Thursday, February 29, 2024

Feb. 29th--- then.....MARCH....

 Good  "Leap Year" Day-- Feb. 29th--- the extra day to February-- Minus 22 C here outside--VERY cold!  The good news is, yesterday we did NOT lose power--Isn't that amazing? We had a multitude of  weather situations--- freezing rain--ice pellets--- snow--high winds---  and still, our "power" stayed on-- which meant--HEAT-----  I did NOT venture out onto the roads---- but--to-day---is------
                                                                       HAIR DAY----so-- I shall go to town---

Son #2, the Pilot, is flying off to Mexico to-day--He says there will be 4 Pilots so he will get a bit of a rest----I told him that you all appreciate his photos of food---so--of course there will be more Mexican dishes appearing to-morrow--and maybe  even a MacDonald's  something--

Are you excited , because --to-morrow-----is--------MARCH-------Why do I always think of March as "windy"  ?---  We usually do get a "Bobby Duzer" of a snow storm, (the last one)--- in March---  just before April appears--We can handle that however--because, we know by then, that Spring is around the corner----

                                        Yes, I believe to-day we shall have a good day--
-The 2 boys (as in dogs ) have been out --  Lopez will have to go again--he was not too happy with the minus 22 temperature this AM. He is so tiny --so close to the cold ice-y ground. My heart went out to him--he wears his parka, but has his bare toes on the ice.

Hopefully Sadie , that cleaning lady (who , of course , is me!)- will appear again to-day to dust the living room and give it a good "once over" , as Mom used to say---  (Where do all these expressions originate--?----  Do you ever wonder about that?)-----  "TO GIVE IT A GOOD ONCE OVER"---  Did your Mom ever say that?  Lord love a Duck! 

I see the sun is out here-----Himself will be home to-day--His Day Program is to-morrow- and by "Hook or by Crook" (another of Mom's sayings)-- he will be going in the morning--"--  
I  pretend that I am right a lot of the time--but-- I really do not know what I am talking about--LOL
Make your day special in some small way--- or--smile at someone , and make their day special--

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A day , maybe--- without POWER___

I am blogging as fast as I can here--We will probably, lose  power with a temperature drop---maybe in an hour --or before--Our driveway is sheer ice--no way could I get the car out--and there is no way I can take Himself into town to his day program--and if I did take him in, I probably could not pick him up, after the flash freeze hits and snow--so------  I thought I might as well talk to you all, and tell you what is happening in our part of the world.
This arrived from Son#2 ---  He is back in Toronto---  out for coffee---  and guess where he bought the coffee?-----his favourite place for sure---

 I had to take the 2 dogs out---in the pen--to do their business-- I was afraid big Beau., who speaks English--(dog english tho)-- I was afraid he might break a leg on the driveway ice-------

                                             Good Morning to you--said from my heart--

-I have no plans for to-day---Sadie was here yesterday--so---  if I just survive this day--- without a power outage--I will be very happy--- In this area all our schools are closed----- no school buses on the roads----I suppose it is another day to be strong--think "survival"--play the piano maybe----  read my Kindle--- (Do any of yu have a Kindle?)-----

                                           - I wonder how it is in your part of the world?--

                       ----If I have any advice for to-day--it might be---to not be a miserable cow--

                                       and-----never trust anyone who doesn't like cows

                            and do not forget to SMILE to-day--'specially if yu do not lose power-
 It is almost MARCH--- a month , hopefully  when one can go fly their kites--the March Break arrives and we can all go to "Porta Front Porcha"-( it's sorta like PUNTA CANA, only on your front porch)-get that bikini out-----and the Flip Flops--Well----one as to dream-----


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Women's Day every-day----

We have mild temperatures---no day program---which means --no trip to town--- which also means--BOTH BOYS (as in dogs)  have been out-- but--little Lopez needs to go out again---No snow is falling---which is the best ever----The cupboards are full of groceries---and--I THINK----  I THINK--I can stay home all day---- Holy Cow!

