Thursday, February 15, 2024

Laundry will always be there--


We are in the middle of a blizzard--  I have been out trying to clear the bricks in front of the garage, but--as fast as I clear the snow away, more is falling so fast , it covers the bricks again -- I finally gave up and came in--Before that, I was up, walking around the front lawn,  in my night gown and a parka--Lopez  got me up at 
3-30am, 4-30am and about 6am--with "the bathroom runs"--Poor wee fellow--
Himself fed him some beef from last night's supper-I called the Vet's answering service and they were going  to message the Vet at 8-30am---so--down I drove----in the blizzard--on a very slippery highway--

All seems well now--- He had the tablet and it stopped all the problems---When I returned home, I was 
wondering why the Vet and the secretary kept looking at me---  Guess what?--I had forgotten to put in my "high speed choppers"--- ( what Dad used to call his "Bridge" in his mouth)--------Never have I gone to town without my "BRIDGE'--
The trip back home was slow going as the snow , mixed with salt on the road made the highway very slippery--I just took my time, and tried to stay in my own lane, and decided that to-day will not be a Hair Day--A winter storm is a good day to stay .

Remember the cat in the Hat???--Isn't the guy in the above picture  the Cat in the Hat???--Anyway, he is reminding  us all that we do make a difference in this world, just by being ourselves----
I am cutting this short as I see more snow falling--  We really are in a blizzard here-What is the weather like where you are?-Is it snowing?----
I shall look later  and read your comments---  Hugs--- 
Thought you might get a laugh over   the below thought--


  1. So sorry about your weather - we are supposed to be about 60 today with sun. Can't beat that! I live in Illinois so it is a mixed bag of weather. Love your last meme as I am on my third load of washing this morning. Mainly sheets and blankets.

    1. Yes--- Laundry will always be there--kinda funny eh?--- Hugs, Lynda----Oh---Yu have way better weather than here-- Enjoy it!--

  2. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. Yes, we had a lovely lunch. I wasn't terribly impressed with the Shrimp Scampi that I had but it felt so good to just be in a place where other people were. We haven't done much of that in the past several years. We had snow that started yesterday. Probably more snow than we've had all winter so far! Almost 5 inches - pretty much up to Daisy's belly. She's not happy this morning - didn't eat her breakfast, or the piece of banana her dad gave her or the treat I gave her for going outside. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like the snow any more than I do BUT it will be back in the 40's by Monday so it should mostly melt by then. I've been totally spoiled this winter. Sorry you had to get up with little Lopez AND drive into town on those slippery roads. I'm glad you made it there and back safely. Good idea on staying home for the rest of the day! That's my plan too.

    1. So good that yu were out for lunch--16 inches of snow has fallen and what a snowy mess it is!-==-= Hopefully we don't lose power now with the wind-Those little blue pills sure stopped Lopez diarrhea---- I knew they would-- but driving there and back was not nice--Nice to hear from yu Kathy-Lynda

  3. It's colder today than it's been all week, but the sun is shining. We are predicted to get snow overnight tonight, after having a week of these "unseasonably warm" temperatures. My trainer picked the right week to travel to Florida! Unfortunately, I'm here in Nebraska... so, I shall choose to be grateful and therefore happy, as your graphics remind me to be!

    Hope you stay safe and warm, and yeah, you must have been worried a lot about Lopez to head to town without your good choppers!

    ((( hugs )))

    1. LOLOL---= Imagine--going to a vet with no teeth --=Yu know, I should've put a mask over my mouth--never knew that I did not have my "choppers" in-but the vet and hois nurse were looking t me weird-LOL-Lynda

  4. OH NO! Wish there was a sol’n to keep Himself form feeding poor Lopez beef when it makes him sick. OMG! Glad you made it to the vet and back safely but . . . how embarrassing to forget the high speed choppers, eh! Oh well. Some days are like that, right.

    YES! The Cat in the Hat (Dr. Seuss’ muse) is wiser than wise! We DO all make a difference in this world.

    Please be safe in the blizzard!

    We had 4 in. of snow overnight, but that’s it. Not enjoyable, but nothing to really complain about, especially compared to your weather!

