The Happiness Fairy just sprinkled Happy Dust all over you------- You WILL have a great day---
The man of the house is at his "Day Program"--- and getting him to go, was not an easy chore--He gets his own ideas that when the lady who runs the program is away, that he does not want to go----BUT--- I GOT HIM THERE___late of course----but--"Better late than never--"----and I know when he comes home, he will be happier, just to get out of the house--
I spoke to Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot , on my way home this AM--He is sitting in Montreal, waiting to go to Brazil, this evening--He will be flying over the equator in the night and that is where the cooler air meets the hot air, and he expects turbulence around there. I hope everyone in his "plane" buckles up--- I know he will tell his passengers--He tells me that people who fly that route often, are always aware of the turbulence in that area.
Did you enjoy the weekend?-- I sure did! And I did get the front and side lawn cut--have the lake side now to work on--There is no time for a "Pity Party"--just because I am "sorta old"- does not mean that I cannot push a lawnmower does it? --Aging --is not an excuse--
I never remember my Mom , EVER cutting grass--Funny eh?--- You know, I do not remember my Dad doing that either--- Maybe my 2 brothers cut the front and back lawn-- I don't know--so, perhaps I should have stressed to my children how important it would be to take care of their Mom and Dad----particularly the "MOM"-----oh well---I must not mourn that now---- Dad used to say, "The good Lord helps those who help themselves!"--Maybe its the colour on my head--the Hair Dye-- that is deceiving---you think???
So, is your day going well?------a smile always helps----a song perhaps--always remember that you can choose to be strong---------