So far---to-day--- everything is going well! --Yesterday a friend was out to give me a lot of support and ideas on how to deal with Himself. Her husband went thru the same as himself ---and has passed now. She looked after him for several years as the disease progressed.---
So, I am NOT crying yet to-day---so far! ---Lopez, Sushi and Beau are helping me out--giving me moral support--AND--we have sunshine with minus 10C----- not too bad!--And I tracked Son#2 , who began his long journey back from Korea. He said it was snowing in Seoul Korea this AM--- I never knew Korea would get snow--.
Oh--Before I forget--- THE WEIGHT---- You aren't going tp believe this-- IT IS DOWN ---181.0 ---Holy Cow! -- Long ago and in my Sparking time, my weight was 217--- and I had SO much to learn about food and eating--- I hope my blood pressure is down also--I must get that checked--
Think positive and positive things will happen-- and---don't buy chocolate ice cream-and--"the whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead"----oh--and maybe rethink getting a Chihuahua--(Poor Lop[ez eh?)--Lord love a Duck!-It is lunch time--- ---- hugs to yu all--I really need yu right now~----I sure hope the good Lord is watching over us all!