    HUGS and love

    1. Poor little feisty Lopez eh? He seems better to-day-- Whatever those tiny pills are , they work wonders--=The drive in to get them was slippery-- but---I did it--very carefully-- I never knew that salt on a slippery snowy road is quite bad to drive on--anyway--- it was worth the tip to get the pills for Lopez--Hugs Barb-Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda: You made me laugh about the teeth, although I wouldn't be laughing if it was me! Poor Lopez. I guess there is no way to stop himself from giving him beef as it obviously doesn't agree with him. It has been snowing pretty good here for a couple of hours but the worst is supposed to stop by 6 or 7. Here's hoping. Have to take my dog back to the specialty vet downtown early tomorrow so hope the roads are ok then. Smart to leave your hair for another time. Leave the snow for your son to come and clear. It's too much for you. Play the piano and relax instead. Hugs Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda-=-=Yes sorta embarrassing at the vets--Only twice in my life have I gone out without that Bridge in my mouth--Yu know I could've put on a mask if I had of known--didn't realize till I left--was thinking-- "Boy! They really were starring at me--LOL--Hopefully yu don't get the snowstorm we are in right now--16 inches of snow-so far-- Lynda

  6. Oh, my goodness, sis...amazing memes today!
    We didn't have a full on blizzard. It isn't snowing now, but overnight we got around 3 inches. I didn't need to go out today, but ran the car enough to warm it up and melt the windshield and back window. With the sun full out, it's almost all clear now. We will have another couple very cold days (no more snow predicted yet), then the beginning of next week it will be 10+ degrees over freezing. It will all go away then.
    Our resident manager looked out the window while I was downstairs and said, "This is what I wanted on Christmas!"
    Sadie did a bit of stuff here this morning and still a bit more to do.
    Poor little Lopez! Too bad you can't catch Himself feeding the wee guy. Also, won't the vet let you have a few of those tablets to keep on hand? I try not to eat beef often. It makes me too smelly. ;-)
    I don't blame you for not going out for your hair. It is one thing that can wait.
    Your bridge? I have full dentures and a gum ridge that has shrunk. I have to 'glue' the dentures in with sealant. Once at karaoke, while my adopted daughters were with us, I laughed...and the uppers fell down and almost out of my mouth! Very embarrassing, but funny, too. We all laughed.
    With that picture in your head, I will sign off 'til later. Lynda, try to get some rest and relaxation in. {{{HUGS}}}

    1. We probably got 16 inches of snow--so bad--and now wind-=-so--hopefully no power outages--and, yes I always try to save a few of those pills for Lopez--The vet says give him 2 a day for 5 days--Usually 3 days does the trick--Oh yu lost real teeth--like me--I have these medal things holding the bridge in --Funny ---= your teeth falling out--kinda like me-- this am at the vet--I thought--"Why are they looking at me funny?"--=LOL--always good to chat with yu Sista--LOL--Lynda-

  7. Hi Lynda, your blizzard and accumulation sounds horrible. I'm so sorry you had to drive to town in storm for pills for Lopez. Sorry Lopez got you up several times and sorry himself fed Lopez beef...again. You are going to need a nap if you haven't already had one. Hope your power stays on.
    Great inserts.
    Sadie was busy here today as she'd slacked off a couple consecutive days.
    Glad you are skipping hair apt. Doesn't sound safe for you to be out.
    Hoping son or hired plough guy show up.
    LOL yes I'm not lonely as the laundry is keeping me company.
    Several inches of snow predicted for St.Louis and cold again. Can't complain after hearing what your getting.
    Take it easy today. A nap and a book.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. So much snow out there and its coming down again--Yes Son#1 came with his Kabota--but--- it is filling in again--Hopefully I can get groceries one of these days--=Lynda

  8. Awww thanks so much Sandra-- --I just read your comments now-- Right now I believe he is best here--but--there are times, I see that he will not always enjoy being here with me--probably will need more care--My kids have all this advice however-want to see him in a home--kinda drives me cray--LOLOL---Thank yu for the advice--Lynda


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