Thursday, February 8, 2024

A Nap Solves Almost Everything

 Good morning--It looks like to-day will be a good day---Lopez , the Chihuahua slept ALL night-- then got up with me, and big Beau, the Shepherd, and  outside-we all went---on the ice--- Ice everywhere-- left over from the melted snow--Most of the snow that was on the roof is gone--- In all the years that we have lived here, I have never seen a winter like this-- But----I wonder what is to come?--only February, then March--- and then-----

All is well on the Western front (Dad used to say that)-----meaning----"HERE!"------ Are you heaving a sigh of relief?------and----It is Hair Day--- You got to love "Hair Day"--

                                                            Son #2 sent the below picture
       a coyote  in his neighbourhood , on a street corner----  quite fearless I bet--and  also scare-y---

This morning, walking along the back road, little wee Lopez kept looking into the bush and growling and barking-- He can smell wildlife, which I cannot see--Quite often when that happens I have to turn around and head home-

How are "you" to-day?-- Do you have a lot to do??--  Is Sadie, the cleaning Lady,  visiting your house to-day?--Will you get time for a wee rest ?-

--Do you have your nose into a good book, and what are you reading?

I must mention that our youngest Grand daughter had a Birthday yesterday--She is now10 yrs old--and such a sweet little Lady--The whole family celebrated her Birthday together, at a dinner her parents had for her--after opening each gift, she gave each of us a big hug-- Grandchildren are so special---everyone of them!-----making  memories, is what it's all about---Himself  appreciates all these "get togethers"--

To-day is a good day, to have another great day--- and here we are--a part of it! --Aren't we so fortunate to be a part of it??---Even when you believe you cannot continue--go on anyway----What have you got to lose???


                                     ----ever onward here---maybe  repeat  after me-----

                               Girl---get out there  and do your stuff (Dad used to say that)---


  1. Yeah for hair day! Have fun!!!

    We have coyotes, too. They are CRAZED right now. Mating season I think. Would NEVER leave Miss Lilly out alone! She’d be a snack for them.

    Sadie was here yesterday to do the dining room, and kitchen. Mighty find job she did, too. (PAT on the back for job well done!)

    Awwww, happy birthday to your 10 yr. old granddaughter! Glad Himself enjoyed himself.

    HUGS and here’s to a good Thursday, HAIR DAY!


    1. That's where Sadie was eh?---at yer house-- LOL--Good for you to get all that done-- Lynda-

  2. Enjoy your hair day! Nice looking coyote! We have those and Bobcats here in north Texas, they can jump into a yard, grab a small animal, and jump out, in a blink of an eye. Mating season has begun, too. Careful of that ice! Enjoy your day. Nice that you got to celebrate your ten year old grand!

    1. We have BobCats also-- afraid of those-- I never leave the dogs out alone-Lynda

  3. That was great of let you sleep straight through! Lucky woke me up an hour and a half early, and I got up. I will need a nap later. Sadie stuff to do first, though.
    I am sure your granddaughter's party was fun. Her parents raised her right with all the hugs and thanks.
    A bit warmer (well over freezing) and sunny here today. The breeze still feels cold. Thankfully, we don't have ice.
    I am not reading a good book currently. I have several on my Kindle, though.
    I have a tasty free lunch today from one of our residents. It's a ham and cheese sandwich on a seeded bun, a green bean salad with onion and pimento and potato salad that has eggs in it, too. Oh, and a navel orange.
    Then it's sweep the floors ( maybe wash them, too) and get out the garbage and recycling.
    Lucky will be ready to cuddle then for our nap.
    Sounds like it's been a good day for you so far. With your attitude, I'm betting it will continue! {{{HUGS}}}

    1. very mild here also--It went up to 7 --AS I type, Sushi is beside me on the floor--good little girl--lying on my T-shirt here--Nice yu had a free lunch and it sounds good--I have Sadie booked in here tomorrow -had problems with Himself when I came home this afternoon--seems over it now--some of his trouble is , he cannot hear--think Ill take his ear things in and have them checked--It makes me realize that I might not be able to take care of him much longer--Oh man--- What to do -what to do-- Lynda

    2. Take care of yourself first. It will help you take care of him, or make the decision to have someone else do that. Praying.

  4. Hi Lynda, Marge here. HAPPY to hear it's been a good day YAY
    Yes, we have coyotes here in town too. I think it's mating season. Be careful and especially careful on the ice.
    Enjoy hair day.
    Granddaughter sounds like a lovely young lady. Happy you and himself enjoyed the party and HUGS.

    1. YU know. I never leave Lopez alone in the pen-- I know those coyotes are around and Ive heard hopw they snatch a small animal and run-- Lynda

  5. Marti here. Strange weather everywhere. Here in Central Ohio it is 62 degrees out, and partly cloudy. A record, I think I read. We definitely have global warming, which worries me.

