Saturday, May 11, 2024

Spend more time making memories-

 Good morning beautiful person!---  Rise and SHINE! -It is a new day--- a new day to get everything right--I have a bit of "house-y" stuff to do--then a few errands to run---groceries to-morrow I guess! 

I was walking little Lopez this morning and son #1 who lives at the end of our road  drove by--He will take Himself , Monday morning, to the hospital---I will go in later on , and eventually bring himself  home. For the life of me, I dunno why he is insisting on having this bowel scope done-even if they find anything, at his age, (almost 96)-they will not do anything--But, I was told yesterday--by him, that I am just a (now get this)-a "lowly nurse" and "what do I know"--  Now how do you think that made me feel?--Why on earth did he marry this "lowly nurse"?--- Good thing I know he is definitely NOT himself anymore--so I don't take what Himself says very serious!

And it is a good thing that we all know that "WE" are--Weird, wonderful , sensitive, impulsive, crazy, mystical, lovable, magical, and beautiful-----no matter what anyone says about us--and even more-- just look at how we can dance up a storm--

How is your day going?  Don't ever be like everyone else--  Never be afraid to be unique----authentic--

Son#2 is in Britain-flew overnight--probably sleeping now--  I was happy to see his text early this morning-saying, "landed"----Apparently it was a very full flight--His pictures will begin to arrive later on--

I must get this house tidied--and get on with the day-----I saw the meme below and thought of all of us-- trying to declutter what went before us, and reliving our memories  as each day passes now and everyday--The above reminds us to  forge ahead , and to make new memories-- not relive the past -


  1. Good morning, Lynda! Raining all day again in Ohio so a good day to drink coffee and play with the yorkies. Good to know the pilot has landed safely. Goodness, hope Monday goes well. Sorry, you are NOT a lousy anything! You are a VERY special person! Great meme. Don’t forget that and glad you aren’t taking his words seriously! Have a super Saturday!

    1. Never take a 95 yr old too serious--close your ears and carry on--and never cry--lynda

    2. Absolutely!:)

  2. Maybe, Lynda, Himself doesn't even know his age?
    I'm glad you understand the changes his condition causes and aren't too badly bothered by them...most of the time.
    I've got housey stuff to do, too.
    Last night was a huge geostorm. Even all of Minnesota could see the Northern Lights (you probably get to see them a lot). The best time was to be about 1 AM. I planned to go out of town a few miles where there is a lake. I could park where on the south side of the lake. No trees to block my view. I finished my evening routine and there was still almost 3 hours to go. Just couldn't do it. My daughter lives 40 miles north of me. They were visible at her house! She took some beautiful photos and said, "If I knew I could see them here I would have had my mom come here." I would have stayed overnight as it is harder for me to drive in the dark.
    It's something on my bucket list. I regret that I missed the show.
    I am happy you have your sons to help you and that one lives so close!
    Our favorite deejay will be deejay at karaoke tonight, and my 'adopted' local daughters will come. Chery's mom is moving here from Wisconsin. They will bring her and her visiting friend. We will have a big group.
    Let's hope Sadie helps us out today. I plan to enjoy the day. We are all alike in some ways and unique in others. We sometimes need to flaunt our uniqueness. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie he tells me every minute of every day that he is old--kinda sad really--- because he should be enjoying every day=I took him to Canadian Tire to-day and he absolutely loved being in there-had all the sales people running all over--Yes, enjoy your Karaoke-- I bet you have fun--Lynda

