Monday, April 29, 2024

Be proud of who You are!

Thank you --- a huge thank you to all of you for  all your kindness  during my horrible terrible awful day yesterday--I do appreciate  your positive words-- I sat here and blubbered---- you really are precious and true friends.
 It is a new day now, and Himself is at his Day program--He did not go willingly but the staff there reassured me that he would be fine after I left-
-You know, it reminded me of leaving a very young child , on his first day of school--The picture below was his expression as I drove away---but, I knew life would become better as his day progressed---

        Lord love a Duck!----Would you ever think that expression would appear 95 years later in life???

_As I drove away, I though, "Just keep going Lynda, he will enjoy the program once I am gone--"-Roll with it!"

We have rain----and wind  here to-day--cold also---Our daughter called this AM and she said it was 85 degrees in Ohio--Now, if I were a hummingbird, I would jut stay in Ohio--forget travelling north--
-and--it is tax time in Canada--and Himself , of course owes  money----so, the accountant has sent all the right papers in-on time---and it's up to me to figure out how I shall arrange to pay  the tax people---
I think it will require some meditation on my part, to make sure all is paid --and------on---time----

How is your day going?---  Is it a relaxing day for you?--- Do you try to get a wee rest in, in your day?-----The day seems so much better if one does--Smiles are easier to pass on------and one feels more content with what you have done!

                                                Always be proud of who you are!



  1. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I absolutely love the Snoopy & Charlie Brown meme about friendship! While we will probably never meet in real time, I believe all my on-line friends are true friends! I'm glad you left himself at the Day Center, I'm sure he will be fine and it will probably help his mood. I know I have to force myself to do things sometimes, my preference is to just stay home with Daisy. But when I do go out with friends or go to the gym, I always feel better when I get home. Things just seem brighter. We have another rainy day here, dreary and chilly. BUT, sunshine and 72 degrees tomorrow! I hope Daisy and I can take a short walk. Enjoy your quiet morning!

    1. But-wouldn't it just be the best if we ever were to meet?--Yes--Himself was at the Day Care--- AND--I got him to the Dentist this afternoon for his teeth cleaning---It was cold here to-day also--with rain and mist all day--and--I called my seamstress who meant me at the Lodge and took the 2 huge bags of clothing away--I was happy that she might make use of some of it!--I hope to-morrow it might warm up--- Lynda

  2. (((HUGS))) from PHOENIX1949, Susan, in Central Texas

    1. Hi Susan--a former Sparker--- from Texas--- Lynda

  3. Glad things will perk up there at the house. It really IS like dealing with a toddler though, truthfully. Use all the tricks you can remember…..we are ALWAYS the mother, aren’t we?

    1. We ARE always the Mother---the caregiver is the Mother--LOL-And yes, it is just like dealing with a toddler--He does need a lot of "telling him" what to do--and there is the problem--LOL--- Better if I pretend I am deaf--Lynda

  4. So glad today is a better day for you! I think sometimes we just get overwhelmed with all that is happening in our lives and our frustration builds! So it is good to let it out! The people at the Lodge telling you Himself would be fine after you put a smile on my a former Kindergarten teacher, I had to reassure many moms who had to leave a crying child with me....but it is true...they are fine as soon as they realize mom is gone, but they are safe with me until she returns!

    1. yes, He doesn't give the nurses at his Day Program, any trouble--only me---and it does get overwhelming at times--Thanks Sandra for understanding--Lynda

  5. I am glad you survived your terrible, rotten horrible, very bad day. PHEW. It is not easy. And glad you got Himself to the Lodge. He AND you need that. And for sure, it’s like a kid NOT wanting to go to school, but. . . once they’re there, they are FINE. Just have to get over the hump.

    Holy heat wave! 85 degrees in Ohio. We were ½ that yesterday. At least today we’re in the 60’s.

    Wishing you luck w/the taxes. You’ll figure it out. I have faith in you.

    Not a relaxing day, but it’s fine. Jason started out w/PT this morning, then we dropped off a computer monitor, a little lunch, and the electricians are here to fix the light switch.

