Monday, December 26, 2022

Just letting you know, that I'm thinking of You!

Isn't this SO pretty? It is supposed to look like a Christmas lantern---  When you put batteries in it, it lights up and sparkly snow falls inside it--Our daughter sent it  to us for Christmas---  We took down the tree to-day so I shall place this in the living room, to enjoy. ---  And when we took down the tree, everywhere I look is dust---Did you find that?--Did you take down your tree yet??

Last night, Son#3 and his good wife, had us over for dinner and it was absolutely fabulous-  We have this thing going--  I buy the Turkey, and they cook the whole meal, at their house for themselves and us! The meal was so delicious----We have been spoiled with 2 nights out at different children's houses.

Their 2 daughters were there--our Granddaughters--
I saw Santa this morning, as I was walking in the bush, and he told me that he was absolutely "pooped"-- poor guy eh?--  Imagine travelling all over the world,  visiting every family--I must tell you too, that looking back over our Christmas, I did not spend as much as I used to this Christmas-- and I think  maybe we all were in the same boat.  What do you think?-

-Did you spend as much said you used to on your Christmas?---- I found we were happy --together --more visiting with our grown children's families --and I believe it wasn't the presents that made our Christmas, as much as it was sharing  our special days with the people who mean so much to us!--However I do look a tad like Santa  to-day-- kinda exhausted--happy it is over with for another year.

Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot is winging his way, back to Toronto, from Miami, as I type--

I hear Himself  calling me for lunch--He is doing well by the way--It did him so much good to visit with everyone--The boys were good to help him out of the car and into their home-- even warmed up the car for me, before I went home, (I didn't even know there was that feature in the car--)-

We will soon be into 2023--- Hopefully we will see PEACE in Ukraine--and---- one more thing--  WE MADE IT THROUGH CHRISTMAS----  Lord love a Duck! Aren't you happy that it is over with?

These are the same 2 Granddaughters in the picture above---  Funny how quickly they grow up eh??



  1. Beautiful Christmas lantern. So happy you went to your Son #3's home and family for dinner last night and had a wonderful time. Lovely granddaughters. Yep, we survived Christmas LOL Have a great Monday.

    1. Yes, We did get thru all the Hoopla --- and it really was fun! --How was yer day?_Lynda

    2. Yes--- the old "Hoopla"--and yes, it was fun-- We are all fortunate aren't we?--- Do yu still want snow?--We have more than wed want-- Let me know and maybe the pilot son could drop some off--*S* Lynda

  2. We traveled to Kentucky for Christmas then we will head to Pittsburgh PA for the New Year and work our way home after. Our tree is up until we get home . . . probably take it down first weekend of January. We made it here before the storms and it has been very cold and snowy since getting here but we had power, food, drink and family so it was all ok. The temp here in Kentucky is supposed to get up near 60 after we leave . . . figures. Nice to know you had a good holiday.

    1. Wow! Yu really did brave the storms and travelled--Good for yu-Lynda

  3. Your granddaughters are beautiful and yes, they all do grow up fast. We spent Christmas day at my oldest daughter's with 4 of my 5 children and 3 grandsons. It was a nice day!

    1. It sounds like yu really did have a good day--so nice!-Lynda

  4. I love your snow lantern and enjoyed the photos.

    1. Hello to yu--- and how was nerf Xmas?-Lynda

  5. How fabulous that you went to your son’s family houses, and saw everyone that way. Plus not cooking, was wonderful for you to do that! That is a pretty lantern! Take care.

    1. That is pretty--and it was a good Xmas-- -We are slo fortunate thAt we live where we do eh?--Lynda

  6. Beautiful lantern, and beautiful grand-daughters, too. Nope, I have not yet taken the tree down. Today I'm just recovering from yesterday. I did manage to write and mail a couple of thank-you notes. Did you know it was national Thank You day?

    I think it is wonderful that your sons are taking care of you and Himself, and I'm so glad that it did Himself so much good.

    Happy Boxing Day!

    1. Barb-I did to know that it was National Thank you day----interesting eh?-----And --yes--the tree is down----- and it is over for another yr- and it turned out quite well--Even Him self seems happier!-- -Hugs Barb- Lynda

  7. Christmas day was a little sad oldest son who just turned 50 on the 23rd couldn't come as he is just getting over Covid! His wife and 2 grandkids did come. And my middle son's daughter woke up throwing up, so she couldn't come. I knew my youngest son who lives with his family in CA wouldn't be here and today he called to tell me that his wife has covid!!!! My daughter and her husband and their two kids also made it here for dinner - so there were just 12 of us, but we had a nice time. It is snowing here today. My daughter and her family are on their way driving to Florida to spend a week with her husband's folks. Unfortunately they are driving in snowy weather which seems to be following them.

    Glad that Fred has been having good days! Thank goodness for our boys! And a belated Merry Christmas wish to you!

    1. Oh Sandra-- Too bad some of yer family came down with the Covid--That was like us last June-- I got Covid and spread it to many family members--I thought it was just an allergy-- We have had 5 shots-so we were not sick at all-- but--poor timing. It sounds like you enjoyed Christmas anyway with the family who made it eh?--Hugs to yu Sandra-Lynda

  8. The lantern is so pretty. No we leave the tree up until New Year day.
    I spent MORE than I planned to spend. I LOVE that 2 sons have cooked and had you 2 over. Love that your boys are being kind and considerate in helping you with Fred.. good sons.. your granddaughters are beauties.. im glad its over!
    Happy to hear Fred enjoyed getting out around the kids.
    Have a great day and play your piano.

    1. Yes we are all tired!-- a lot of shopping --getting reads--shovelling snow--I did play the pano--It relaxes one-Lynda

  9. Sounds like you had a good Christmas. Great that you had someone else do all the cooking, etc. Best way. Nice lantern. You take your tree down really early. My spending is less only because some family members are no longer with us. Glad your sons are starting to help more. Let's hope himself keeps having good days.

    1. Yes I needed to get it out of the living room-the tree I mean!--Lynda

  10. Thinking of you, too…and sending {{hugs}}! Happy day after…. and yes, I’m tired too! It’s been go, go, go for 2 weeks and today was finally a day to relax!! Feels good to take a break…hope you got to do so, as well! ❤️ Eissa7

    1. Good to hear from yu--I think we are all tired! Lynda

  11. Everything looks wonderful! Family and its love is the greatest gift of all. Memories of that love are so precious. They sustain us until we are able to experience it anew.
    No, I didn't spend as much as I have in the past. And the sweatshirt I gave my son-in-law was too small! My daughter says she will wear it. I ordered another for him from Amazon. It will be delivered Friday.
    It's warming up here for a while. 20sF today and in the 30's the following few days.
    And then...2023. Another year for us to dream and make those dreams come true! {{{HUGS}}}

  12. So glad that you had a nice supper @ your son’s house for Christmas!

    For sure, it’s not the presents that make Christmas special, but everyone’s presence.

    Your granddaughters are beautiful! And yes, they grow up way to fast, don’t they!

    Glad the family time helped Himself, too. Bonus points for that.



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