Monday, May 20, 2024


                                                                Live in the "NOW"--- 

To-day is "Victoria Day"--a Holiday in Canada--No Shopping for bananas to-day---- No shopping period!---- Below is a picture of Queen Victoria----I guess in her days, people, especially Queens, wore a lot of clothing--even on their heads--and I'm sure there was no A.C.---  One has to be grateful that we were not alive then, in the summer--so, things could always be worse!

I must tell you, that I saw a rabbit this morning, when walking Lopez--very unusual to see a rabbit around here--probably why the neighbours have spotted a Lynx   or  is it a 'Bobcat" wandering around the neighbourhood--? They feed on rabbits I hear.

Son #3 just appeared---helped me clean out one side of the garage-- There was everything in that side but the kitchen sink--At least I can sweep it now----There is a riding mower which is never used anymore--Decluttering AGAIN! --- 
Tomorrow I shall return the new mower-

  Well---  Guess what????  The EGO mower--the one I thought was not working----  nothing is wrong with- it--- -  CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?--HOLY COW---SON #4 came out and extended the 2 arms on it and it is now working--HOLY COW!-- I AM GOING OUT TO CUT GRASS--There IS a GOD in HEAVEN--- -- I Hope that your day is going well-- --  Mine is starting to----
                                                            My closing thoughts here---at the end of this holiday weekend-
I do feel like a bit of an idiot here--buying a whole new Lawn Mower---  and all I had to do was extend the EGO arms-----and my very most favourite mower is now working---I feel like a -bit of an idiot--


  1. Happy Victoria Day! It is 86 in Ohio! Went for my mammogram and an oil change today. That is enough for one hot day! lol YAY! Great news about your lawnmower and another YAY for your son coming to help you. I had a bunny running around yesterday. It came up on my back deck and then around on the front porch. It was so cute. Glad my yorkies could not see it! Have a wonderful holiday evening!

    1. It is hot here also--AC running-- kinda nice tho--and now I have 2 mowers--- Yes the 2 boys Son#3and son#4 were out here to help me to-day-=so good of them--=Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda, I laughed so hard at Lucy insert. Love it. Hey, no putting down yourself. How were you supposed to know the arms go out...that's a guy thing. So glad #4 got that mower fixed and you can mow like a wild woman. Returning the mower is one less hassle on your list. Happy to hear #3 came out to help declutter the garage. Keep up the great work. Hoping the boys took some "stuff" to their houses.
    Happy Victoria Day. Yes, I'm glad I don't have to wear all those layers of clothing.
    Another hot day in St.Louis..90s. Storms supposed to roll in later.
    I have not seen a single rabbit in the 4 years I've lived here. I've got plenty of squirrels. The cicadas are hollering like crazy.
    Have a great evening. Don't work too hard.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Oh Marge--- It has been a crazy day--ow I have 2 mowers--very hot here also--- Sion #3and son#4 came out to declutter the garage-=-and it is so nice to have the space--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda: Glad your sons came out to help with the garage and the mower. At least the mower is now working and you're getting rid of more stuff. A bit at a time. And you don't have to take the mower back now. That is great. Hope the big cats don't eat the little bunnies. Has himself recovered from his scope yet? Hope he's able to go back to the lodge on Wednesday. Have a good night. Brenda

    1. Yes he will be going to the Lodge on Wednesday--hot hot hot here--LyndA

  4. Glad that son #3 was able to get the mower working and helped you declutter one side of the garage. That was nice. Every little bit helps, right!?!

    hugs and have a wonderful Victoria Day


  5. I think we all have those moments of "feeling like an idjit!" I had a low point or two on Sunday, but Monday seems to be lifting me up, a bit. I've always likes Mondays, even whey they are not holidays.

    May your Victoria day be a victorious day, in terms of your chores!

  6. Happy Victoria Day. glad son was able to fix the mower.
    Cant wait til Wednesday as I go for acupunture...

  7. Lynda, checked for today's blog several times earlier. Now it's bedtime, and I see it.
    Happy your mower works now. Our kids to know more about certain things than we do.
    I know there is a necessary food chain, but I still feel sorry for the bunnies.
    Knowing you have hummingbirds, I messaged you something I was sent.
    May doc appointment went well. She and her nurse fixed all my problems. I am only 115.3. BMI borderline underweight. I LOVE IT! It's always been a wish to eat what I want and not gain.
    Hope you see this, Lynda. Maybe you'll check to see if I posted in the morning. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie.


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