    1. Global warming seems scare-y--- never heard of it as a child--- It has been the mildest winter on record here-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda: Hope you have some salt to put on that ice. With the warmer weather it should melt it. Maybe March is gonna make up for what we've had so far. I hope not but........ Glad Lopez is behaving today. Did you see what was in the bushes? Hope you enjoy hair day. Glad himself is having a good day! Enjoy the evening. Hugs Brenda

    1. No Brenda--I can never see what he is growling at--but it seems he sees it--points right in to the trees--I do trust his nose tho--LOL--Lynda

  7. Good evening, Lynda! I hope you had a great day! Happy belated to your granddaughter. She is a doll! Coyotes are scary. We have so many here in Ohio. It was almost 60 today. It is 52 right now. I had hair day yesterday. I think it is a bit too short but it grows is all I can say. lol I was Sadie today but not too much because I did too much a few days ago and letting my lower back pain go away. The yorkies are enough to care for so I did not do a lot. My husband can go on doggie duty tomorrow evening at 4 for the weekend. I can't wait for that break. lol

    1. Our daughter said it was plus 17 in Medina-- IN FEBRUARY-- Wow!--Lynda

  8. It's Kathy. Wherever do you find all these wonderful, motivating memes! I look and look but can't seem to find anything as much fun as what you find! I had a very nice day today - 2nd in a row with no crises in it. At least not yet! Sounds like your day was good too. Sorry about the ice. We did have rain today, once in the early morning and then again in the mid afternoon. I didn't walk Daisy, but she didn't seem to be feeling very well herself! She didn't eat her breakfast until well after noon! Sounds like a lovely birthday party for your youngest granddaughter. My grandson's birthday was yesterday but they're 250 miles away so I sent presents and talked with him at the end of the day - he turned 4. Then the next one is coming up later this month - also turning 4. But closer to us! I love these celebrations!

    1. The celebrations are so good arent they?-Family milestones will be remembered by that child--- It sounds like your day was good--Hugs , Lynda

  9. I spent several hours yesterday helping an elderly lady from my church move to a new place. She is on oygen and and can't do much for herself. It was hard trying to decide where to put all of her stuff that had been boxed us and brought to her new place, where she doesn't have to cook or clean for herself. I worked in the kitchen and bathroom while some other friends took care of the bedroom and living room. I was exhausted when I got home and have made up my mind that I don't want to move anytime soon....but I am going to get rid of more stuff that I really don't need. I don't mean to be critical of my friend, but I was putting things away for her that should actually be thrown away. What an eye opening moment for me. As we age, I think we hang on to so many things that we cling to, but no longer have any need for. An example is the swifter mops that she brought....her tiny little kitchen that she doesn't have to use because food is serve 3 times a day there, has a tiny little floor as the rest is carpet - but they come and clean her apartment for her so she doesn't need her vacuum cleaner or two swifters! LOL! But the moved with her. A good lesson for me. I have so much stuff....I don't want to move out of my lovely home where all my memories are. I basically live on the main floor....upstairs bedrooms, office, and bathroom are only used when family/guest come, and basement has exercise equipment and kids playroom and storage.....and this is the area that I am tying hard to declutter! Whew! Sorry to burden you with my thoughts...but I know you live in a large house too....but I am not also dealing with some of the things you are struggling with at this point in your life. I think of you daily and hope that you can keep going and make things right for yourself, your sweet pets, and Fred!

    1. Sandra--Funny that you wrote because Ive been wanting so much to talk to yu---You are in a large home--like us-- My kids keep telling me to get out of this house but, it is our home--and we are used to it and the thought of boxing stuff up and moving sounds like more work and money than its worth--All our memories are here also--I am comfortable here--plus we live on 2 out of 4 levels--Fred is a huge problem , but to move him to another house will upset him a lot--he is safer here-my children do not understand-- Gee--I'd sure love to talk to yu--- So far, I manage everything quite well and I do not mind doing it all-- at least till we see how Fred will be-He does not handle change-- Sandra-Thank yu for writing-- so much--Lynda

  10. Butting my nose in but I do really think a move would be very hard on Himself, because he is used to his home and the burden of moving would fall on you...and my word I just went thru this when David passed away, had to clear out the house and the garage and clean and be done in a week. It was really hard and the stress of all that is why I have stents in my heart..........

    1. I do agree with yu and am so happy to hear yu say how difficult it would be for Himself to move--and--yes it would all fall on my shoulders-Thank yu Datrlene-Lynda

  11. Consider how hard a move will be, if something happens to You, and he would be swooped right out of the house, placed somewhere he has never been, and that’s that? And others will take your house apart, and toss all kinds of things, etc. All done without you around to monitor. So many of us wind up that way……

    1. so---- are yu saying stay here in this house???-- Im leaning that way yu know--Happy yu wrote-- I need to hear advice-Lynda


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