Monday, April 17, 2023

Make This Day GREAT!


It's NOT snowing- Yippee! "One must be grateful for small mercies!"----  (Mom's expression.)---- AND--- OUR SNOW IS MELTING-- I was already out on "Po Patrol"----  picking up all that stuff as it appears , as the snow melts--So far, it is looking like we might avoid the snow that is going to happen in some Northern areas--We are right on the edge---according to my phone-

Lopez, the Chihuahua, goes to the vet this AM--Last month Sushi went--this month , Lopez-- next month Beau-AND--Himself is going to the Dentist late this afternoon--HE AGREED TO GO!----Amazing! --  Just for a cleaning. which will make him feel healthier--Do you know that he does not have one cavity or any fake teeth in his mouth?---  --At his age, almost 95 yrs, that is amazing! -- I have so many "bridges" --- and teeth hanging onto nails driven into bone--I really have spent half my life sitting in a dentist's chair--
We can do this----  We have to do  it all----AND WE CAN!---- "Keep your chin up", as Dad used to always tell me as I went out the door--and think only positive thoughts-- 
Yes, ignore whatever does not make me happy to-day----  Oh-I have not heard from my older brother, who has attempted an escape in his  new long term care residence, , but was caught in the act--but, hopefully they will connect his phone soon, and I can keep in touch with him once again-I wonder if I could get an address for him, if we could  send him some "hello-How are you" cards?--would you be willing?-- --justa thought- 
So, Sadie is standing here (who is really me) ready to get her vacuum into action--- lots of dog hair on the main level- 
--------------------and SUMMER is almost here--- Things are really looking up! ----less clothing--  more sandals--


  1. Good morning! Just put on two crockpots full of ham and bean soup! I did not want to freeze the leftover ham from Easter, so I made the soup and will take it to two of my kids that live in the area! (A third son also lives in the area, but is vegan - so no soup for him! hahaha!). Just read your blog from yesterday and today! I hope your brother adjusts to his new living arrangements and yes, I would send him a card or note or two! And I do love "don't have to go anywhere days"! Strange, as I used to love to go shopping, etc. Would even go to the big box hardware stores with my hubby, just to get out of the house! Now I try to do all of my trips on one day so I can just stay home the rest of the week! Must be a sign of old age. I will not put out my hummingbird feeders until after I get back from CA at the end of April. I love watching the hummers! One last note - vacuuming - I am really happy with my new Dyson Pet hair cordless stick vacuum! It does a great job and is so much easier for me to use than dragging out my other corded vacuum cleaner! Was a bit pricey, but I got it on sale and it has been worth every penney! And it does a good job picking up all the cat hair! Hope you have a great day with some warm sunshine!

    1. We love our Dysons too--I shall look into that pet hair one---It sounds really good!--SO MUCH PET HAIR HERE IN THIS HOUSE_-a continuous problem-=AS soon as I make sure of bid brother's address, I shall post it--I appreciate it so much that yu might get a card off to him-Lynda

    2. PS--Your soup sounds delicious

  2. Lopez to vet and himself to dentist. Himself has amazing teeth.
    Yes, I'd be willing to send brother a card or 2. Sure hope he settles down and in. And soon.
    Loved the inserts.
    Off to the gym.
    Hoping you do not get any snow. So done with that. Very windy and chilly 40F in St.Louis today
    Stay positive.

    1. Oh Margene--- As soon as I make sure of the address to big Brother's LTC residence, I shall post it--Thank yu so much , if you do send him a big hello-Lynda

  3. It's windy here, but above freezing. We did get a dusting of snow overnight, but it has melted with the sun. Tomorrow will be a bit warmer.
    I an glad Himself is willing for the dentist. Wish he was for the audiology people.
    I have teeth issues, too. They're saying I don't have enough ridge left for implants. I must look into bone replacement there so they can do the implants. I am a speaker! I was in Toastmasters International for over 20 years! I DO NOT WANT to be toothless like some in my senior building!!!!
    Love your inspirational 'posters.' I save some of them to post on FB.
    Hope Lopez and Himself both have successful appointments.
    Just came back from shopping where I bought my bananas, blueberry muffins, etc.
    Wednesday I am getting the oil changed, air filter, tire pressures checked, etc.
    Never an end to the chores, is there? But that's what keeps life interesting. {{{HUGS}}}

