Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Sometimes the best thing we can do is not think, just breathe!

Isn't that so true??--I always try to buy greenish bananas, but, we never eat them all in time!-- and they are so good for us!--Why?--  I must look that up! 

So----The weight--- 184 pounds --from 217 many many years go!  I must admit, it has been a struggle since Christmas. It seems that when one falls off the wagon (the banana wagon)---it is so hard to get back on again--- but--I think I am in the right frame of mind-FINALLY! 

This is what we look like to-day--We are in the midst of a huge wet, snowstorm!  I was out shovelling Chihuahua trails---  -----And--speaking of that, last night I decided to order a book on Chihuahuas --(Its a bit late isn't it?)_---  and--- I paid for it--then learned that I had to download the whole book--like  300 pages--It took me over  an hour--But--It is interesting--Hopefully it will help raise the wee fellow--Lopez Fernandez Sanchez--
So, that is about all for to-day--  If I can do this weight loss thing, anyone can--  and hopefully the benefits will be not having to take a blood pressure pill-
LORD LOVE A DUCK!-----  The snow is piling up AGAIN--certainly not a day to drive to town-- hugs to all of you-



  1. Just started snowing here in NH . . .you really didn't have to send it to us. Otherwise I am waiting for the hospital to call with the time for my knee surgery tomorrow and trying to finish packing away the Christmas decorations. Congrats on the weight loss . . . I am looking forward to being able to move better in this New Year

  2. I thought of you this morning. I got my groceries at the curbside pick up yesterday afternoon, and it wasn't until this morning when I was fixing breakfast that it dawned of me: my bananas did not make it home with me!

    I went and checked the receipt... yes, I paid for bananas. But no bananas. I called the store and they are giving me a credit to my online account, but until my next order... I will be living without the bananas!

    Our snow is pretty well melted by now, and refrozen in the puddle spots... as today's high will be well below the freezing mark. Winter! Love it or hate it, we have to survive it.

    Stay safe and healthy up there in the North! (( hugs ))

  3. Bananas have potassium 422mg,a sweet potato has 500 mg and stays good longer.Also grapefruit,dried apricots and a acid is have potassium as well.

  4. We look the same as you today! Snow, cold and wind. YUCKY!

    I bet you’ll get lots of good information to help raise Little Lopez to be a wonderful little guy!


  5. Love the snow! We're going to have a snowstorm tonight and I'm all set for it.

    Hopefully the book will give you some insight on how to raise the little guy.

  6. Have you considered dehydrating some of those bananas? An aunt of mine always kept dehydrated fruit slices on hand for times eating fresh wasn't an option. She had several dehydrating machines but I imagine a Google search may find a way to do this in a conventional oven. She also had a huge herb garden and would dehydrate the yield from this. Years ago I became allergic to bananas and replaced them with sweet potatoes and apricots plus potassium supplements.

    Found this through 'Google' just now:

    "How to Dehydrate Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthy Snack
    Ready, set, chew: Here's a step-by-step guide to dry-it-yourself fruits and vegetables."

    1. If it weren't for my allergy to bananas my choice would be to try healthy chips available commercially. The one below appeals to me.

  7. Hi Lynda and all. Your snow is pretty but I don't want it here.
    So glad to hear your motivation to loose a few more pounds has returned. You've done great and I know you can do it and you will.
    Glad you got a book but I wouldn't want to download and read all that on line. Geez
    Someone suggested and gave a link as to how to dehydrate bananas etc. Sounds like a good idea as I'm forever going to get bananas. Maybe I'll switch to sweet potatoes.
    Have a good day.

  8. We've started only buying 3 or 4 bananas at a time, any more than that and yes, they get too old to eat. I hope the new book is helpful in training Lopez. We had snow overnight and Daisy wasn't too happy to go out this morning with her path's gone! Luckily her dad redid them when he snowblowed!

  9. Lynda, I have the same problem with bananas. I buy them when they are on the green side but still they ripen before I can eat them all. In warm weather I freeze the ones that are too ripe, use them in smoothies but in this cold weather, I don't want cold smoothies, brr.

    It has gotten cold here too & today we have strong winds. Strong enough to blow blue boxes down the street.

    I sure hope you find that Chihuahua book helpful!
    Hugs to all of you. xoxo

  10. Your snow is probably coming our way. We had a wind storm earlier today. Winds were almost 60 mph. Very little snow with it, though.

    We Pedro Lopez (well, Lopez is a surname) will do fine with you shoveling his trails.

    I ate my last bunch of bananas...all of them! Usually the last 2-3 go in the frig thinking they will turn themselves into banana bread or banana cake with cream chees icing. Never happens.

    I believe what we can reach for that will help is...not complete denial of the things we love...but balance. I bit once in a while balanced out with mostly more nutritious food. That's what I've been attempting.

    We each have music therapy and pet therapy, too. In addition, I meditate every day. You may not have time for that.

    We'll either reach our goals... or not, but let's be happy anyway! {{{HUGS}}}

  11. Lots of snow there. No wonder Lopez doesn't want to go out. Hope the book is helpful. Be careful with all the shoveling for Lopez. Take care

  12. No snow here in Ohio but high winds today. I hope you enjoy your book. Lopez is a lucky little guy to have such a great Mommy to take care of him. I usually freeze my bananas for smoothies in the summer and for oatmeal in the winter. Glad you are back on the wagon. We all fall off from time to time but as long as we get right back up, dust off and get right back on! Yes, not too much thinking and just breathe is a wonderful idea. A little hard at times but we can at least try. As long as we all stay warm and healthy we CAN do this! Thank you for writing your blogs every day. They help SO much!:) Hugs!

  13. I know what you mean about bananas, I have the same problem. I mashed some and froze them. Haven't gotten up the courage to try them yet. When I do, I let you know if it is worth the effort. Hugs back to you.
    Beth M

  14. WooHoo To be down 33 lbs. is excellent, doesn't matter how long it took. I am down 35.5 from my highest weight ever, 10 of which I have lost since Mar. 2020 when Covid started in this area. I still have a long ways to go but am proud of what I have accomplished and I know you are too.
    Now on to bananas. Why do you always buy more than you can eat? I know the bunches in the store usually have 6 or 7 bananas in a bunch but you are certainly free to take off as many from the bunch as you want. I asked at my store and they said of course, just take what you want so that is what I do. Food is too expensive to waste. I usually buy only 3 or 4 at a time so they don't get over ripe and get wasted.

  15. I just wish that before I die, I can feel losing weight as something easy. You are doing great! Beautiful winter pic. Enjoy the Chihuahua book.

  16. Enjoy the book and hope it helps.

  17. I only buy about 3 to 4 bananas at one time, but David helps me eat is a trick to get him to eat...(sssshhhh) but I'll say I'd
    love to have a banana but only want a little bit and he'll usually say
    I'll eat the other half....he has lost 40 lbs. since Sept. when he had
    his knee surgery....then got sick with the infection that put him in the hospital end of Nov./first week of Dec.
    Great news is our son & family will be home from Israel end of this month for good. YAY.

  18. Good luck with all that snow. Look up Potassium, fir a list of everything that has that in there, some things have more than a banana. Even potatoes, eat the skin, too.

  19. Bananas are big in this household. We but a bunch of really green ones and a small bunch of less green. It works for us. On occasion we have to have Thoms1's DH have a banana or two! (((HUGS)))


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