Good "Leap Year" Day-- Feb. 29th--- the extra day to February-- Minus 22 C here outside--VERY cold! The good news is, yesterday we did NOT lose power--Isn't that amazing? We had a multitude of weather situations--- freezing rain--ice pellets--- snow--high winds--- and still, our "power" stayed on-- which meant--HEAT----- I did NOT venture out onto the roads---- but--to-day---is------ HAIR DAY----so-- I shall go to town---
Son #2, the Pilot, is flying off to Mexico to-day--He says there will be 4 Pilots so he will get a bit of a rest----I told him that you all appreciate his photos of food---so--of course there will be more Mexican dishes appearing to-morrow--and maybe even a MacDonald's something--
Are you excited , because --to-morrow-----is--------MARCH-------Why do I always think of March as "windy" ?--- We usually do get a "Bobby Duzer" of a snow storm, (the last one)--- in March--- just before April appears--We can handle that however--because, we know by then, that Spring is around the corner----
Yes, I believe to-day we shall have a good day--Hopefully Sadie , that cleaning lady (who , of course , is me!)- will appear again to-day to dust the living room and give it a good "once over" , as Mom used to say--- (Where do all these expressions originate--?---- Do you ever wonder about that?)----- "TO GIVE IT A GOOD ONCE OVER"--- Did your Mom ever say that? Lord love a Duck!