Thursday, May 16, 2024


We have sun--with black flies--Lopez and I walked early this AM--I wore my bug suit so I looked like a Lady from Mars--but--the good news is--Lopez did what he was supposed to do--What a good boy!----

I picked up Himself from the Lodge yesterday and he was exhausted-- Poor guy! -I believe  at the age of 95, after a scope at a hospital, he was just plain tired and I never thought of that happening-- Why would I not  think of that?--  And he still seems tired--  Dunno if he will get to the Lodge to-morrow-- No results back from the scope yet---They removed some polyps  and sent some scrapings away to a lab----

This is the wall that had to be dug up--then rebuilt, yesterday--The 2 workmen were here at 9am and left about noon--- 
When they finished with the wall, they carried lawn furniture down to the docks--and my huge table which I use to fill planters , they dragged out of the shed--and we cleaned out the shed and I sent them home with countless items that had been stored in the shed for years--shovels--a rain barrel--even tricycles, and toy "Tonka" trucks which their Grandchildren could use-- It was things that had been shoved into the shed a million years ago and never taken out--So, the dock area looks great again--
Somedays the work around here is overwhelming-- There is so much to do, and only me, usually does it all-- It was such a treat yesterday to have help--

And I so appreciated hearing from you all last evening--I felt badly also for not posting yesterday--but--you all seemed to understand--

This weekend coming up is a holiday weekend in Canada--May 24th--As a kid, we used to chant: " the 24th of May is the Queen's Birthday and if we don't get a holiday, we'll all run away--"--the Queen we referred to was "Queen Victoria"--thus--this holiday is also called,  -  Victoria Day '---This was the weekend that Mom and Dad   used to  drive us all to Port Stanley , on Lake Erie, to the cottage-- and we would open it for the season--Below is a picture  of Himself, "Fred the Med" , as Dad used to call him, on the beach at Port Stanley with  our son#1--

I best get off of here--Himself is trying to watch the swimming championship on the IPad  and it keeps going off-- Did you know that Son#2, the Pilot still holds the record for the fastest time in Breast stroke for 10yrs--all our children were Speed swimmers--

        The "BE STRONG '"  poster , below, is interesting--something to keep in the back of your mind--


                                                            Enjoy this beautiful day---



  1. Lynda, I don't blame Himself for being tired. All that worry ahead of the scope, all that waiting for results...negative emotion is always tiring.

    Great memes, as always. Yes, we should not care what others think of us. We are comfortable (hopefully) with ourselves.
    The wall looks great.
    Love that photo of Fred the med and son #1!
    The inspection is over. The reason they do it annually is because our building is a senior subsidized building. That means we are all low income and the government pays part of our rent. They want to be sure we are safe...excess clutter is a fire hazard. The head lady asked if all the outlets were working, etc. She also asked if I like it here. I said well, yes. You have to expect certain things in a multiple dwelling unit...neighbor slamming doors, people no cleaning the lint filter in the dryer, etc.
    My video doctor appointment is in a few minutes. I haven't got the link to sign in yet, but my web cam is all set up. It's thanks to my doctor son and daughter that I have these things at all.
    Our kids may be a pain in the butt sometimes, but they do help.
    Glad Lopez was a good boy. Have you made a decision about the German?
    All for now, sis. Hope the rest of your day proceeds well. That you accomplish what you set out to do (hair?) and get some rest, too. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. The inspection is over and yu passed--- --LOL--I have video meetings with my new Dr now too-seems so weird-- Oh-- nothing about the German-no news--=Maybe that is OK as Lopez is a challenge-I miss Beau a lot tho---no hair till next week-- The day I was supposed to go, Fred was not good---- Anyway, I have "grass cutting" hair right now-looks bad- LOL-- Hugs dear Sis-Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Yes, today I will be strong. Your dock looks really nice and how wonderful to give away so many things. I understand the feeling of so much to do with most of it falling on your shoulders. I also know the feeling of not being okay but getting up anyway. It's what we women do, isn't it. Love the photo of Fred. You're probably right about him being so very tired! And how exciting that your son holds the record for Breast Stroke. My oldest daughter was on the swim team and while I took lessons at the YWCA when I was young, I've never been much of a fan of swimming! We even had a lake cabin when I was growing up but I don't remember swimming much then either! Hope your day goes well!

    1. Hi Kathy--good to get some work done--The 2 men used to be our neighbours-- nice people-- lynda

  3. I can imagine Himself was tired yesterday! It takes the stuffing out of much younger people! So, HE DID WELL!

    I LOVE that pic of Himself and son #2. Enchanting.

    And I DO hope you have a good day!


    1. Barb it was a good day--Was it a good day , to-day for you??--I hope do--Hugs to yu-Lynda

  4. Wow! I like the way they fixed your wall! And how wonderful that those guys helped you clean out your shed and you got rid of some "stuff"! My daily struggle is getting rid of stuff! hahaha! I have been struggling to get my pool open! People are supposed to come today to help me - but it is pouring down rain! I spent the last couple of days getting the springs off and gromlets torked down with a screwdriver in order to get the cover off before they got son did come help me pull the cover off after he got off work. Then I cut all 4+ acres of grass - was on the mower until 7 PM -so I am tired today - like Fred - who is not used to all that he had going on with the scope! Loved the pic of him with son#1! Memories of our young married life bring me both happiness and to look at those pictures, but then I sigh because I miss my guy so much, and then I cry.