  3. Good morning dear Lynda.
    Beautiful day in St.Louis. Sunny and cool 64F. Sure beats storms.
    Glad that son will take Fred. No idea why he's insisting on this test...but ok. I suppose it's the physician in him. His comments to you...NOT TRUE on any front. You are not lousy at anything. Try not to let it get you down....sticks and stones my break my bones but words can never hurt me. This person is not the same person. Let it roll like water off a duck. You are EXCEPTIONAL. Dont forget it.
    I liked the insert about stuff. So very true. It's all just STUFF. GOOD memories are far more valuable than things. Hoping you can make some good memories today and every day. I know you can as you are a positive woman. I admire that about you.
    Maybe the kids will get you boxing lessons so you can learn to roll with the punches. lol
    Sadie will be showing up soon. I've got lots for her to do today.
    Always a relief when son safely lands.
    Are you able to see the Northern Lights where you are? My friend in London, Canada can....just yesterday and likely today.
    Need to get busy. Make today a good one and share your love.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Awwwww Marge--Yu are very kind--Yes we do see the Northern lights here spectacular--It was a nice day here--and I took Fred to Canadian Tire to-day and he walked all over the store--loved it--Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. I'm so glad Son #1 will help you on Monday. Honestly, I often think we get more help and information from our nurses than the doctors we see. And while at one time I wasn't too sure about Physician Assistants - now I would choose them over a medical doctor if I have the choice. We are having another beautiful day today. I'd like to be outside, but I have to clean my house first. You're right, after 3 pretty good days, the pain has returned, but at least not too bad. Not too much longer to see the Doctor! Have a good day!

    1. Good that you will be seeing the DR soon --It was a lovely day to-day here--but I took Fred to a couple stores this AM--and he walked around-=-He usually will not go int a store but did to-day-Lynda

  5. Whatttttt? “just a lowly nurse”! UGH No comment on that one!! Glad DS#1 will take Himself on Monday. Certainly if we are critically ill, it is the NURSES who spend the bulk of their time taking care of us . . . not the Drs. *Sigh* WE work the 3 shifts to make sure patient’s are taken care of. ‘Nuff said on that one, eh!

    Gorgeous weather day. Had breakfast w/some friends early this morning. That was nice.

    Glad son #2 landed safely in England. Does a Mom’s heart good to get that “landed ok” text.

    YES YES YES! We have to definitely spend more time accumulating memories @ this age and stage of life, rather than accumulating more stuff!

    HUGS and peace


    1. Barb--This aging thing is a terrible thing isn't it?-- LOL_-My husband is really terrible with what he sys these dyas--no filter--LOL--Lynda

  6. Thank goodness that son will take him to the test Monday. If he acts like a 9 year old, why believe him to do that test? Do you have to pay for the test, I guess the hospital needs the money, so they go through with it. Good grief, good luck! The stuff is important, while getting the stuff, that is how we get the memories.

    1. no-- do not pay for the test--It is covered-but--still--why put a 95 yr old tru that--for nothing?--Lynda

  7. I laughed at the "lowly" nurse comment. Your husband started practicing medicine way back in the day when nurses were mostly women and got no respect from the male doctors. And, with his aging issues he has probably reverted to that thinking. Glad you have a sense of humor. I believe you mentioned that he is afraid of dying and so I imagine that is why he wants the test, and thinks the medical world with keep him alive and on this earth. Unfortunately, none of us live forever.
    Stay strong, keep smiling, and keep making memories!

    1. The "lowly" nurse--That's what he called me--I wanted to "biff" him one--and yes, he did practice "way back when"--when nurses were at the bottom of the totem pole--- Crazy how he wants this scope--because nothing will be done at his age-but--NOPE__HE GOING GO HAVE IT_-come hell or high water--Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda: Glad the pilot landed safely. Look forward to the food pictures. Good that son #1 is going to take himself for the test. I gather it's a colonoscopy. Is he going to have anaesthetic or no. Did you see the northern lights last night? I didn't. As for all our stuff that we accumulate, I had to get rid of all kinds of stuff when I moved down here as I had no place to keep it. It's not as hard as you would think. So stop worrying. Relax tonight. Hugs Brenda

    1. Brenda how did you know that I worry about getting rid of stuff=-=I worry about moving LOL-- I guess I worry pretty much about everything--LOL--Lynda--

  9. Hope Himselfs' text goes well - you are right about them not doing anything, this is just a moneymaker test. As for being a lowly nurse, where would drs. be without nurses?

    1. Crazy , crazy talk eh Darlene-- Hopefully the test goes well, but at his age, I wonder how it will go----Lynda


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