Monday, November 18, 2024

I need to spread my wings and fly?

Well, I am later than late--was transferring a payment to our car insurance company to our new bank--Do you know how long that takes?--Over an hour --horrible! Plus I dropped off  some things--(shoes etc) to the SADD--(Society for animals in distress--)----- towels from the boys bathroom, plus dropped Himself at his Day Program--plus spoke with Son#2 who is still in Argentina--AND POOF----  the morning is gone--Moving takes a lot of extra time!- a great deal of preparation--

                    So, how are you all? Is your day going better than mine?---  I hope so!!

Oh -I drove the garbage over also to the boat launch which is where we deposit it for the city to pick it up--I must be a bit of a wreck here this morning--as I did get into the ice cream--last night--I haven't done that in months--I will not buy anymore  ---  Lordy be!!
                            Son #2 sent this steak sandwich --from Argentina---It looks huge-- And, Himself's Lodge is having a  "Good Bye"  get together for Himself--early December--so so nice of them--
                                    Oldies and Goldies  are here --(Too many pictures?)--
                                                                Son#2 with Himself--

                                                    -and the docks coming in--year after year-
-Do I sound a tad mixed up?--  It's because I ate the "dammed" ice cream-- Lordy be!-- To-morrow will be a better day--I just feel it in my bones_Maybe I need to just fly---  somewhere-----  ANYWHERE_--LOLOL--BE STRONG!------ Here I go-------



  1. It's Kathy. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you to do all this preparation for moving and take care of everything else! I think you're amazing! I am feeling better today and it's a quiet day for me. Daisy and I have gone down to get the mail. My husband is cleaning out the gutters and doing the last bit of leaf blowing. Rain is coming this afternoon and then the cold. But we may have a couple more nice days and at least no snow in the forecast yet! Love the steak sandwich - looks delicious but yes, very big!

    1. Oh Kathy-YU sound good tho--- -I ended up getting groceries this afternoon--- -left Fred at home with Lopez in his crate--Lynda


    Above is a YouTube Link to one of my favorite cheer up songs. :D

    How lovely it is that the Lodge will have a going away do for both your husband and yourself!!

    That steak sandwich looks yummylicious!!

    And yes, ice cream was not the best choice...but stress can do that unhealthy eating trigger; and there's a limited amount so hopefully you can keep from buying more. Certain things I simply cannot have in the house because I will not eat a reasonable amount. You're doing an amazing job at getting things done, and hopefully getting bits of rest/self-care in. One good thing about having to do it in a fairly short time-frame is it will be over quickly also. No time for procastination and overthinking as it would be if you had a long period of time.

    I'm excited for you!

    So excited for your new adventure!!

    1. Oh I wish I were excited-- maybe when I get there--- hope so---a house to an apartment -scarey--Its all new tho--- no yard--- Lynda

  3. PHOENIX1949

    Some trivia from looking at place you are moving to:

    A village named Youngs Point north of Lakefield.

    Prince Andrew graduated from College in Lakefield.

    About 10 day places for your Himself to check out.

    1. Our Grand=daughter goes to that school----I need to check those10 places for Himself--Lynda

  4. Enjoy the ice cream, helps to keep some happy in your system! You have been working hard, you deserve some pleasure! How nice that there will be a goodbye gathering for both of you!

    1. nice of the Lodge isn't it?--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! That ice cream would make me feel better! Lol That steak sandwich is big! I would need it cooked a bit more. Got my outside winterized today at 60 degrees because snow and in the 30’s coming this week and cold for many days, if not months. Ohh! How very nice to have you sweet couple a farewell celebration. Very kind of the Lodge. Hang in there. Chin up, remember? Hugs!

    1. Yes--Keep yer chin up--Dad heard yu--LOL--Lynda


  6. Yes, I wish for one more Sunday, too. But, alas Monday poked her head onto the scene.

    You had a busy morning!

    You’ve had LOTS of stress so . . . these things happen.

    Awwwww, so wonderful that the Lodge is having a farewell for Himself and you! Sweet.

    You’re right . . . . never too late to spread your wings and fly. Sounds like a good plan!

    HUGS and blessings


    1. I did pick up a few groceries this afternoon-==-Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda, busy morning for you. Please do spread your wings and fly.
    How incredibly sweet of lodge to host a gathering for you guys. That is so kind. You two are very special people.
    I do not buy ice cream because I can't leave it alone if it's here. There are many things I won't buy as I won't leave them alone if they are in the house.
    What a huge sandwich pilot son has.
    Keep plugging away. You are doing great!
    Hugs from rainy (again) St.Louis...but hey it's not snow.

    1. BUT--- we have snow in forecast now--in a couple days--Lordy Be--I know--=a party in our favour-- Lynda

  8. I understand the problem of having ice cream in the house and trying to not eat it. However, consider it one more thing to check off the list - - you can't move it and now it won't have to worry about getting rid of it. Dot

    1. LOLYes Dot--- I cannot move the ice cream--so--I ate it-- Yu are so right--and now it is gone--I do love your reasoning--Lynda

  9. Lynda, you didn't post as late as I am here checking here again.
    Did it several times this morning. Hope you see this. I see you've already commented on some comments.
    Great day here. Sadie helped me lots...vacuuming, washing dishes and floors, cleaning stove, etc. Tomorrow will be dusting and bed change. I have no set day for things. Probably should have.
    My social security check did not post again. It already had posted this month! Talk about senior moments ;-( It's my bitty retirement check I am expecting. That's always on the 19th...tomorrow!
    Those phots are wonderful. How many years ago was that one of Himself and your son done?
    I'd love to try that sandwich!
    Almost bedtime here now, and Lucky needs attention. I will check later and if I see a comment, I will know you saw this late post. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis Maggie


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