You know, I never thought about  being not replaceable at home-----  Did you ever give that much thought?--Of course no-one can do what we have to do in our own homes----so, we must take care of "US"------

I am used to being alone---Himself doesn't hear me---so it's sorta like living alone--at least in my thoughts---The 2 dogs and the cat hear me, but do not reply to what I tell them--so----there is all of you----and that's why I chat away to you---and try to respond to all your comments, at the end of every day-----I truly appreciate what you have to say---
                                          -seems like it's Women's Day everyday here ------

-To change the subject, Son#2 , the Pilot, is finally back in Toronto-- said it was a smooth flight all the way--- saw some lightning around Tobermory, Ontario---He sent some food pictures from Las Vegas---Kailua pork---- with 2 scoops of rice and a mac Salad---

                   -- He ate at an "L and L", restaurant--totally an Hawaiian place----He tells me that a            great many Hawaiians have moved to Las Vegas due to the high cost of living in Hawaii----

                                         Time to get  this house  into some kinda shape---I haven't heard from Sadie, that cleaning Lady , who, as you know, is really me---
Have you ever jumped in the car and forgotten where you were going?--- Now , that would really be the pits---Do you make lists ?------where you are off to, and what to do there----I do not believe I could survive without my list---even tho, I try to remember that I am stronger than I believe---

We have to be tough----, tender, and laugh as much as possible--

                                       Sending you all hugs -----so, until to-morrow-----


Monday, February 26, 2024

Let your smile change the world--

 The day program was cancelled for to-day--not enough staff---too bad eh? We were already to leave--so-- Sadie cleaned the dining room and kitchen floor---and as soon as I get done here, we will go to Food land to get some fresh bread for lunch--Food land is the more expensive grocery store in town--and they have a bakery--plus a few more items the other store does not carry-It will be an outing---

I had a call from Son#2 --the guy on the rt., in the above picture-He is sitting in Las Vegas---  The plane he was supposed to fly back to Toronto last night, never made it out of Toronto---Apparently there was a "mechanical-"----  so, he will be back to Toronto to-night--Another plane has been sent to pick up passengers who were supposed to return last night-- I think that is how the story goes--
Anyway I was happy that his text came thru , in the night---

The 2 dogs have been out--did their business ---- very cold this morning for them--it is warming up a bit now-- I hear that their cousins will be visiting them over the March Break-- Lola and Appolo---We will have 4 dogs-- Which is OK---  They all get along--

We used to say, "Liar, Liar,  Pants on Fire"----  and I can't remember the rest of it--I saw the below meme and it made me LOL---

Is you day going the way you like?-----I hope so-----Is it going to be a good day???-----Are you as happy as a clam at high tide?-- (Dad used to say that)-------Just breathe-----and carry on---
We  are heading into town-----will be back  for lunch----  We have sunshine----  and it seems like a good  day to have a good day---

                                                                 NEVER - NEVER  --FORGET____

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Yes girl, you can.

 Good Lord---  I had to get bananas---  at No Frills--  I tried to get there before the snow that was predicted to fall, but---- Himself, who rides "sidekick"---  had to do his  stuff--and wasn't ready to leave---  so---as I was driving along the highway, the snow began to fall--Lord love a Duck!--And on the way home. it was like a blizzard---I just crept along coming home---because the highway was slippery---Any sudden  move, and   I knew we would go into the ditch--But, we made it there and back--- Of course, once we got home. the groceries had to be lugged into the house--then put away-- Well, you know how it is-- some goes upstairs into the frig  and some goes to the frig downstairs--

                                                          How is YOUR day going?