    1. Hopefully you got your pool ready today--=Did you??I think of you everyday--thinking--Sandra can do this--so I should be able also-I remember that day when your husband passed--so terrible-- You are carrying on--as strong person and he would be so proud of you--=Hugs, Lynda-

  5. Oh, the rebuilt wall looks great! And how wonderful that the men helped haul things out for you. AND just as wonderful that you were able to donate things to them and they took them away. Helpful for you and helpful for them Lovely.

    Truthfully, I don't know how you do all that you do. I hope you are taking plenty of little breaks to relax a few minutes through the day. I will say, as I've been decluttering for several years, it sure makes it easier to keep things tidy and to clean without so much stuff to have to move and put back while dusting and vacuuming. I use the FlyLady system, and watch the Diane in Denmark videos on Youtube for motivation.

    I'll bet Fred was bushed after the medical procedure and then his Lodge time. Stress and more time out and about combined can be wearing. I'm glad your son helped with transportation.

    The picture of Himself and your son is beautiful. Where does the time go???

    1. Where on earth has the time gone eh?--And now I am older than old-- I do enjoy taking care of this property so much--like the grass--and am happy when it is all ready for summer-- What would I ever do in an apartment?-Yes Fred was extremely tired the day after that scope--and here I marched him in to that Day Program--At 95, it was too much for him-- I forgot his age--LOLOL---Good thoughts from yu --- Lynda

  6. Your dock/deck work all looks great! Glad the guys wanted stuff in the shed that you didnt want. Win win.
    You are slowly chipping away at excess "stuff". Keep up the good job.
    The inserts today are great. Thank you.
    Fred the med and son #1...what a sweet picture. Good memories. No doubt Fred is tired. Hell likely be ok to go to lodge tomorrow. Should be hair day for you.
    Hang in, keep moving forward, stay strong and positive.
    Hugs and blessings
    Raining in St.Louis again 60s
    Hugs and blessings

    1. My hair is a mess--- Last week I never got there--Remember?---It was that bad terribly awful day with Fred-- Hopefully next week I will make it--have to try myself to do something with it--LOL--Anyway, it was a good day here--I cut grass --Fred was OK--- I hear we will have rain tomorrow-- Hugs, Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda! Hope your day is going well. I bet Himself is tired from the scope. Your new wall looks great. My nephews are coming this evening for the weekend. It is 5 and a half hours. They are 24 and 16. I worry. Lol It will be a great time. The 16 year old stays every Summer. Sunny in Ohio. No black flies but bees! Enjoy your weekend if I am missing a bit. Take care!

    1. Nice that your nephews are going there--Will they stay with you?-Young people are "so with it""=-They might even help out somehow--Lynda

    2. Yes, they are here with us and the yorkie brats! They played ball with Tommy for hours! Lol

  8. Marti here. I'm cranky. I got a form awhile back from the city tax people saying they didn't have record of me paying any taxes for 2020 2021 and 2022. I do my taxes with H&R Block, they should have taken care of the necessary forms and told me if I owed, but they didn't. I had to run around downtown and try to find the new office, all before 3 pm. It's on a circle, I'm not that familiar with this city, and I kept getting lost. They said I somehow paid my 2023 taxes, and I don't recall doing that or receiving any form for it. Now I have to schedule an in office appt with someone to take care of the rest of the years. They tried to schedule me one for tomorrow at a location I cannot drive to, as I don't drive that far or on those type of roads. Arghhh!

    1. Oh dear!--- sounds awful doesn't it?--I hate hearing from the tax people--- Now you will worry--- but--try not to--Yu are doing the best that you could--Lordy Be!= I'll say a wee prayer--hugs, Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda: I never thought either that he would be tired out from the scope. So don't worry that you didn't think of it. Although I guess at his age it's understandable. Nice that the pilot holds a swimming record for that long. Good that you are getting rid of more stuff to the workers. It can happen a little at a time! Sorry those black flies are out already. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda -- I hope you had a good day-busy here - but a good day-- nice weather--=summer-like--Lynda

    2. Sorry Fred is worn out...but glad you got a lot accomplished.
      We went out to dinner for my birthday and mothers day. I got a hug from our favorite waiter so all's It takes little to make me happy I guess.
      We have Memorial Day coming up so will be taking flowers down to my parents and grandparents & the 3 boys they lost.
      Barbara won't go, so Billy said he would be happy to go with me, so one day next week we will go down and get that done.
      Makes me glad David and my ashes will be spread in the
      Smokey Mountains. No one seems to go to the cemeteries anymore.

  10. Love the photo of your dh and son #1🩵 How cool it is that son#2 swim record still stands💫 Carol in FL


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