    Mom always said the day may not have been perfect, but if you can lay your head on the pillow @ night and feel you did your best, that's a good day. She's right! YOU are doing the absolute best you can!

    hugs and blessings

    1. Oh Barb--I like what your Mom said about "doing your best"--- It sounds like you have a lot going on at yer house to-day also--Himself even got to the dentist this afternoon--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda
    Hoping all is better with himself this afternoon.
    Oh yes, WE do become the mothers.
    I envision the face on himself while being coerced out of the car. He'll be fine.
    Love that you maintain your humor and positivity. You're the best! Although we'll never likely meet, you are a dear friend. Snoopy has it right.
    Owing taxes is the pits
    No doubt you'll figure out how to pull off another magic act.
    Sunny and 70F in St.Louis
    Rained last night. We've had 7 inches of rain in April. Everything is green and lush.
    No, I seldom take a nap. I'm up early and go to bed early. Most days I do an exercise class at the gym in the mornings and always seem to have errands in the afternoon. Enjoy your nap. You earned it.
    Sadie helped me tidy up and clean 2 bathrooms before the gym. She's a dynamo.
    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Marge I always think of you with the inserts-- I know if they make me LOL, they will put a smile on your face--Yes all of yu on here are true friends, for sure--and yes I will make some arrangement with the Tax people about paying the taxes--They always do get paid--but seldom do we need to pay taxes---Himself was better to-day -- I try to ignore all his complaining--because he forgets about it all right after--a strange disease eh--- Hugs , Lynda

  7. Lynda, I am glad Himself is at his program. It will be followed by a nap and, hopefully, a good evening.
    It's misty alternating with more than a mist coming down here, too. Cloudy, of course. My weather app says it's to be about the same for days. At least it's 20 degrees (almost) above freezing.
    I went up to the veterans' hospital in Minneapolis today. Had to turn in paper work to my primary care doc at the Women's Clinic, get more labs done and pick up my Crohn's drug. Of course I had to stop at the Canteen for lunch. I had a BLT and sweet potato fries. Couldn't resist a lemon bar for desert. Have half the sandwich and fries for later.
    So much walking there, but it's good for me.
    Now I must see if Lucky wants me to play with him and tire him out so he will take a nap with me. That will be my wee rest.
    Hope you get one, too, sis.
    When I win the lottery, I am up to see you !{{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie.

    1. Yes-- Himself was at his Day Program--then a nap at home here--and then a Dental cleaning--- Funny because he didn't want to go to anything but he did well when there--I just turn off my ears--LOL--Now--Do yu have Crohn's Disease and what does that entail??-- Your lunch sounds great!--LOL---- and when I win that lottery, yes, maybe we will meet half way somewhere--LOL---Say hi to Lucky--- Lynda-

  8. Hi Lynda: Hope himself cheered up after he was at the Lodge for a bit. It was colder and not as nice as I thought it would be today. They're tearing up my street and I can't get in my driveway as of today. Had to park on the street and get someone to help me get to my driveway! Hope it doesn't take too long. 85 degrees in Ohio - nice. It was warmer yesterday. Hope your taxes get in and paid ok. Mine went in last week. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda--- taxes filed--not paid ---but will be--- and yes, Himself liked his Dy Program and he did well at the dentist this afternoon--Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda! I hope Himself enjoyed the program after he got settled in. Gosh! We had to pay taxes, too! Yes, very hot here in Ohio today. We had outside stuff to catch up on so we did it but we were exhausted from the heat. We got a pizza for dinner. How was your day? Have a lovely evening!

    1. I heard it was hot in Ohio-- We had rain here ALL day and cold--I got Himself to the Dentist this afternoon for a cleaning--He diod not want yo go, but I pretended I didn't hear him complain--LOL--- Lynda

  10. Relaxing Day? With Ember and The Prisoner balancing needs with me? Hahahahahahah!

    Seriously, it's been a very busy day, but a good one. Ember's in her den awaiting her "last call" before the midnight potty break. Prisoner is outside, having spent a couple of days indoors sheltering from the wet. He's looking good and content, although still not a fan of the puppy, he at least knows he still has a home here. And he seems to know she's here for good, too. They just have to get used to the idea that they are both loved by the same human!

    1. Those 2 pets of yers are so fortunate to have you as their Mom---Prisoner gets outside--AND returns back to yer home---Ember sounds quite "laid back"--unlike Lopez who barks at Sushi--scares her---- Anyway I do love them both-- They do figure it all out eventually--Lynda


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