Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Don't worry-Be Happy---

 A brand new day---  an empty slate--I have decided to be happy to-day--- I am not going to worry about anything--because I cannot change a thing--I am doing the best that I can--I must accept what is thrown at me---and I know that I can handle most of it--and so what if some stuff doesn't get done-- There is to-morrow-- Now if I can repeat the above 465 times-----

Oh my goodness---Life can be complicated--but, I know that I tend to make it that way--I am going to try  to-day to not  worry about everything--Geez----

I am heading to the grocery store shortly-- It's one of those days that I need everything--I find its the "putting stuff away" that is the hard part--some upstairs --some downstairs--

How is your day going?--" If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands--"
 We have a beautiful day here beginning--
Lopez and I need to hoof it up the back road--me in my bug suit----so many mosquitoes--
I shall try to live in the moment to-day--
stop worrying---
Be grateful------ 
Be you!



  1. Good morning, Lynda! Yes, let’s be happy today and not worry! My nephew comes this evening so that makes me happy! High 60’s in Ohio today so much cooler. Road rage at the grocery store is about right. LOL You always make me laugh! You ARE Wonder Woman! Have a terrific Tuesday! Hugs!

    1. Sounds like your weather in Ohio was the same as ours--Yes the groceries got done--but I made a weird supper--we should have just brought as meal home--LOL--Sometimes that is better-- Lynda

    2. A weird dinner! Lol I am sure it was fine. We have days like that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You ARE a WonderWoman! I hope shopping goes well. It is hard on days when you have to do a big shop, as I call it when I need LOTS.

    Here's to a good Tuesday.


    1. Yes Barb, It was a BIG SHOPPING Day--but, that went just fine LOL--Lynda-

  4. Hi Lynda, yes it's a beautiful day in St.Louis and I'm going to have a happy, beautiful day no matter what lol.
    Your first paragraph says it all. I hope you do tell yourself that, and just to be sure you got it, say it 466 times as it is TRUE. That moto makes our days much easier. That, plus, staying in the moment. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here so all we have is today. No point in worrying it away. That only upsets MY serenity.
    Road rage at the market. LOL. Haven't we all thought that a few times. I agree, dragging bags inside and putting stuff away is not fun. I can't let my himself help as I'll never find my items. It's the same thing when he puts the dishes away....its like going on a scavenger hunt. You'd think he'd know where things are kept after years...but no...never. he trys...it's easier and faster if I just do it myself sigh.
    It's another fabulous day with sun, a light breeze and a high of 80 degrees. Loving it.
    Have to get moving as my himself has cardiologist appointment this morning.
    Have a fantastic day. Keep on keeping on.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. I hope that your cardiologist appointment for your Himself went well--and it was a good day, because we decided to have a great day--LOL---- Hugs , Lynda

  5. Great attitude today, sis!
    Yes, life can be complicated. That is the reason to concentrate on what we're doing and wait for the rest. Sometimes I make a list. I check off each thing as it's accomplished. I try to do the most important things first. The rest can wait.
    It's cloudy and rainy here today, and not too warm, either. I will tell Sadie that she needs to go to your house later to help lug in the groceries and put them away. Then she can stop here to see if our rain has stopped. Then she can lug out the garbage and recyclables.
    Tomorrow we are supposed to get sun. Maybe your weather system will move south to us.
    Made a good supper for myself last night, so I have the leftovers for later.
    Glad you choose to be happy, Lynda. Even in the worst of life, it could always be wore. And there always is something we can find to be happy about...something that we love. Maybe you'll get some chance to cuddle with a pet, play some music, nap with your book...
    Know me and all your followers love you and are on your side!
    I saved that last meme. Terrific. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Good idea with your list--I never thought of that-- Weather-wise , it was a weird day--rain, sun--then more rain--etc etc-- with black flies--I did get a rest in tho , with my book and Lopez-- How was Karaoke? Hugs Maggie-- Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda: Great thoughts. yes, don't worry about everything. I was doing some of that last night and didn't get to sleep until almost 2:00. Doesn't pay because we only hurt ourselves! So keep it positive today for yourself. I hope the black flies are almost finished if you have lots of mosquitoes. Hope you got everything put away. Hugs Brenda

    1. so many mosquitoes here-- rain off and on Also--- Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I needed your blog today. I am also deciding to not worry about things and to just be happy. Thank you for all the wonderful positive thoughts. I really love the quote with Olive Oil in it! I hope your trip to the grocery store is successful. Yes, I agree. The shopping is manageable but the putting away is so much work! My husband puts things on the belt in the way that he wants them bagged but do you think the cashier can manage that? Nope, we get frozen food with the canned goods with the fresh vegetables! Then when we get home it's harder to put them away! I went to Pilates today, guess that's my big thing for this day. Daisy likes having me at home! Enjoy your evening!

    1. Hi Kathy--- Yes the shopping wore me out-- Nice that you got to Pilates--- Lynda

  8. Thanks for the posters and great thoughts! Have a good one! Donna_cps2

  9. I am happy today! My grandson came over and mowed all 4+ acres for me! Yesterday, I was hoping for some of my family to come over - but they all had other plans so I ended up dragging out the two solar covers for the pool and put them on myself....of course I was feeling sorry for myself the whole time....just had to have a little "pity me" party and then I got over it and got our the hedge trimmer and trimmed two of the 7 bushes that are looking overgrown....so I felt pretty proud of my accomplishments hahaha! I tried to weed whack while grandson was mowing today, but only got about 1/3 of it done as my back began to ache...so will do a little more tomorrow and maybe even trim another bush! One day at a time, one foot in front of the other - and somehow everything gets done eventually! Keep sending those positive blogs...love hearing from you every day!

    1. Oh Sandra, do I ever understand-=-yes-- a little each day and eventually it does get done--Nice of your Grandson to get there to help yu however! Did yu have to ask him or did he just arrive? "Pity Parties" are OK also---It's hard work but--you are doing it--- and --it's your home-- Big hugs--Lynda

    2. He asked me if I needed him to mow! Of course I gave him some money for the hours he spent here - totally worth it as I didn't have to spend about 4 hours on the mower! He is much quicker than I am! He gets done in about 2 1/2 hours!

  10. Tuesday went pretty well... one of the highlights was napping side by side with Ember in the afternoon. It was warm outside, and we chilled in the family room to "Dog TV".


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