Isn't this SO pretty? It is supposed to look like a Christmas lantern--- When you put batteries in it, it lights up and sparkly snow falls inside it--Our daughter sent it to us for Christmas--- We took down the tree to-day so I shall place this in the living room, to enjoy. --- And when we took down the tree, everywhere I look is dust---Did you find that?--Did you take down your tree yet??
Last night, Son#3 and his good wife, had us over for dinner and it was absolutely fabulous- We have this thing going-- I buy the Turkey, and they cook the whole meal, at their house for themselves and us! The meal was so delicious----We have been spoiled with 2 nights out at different children's houses.
Their 2 daughters were there--our Granddaughters--
I saw Santa this morning, as I was walking in the bush, and he told me that he was absolutely "pooped"-- poor guy eh?-- Imagine travelling all over the world, visiting every family--I must tell you too, that looking back over our Christmas, I did not spend as much as I used to this Christmas-- and I think maybe we all were in the same boat. What do you think?-
-Did you spend as much said you used to on your Christmas?---- I found we were happy --together --more visiting with our grown children's families --and I believe it wasn't the presents that made our Christmas, as much as it was sharing our special days with the people who mean so much to us!--However I do look a tad like Santa to-day-- kinda exhausted--happy it is over with for another year.
Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot is winging his way, back to Toronto, from Miami, as I type--
I hear Himself calling me for lunch--He is doing well by the way--It did him so much good to visit with everyone--The boys were good to help him out of the car and into their home-- even warmed up the car for me, before I went home, (I didn't even know there was that feature in the car--)-
We will soon be into 2023--- Hopefully we will see PEACE in Ukraine--and---- one more thing-- WE MADE IT THROUGH CHRISTMAS---- Lord love a Duck! Aren't you happy that it is over with?
These are the same 2 Granddaughters in the picture above--- Funny how quickly they grow up eh??