    1. I have dental implants--4 of them--- and a large bridge attaches to them-It really is wonderful as it doesnt move at all--- It was a long process to get those implants-- but worth it --but-- I dont know if I would do the bone replacement--That might hurt--
      Wow! You were in Toast Masters----And yu were food shopping-- tiring isn't it??--It's putting it all away that wears me out--And yes--those housey chorfes are hrtd tgo fit in-- Lynda

  4. Wow! That really is amazing that Himself has NO cavities nor “fake teeth” in his mouth. For me, well . . . lots of time in the dental chair, too.

    OHhhhhh I love that meme about happiness. For sure!

    Oh my goodness. . . your brother already caught in the act of trying to escape. **SIGH** For sure! Send along his address and I’d send him some cards. They really do lift the spirits.

    Well, for today, sticking w/the winter attire. 0C and snowing. Ah well. Just hae to wait a bit and the weather will change.


    1. Yes I WILL post is address--- and soon--So nice of everyone to do this-- It will make his day for sure -bad weather here tonite-Lynda

  5. It's Kathy and I would be happy to send a card to your brother. What a nice thought! Might make him feel more comfortable where he is. And how amazing that himself has perfect teeth. I did for many years but not any longer! It's very cold here for April and the wind is blowing like crazy but the sun is out and I can pretend it's a beautiful day!

    1. Kathy--Can yu believe it is snowing here?----like a wet snow?--I hope it doesn't last Lynda

  6. Snow and rain in Ohio today and 80 the other day! Oh wow! Himself has some amazing teeth. I had braces for 8 years and several metal fillings that I am going to be getting replaced starting May 1. You know how I am about labs and those needles. Well, same thing for the dentist. I am not looking forward to this. Oh, and 2 crowns too. Whew! I dread it all but one must take care of their teeth! I am happy your weather is getting better and melting. My yorkie will have her yearly checkup in May. So much to keep up with, huh? You do a fantastic job keeping everyone and everything well! Hugs to you!

    1. I absolutely hate going to the dentist0--always have--When I was a tenager a cdentist put his ands all over me while I was in his chair- I got out of the chair and left--went right home-in tears--I told my Mom and she said it was my fault because I went to the dentist in shorts (The dentist office was on our block--)-I refused to go back to that dentist- My Dad told me that he would not pay for me to go to any other dentist--I was in high school--so did not have a job--so-- I never went to a dentist for quite a few years-- including my 3 years of nursing- when I graduated as a Reg Nurse, and began to work as a nurse, I went to the dentist and I paid for the dental work with a Dentist I chose-- He eventually had to take out a great many molars as they were all decayed-In those days they did that--And of course, after I was married and had 5 children, I needed to have Dental Implants and have them still with Dental Plates hanging onto the implants-- Fred was with me for all of that, holding my hand-So--I really know what you are going thru , taking care of your teeth---- but-- I would always believe anyone, who said thdey were molested by an oldert man-- My Mom blamed me-- I know now it wasn't Anything I did and that Dentist shouldve been hauled up in a court room--SAs you know, my Mom and Dad moved up here in their older years tgo liuve near Fred and I and I never held that against hert--but-- if any young Lady EVER told me of someone molesting her, I would ALWAYS believe her---Sad story-- Lopez had his check up today-- He weighs 10.5 lbs-- had 2 shots--plus exam--Lynda--

    2. so sorry about the mistakes above in the typing-- It's late here and it flew off the screen before I do any corrections-Lynda

    3. OH MY GOODNESS, LYNDA! That is so devastating! What a horrible thing to happen to you and have on your mind your whole entire life. I read about these things and it just makes me so mad and upset! I admire you so much for staying strong and working your way back to a dentist that you felt comfortable with and got the work done that you needed. I think after I get my work done I will need braces again for a short while as I have a couple shifted teeth that I don't like. Thank you for taking the time to write me this story. When I go, I will appreciate having my husband with me and a dentist that I feel comfortable with. Thank you! You really are the strongest woman I know! That is why, being in my mid 50's that I always say I want to be just like you when I grow up! LOL


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