol I understand your worry about him choking. Once a mom, always a mom. Right? Hope your snow stops and Spring comes quickly. It was so rainy here in Ohio yesterday but nice today and tomorrow and then rain again on Friday. Have a great week!:)

    1. Well, yu made lot of sense with the Pumpkin pie thing--LOLOL--Thank you-LyndA


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