To-day is SUNDAY---Mom used to call it , "The Lords Day"------Did any of you watch the Election results last night--?---- Lots of stuff going on there ---I think it might be good to just read a good book----forget about the election ----

So---ever onward here--  I see the snow is piling up outside-----Do I  shovel this afternoon----or---do I bake some muffins?--Lord love A Duck!!!-----Do you feel that there needs to be a dozen of you somedays?
Son #2 the Pilot is now in Las Vegas----flew there last evening-----No food pictures have arrived as yet, but I'm sure they will appear soon----

                                             -remember that you can be a Strong woman--- I believe you are stronger than you know-----Remember  that you are special----unique-----and can do much more than you believe--

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Be Happy to-day---

 It is freezing cold here this morning-minus 22C outside---- too cold for even big Beau to go out--but--we can still be amazing--To-day I shall not go for groceries --I believe it will warm up later--at least to around zero--and that means, to-morrow will be a lot better to go out in the car. We still have about 4 mushy bananas--plus, it will give Sadie a chance to clean the dining room and living room--

When you listen to the news on TV and you hear of all the wars going on in the world, does it worry you?-- Then there is climate change, with fires --out of control fires due to the lack of snow and rain in certain areas--We live in the Boreal Forest--other words, in the bush---lotza trees----lots of dead trees--- I believe it could be a real fire hazard-- I have a list on our frig of what to pack in a "Grab and Go" pack in case of fire--  Who would ever think it might  come to this?---  But then, I am a real worrywart---I must keep believing that everything will  turn out for the best--or--maybe I should have that "grab and Go" package, ready to go---

-Himself uses an "I PAD"----checks the weather on it hourly-- I presume he will always keep me posted as to  any situation arising-

I see Skidoos heading down the lake- going ice fishing-- The cold weather is good in increase the ice on the lake--

I suppose we should not give a RATATOOTIE------just enjoy the day --- and be happy--- after all. it is the weekend---ENJOY while we can----
Did you realize that TODAY is the oldest that we have been, and the youngest you will ever be---?--That kinda puts a good slant on things--

I hear Lopez . barking--wanting to go out-- so, I best get off of here--  put a face mask over my mouth and nose, and face the elements--- Remember  , no matter what. that we are strong--
So, on with the Parka---  the mitts , boots-etc etc----  and I am out of here---- Are you all are up--ready to get "at-er"?----Lord love a Duck! It is going to be might cold---I best stop, Dilly Dalling---and Lolly Gagging---and get ready to face the elements
                                        I hope your day is extra special---make it that way---oh-- Sadie said to tell you all , an interesting thing below--- Sadie knows everything--
and ---remember to be happy to-day---


Friday, February 23, 2024

I thought growing old would take longer!

Good morning---  --and the above is me--with the "new Hair"--lighter--not as grey-- and--below is how I used to look--at least I felt like I used to resemble that picture--
We all need a good laugh---

Himself is at his Day Program---and he  could hardly wait to go this morning--- It is VERY cold outside--going down to minus 24C to-night--  and then-----right back up again right after the cold night-This is a very different winter for sure---

When I pick him up. I will circle round to "The Source"--where Amazon sent that mouse pad yesterday--It arrived into town to-day-- Right now I am using a magazine as a mouse pad and it is working quite well--one of you suggested that---
I hope that you are having a good day---That is important that you decide to make to-day a good day--Do you ever wish a day was longer than 24 hours?---Think of so much we could get done---but-----then--think of how tired we would get.

The above is so true isn't it?---  When I think back.,  I never realized that getting married would be so much work---there were the schools we all went to----then--the challenge of meeting "-Mr Right"-  Was he "Mr Right?-- then the children----the diapers--- decisions to use cloth or paper diapers-----finding a place to live--   helping hubby find work---taking on minor work to keep the home fires working---Mom used to always say, "A Woman's work is never done"----

I never ever thought of EVER being older than old----It just never crossed my mind----   And I still, at times, feel  like --no way-----  How did all this happen so quickly?---- Right now, I am probably older than my Grandmother was as I remember her--- Below was me in 1964----- 

But----- Women , I believe carry a huge load---and, we never really stop to think about it-- We just do it and before we know it---  our families look like this----

                                        I THOUGHT  GROWING  OLD WOULD TAKE LONGER!
Good thing we are strong--
