Friday, June 17, 2022

Lopez walking on our back road--food in Korea--and hugs!

We have clouds--with intermittent sunshine and it's cooler--windy--so the wind blows the bugs away-  This morning Lopez, the Chihuahua,  and I , hoofed it up the road--I had to put his coat on him so he wouldn't get bitten with bugs---Out the gate------then down our newly resurfaced road--


He did his business--so---  back we went home---Yu can see my shadow--

I listened to the Finance Minister yesterday , as she was supposed to help Seniors out with the high cost of living--but--  It seems that she is not going to do much to help- Seniors are not working-- -- Oh well!---I guess we just have to "made do"----or----- maybe we ALL should get out there and get a job---

Son#2 the Pilot texted me early this morning--sent pics of food in Korea--Doesn't it look yummy?

It makes me hungry just looking at it!----
Lunch time here--- then a wee nap--then out into the garden--  OH--I used ALL the bananas I had left, in the banana bread which is in the oven right now--  Do you  find that a lot of bananas in to-day's world have weird black seeds in them?--What causes that? Sometimes I end up throwing the whole banana out-- 
Hugs--- I hope  your world is  happy to-day--Hug your dog and cat---song--dance--and be nice to a pilot if yu see one--It might be "son #2"-


  1. Love seeing the wee one walking right along with you, Lynda. Beautiful days to be outdoors.

    Yes, many of the bananas now have those dark seeds and I wish I knew what's up with that. If there's a lot of them, I usually throw them out too, they don't look very appetizing to me!

    No real help for us seniors from our government, they send out a tiny bit more monthly, that doesn't do much for our budgets.

    My world is pretty happy, pretty okay, thanks Lynda.
    Hugs and love to you, Fred and the fur babies. xoxo

    1. Hi Gloria--so so nice to see yu on here --Yes Lopez is a good little guy--lotza work-- but--He is ours-- takes my mind off Fred-- I am happy to hear that you are doing OK__ and so its not just me with those funny black seeds in the bananas -- Hugs Gloia--I enjoy yer pictures on Facebook--Lynda

  2. What beautiful country for that daily walk with Lopez. He looks so cute in his little coat. And yes, the food in Korea looks yummy, indeed!

    Hope your world is at peace and happy, too!

  3. The road looks better, the winters wear it out. When I first brought up your post, there was no food photos on it, and I thought you meant, in Korea, they would eat Lopez! Not unheard of….. but then up popped the food photos. It’s record heat here in Texas, plus bad air quality, just like Smog in Los Angeles in the 1970’s. Too many people! That is also why the government can’t help us much, population is out of whack. Enjoy your weekend, we are going nowhere, as usual. Ethelmerz

  4. Glad you have a nice paved road for you and Lopez. Poor little guy needs a coat to keep bugs away. They must really be bad there.
    Yep, make do seems to be the answer to this inflation situation. I'm afraid I'd be too old to get a job or a job that would earn enough to make a difference AND some of us are caretakers for husbands. Make do it is.
    Have a good day.

  5. Might be a new variety of banana. The variety they've been selling for a long time is getting a fungus that is killing it off, so they've been trying to decide what new variety to sell. Same thing happened in I think the 50s or 60s.

  6. Have a terrific weekend Lynda...nice that they fixed your road...

  7. Miss bananas since I became allergic many years ago. Your 'neck of the woods' is beautiful.

  8. The little one looks so comfy in his jacket. That is a beautiful walk you get to have. It's nearly 100 here, too hot.

    The food looks so good.I'm not much of a fan of bananas they always make my mouth itchy. However, I can have banana in other things just not by itself.

  9. What I have noticed is that every grocery store I go into seems to just have green bananas and it takes sometimes 3 or 4 days before they are fit to eat. Love the pictures!


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