Sunday, December 31, 2023


                                              --AND-- HAPPY NEW YEAR"S EVE-----

Soon, we are heading into town, to the grocery--I have to get the 2 boys out--as in dogs--and then we will "hit the road"--

And I must ask--WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR NEW YEARS?--Are you like us?--going to your Living ROOM---? We will be going there--but--gosh----NO!---  We do not stay up till midnight--a brand new year though-- 2024--Jeepers !!Creepers!-----

I might do a few phone calls to friends and relatives--  that is about as exciting as it gets around here-

 I have not made  any New Year's Resolutions--yet--but--am trying to remember the ol' heart in that ECO Cardiogram, chugging and sloshing away , and  remembering that it began to work, 81 years ago, and I have never , before that "ECO"--given it any thought----the poor thing-- I have eaten whatever I felt like--  I have watched my weight go up and down, several times in my lifetime--and--that heart never complained--I know it must not enjoy all the ice cream I have devoured--so---perhaps, now in my "older than old years", I will try VERY hard to help it out--What do you all think?

I wish you all a great day--  Be STRONG--of course---  BE KIND ---BE HAPPY----Lord love a Duck---  That is a lot of instructions ---I do love you all----I do enjoy reading your comments---
We are SO SO fortunate aren't we?--- a brand new year---2024----AND WE ARE GOING TO BE A PART OF IT!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

The good good pig-

Good morning-- It is cold outside--so far--no snow-- Himself was telling me that January the 10th, we will get 10 inches of the white stuff--I hope I have no plans for that day! ---  But---  I will worry about that --then--I guess-

Have you ever had a mixed up day?--like -it seems that I take one step forward and 20 steps back--I don't know whether I am coming or going---  Lopez was up twice in the night--out I was on the front lawn, in the dark, in my night gown--as he seemed to have "the runs"-I believe Himself fed him too much meat---- I tried to just pat him back to sleep, but that only worked for 2 minutes, and then the familiar  whining would begin again---until I knew I had to get up--Poor little fellow--It was not his fault really--

Himself was not Himself yesterday either-- You see, the Pharmacy had called me,  to say that she had my eye drops in and if I didn't want them., there were other people she would call--LATE IN THE AFTERNOON---so--- I loaded our car, WITH HIMSELF--even tho I know he does not do well late in the day--I picked up the drops, and nothing went well after that--according to Himself--and--I was  to blame----Life is tough some days isn't it?
but--- sometimes its best just to ignore everything---and carry on the best one can---and I did-

-and--everything turned out alright--------sorta---  LOL----but--- life goes on---so---the groceries will be purchased to-morrow-- and not to-day---  LOL---and-one more thing--- I am reading a cute book---Books carry one away---They transport you to another place---

This book is quite funny----I can understand why it is a "Best Seller"--written by an author with a great sense of humour who decided to bring a wee piglet home , and all the trials she had  , raising it--
--New Year's Eve--- --soon----like to-morrow night---  I guess I am spending it in our living room--so, until to-morrow--- more advice here, since we were talking about "PIGS"


Friday, December 29, 2023

Life is tough but so are you-

 WE HAVE SUNSHINE--with no snow falling--green grass--- and mild temps--well-- mild for us, this time of year--like---maybe minus 2C---

Both Xmas trees are down---  Himself just took the outside one down, (that was inside the sunroom)---dismantled it , and put it in it's box for another year---I was cleaning out the can cupboard----checking dates , and getting rid of a lot of cans which were older then old---terrible job--- but someone had to do it--"ME"---

Son#2. the Pilot, is in Las Vegas--just sent a pic of the McDee's, as he calls it--Of course his flight was delayed getting there last night--  Christmas people flying I guess--

some very large hotels there--

Both boys (as in dogs)- have been out, and both did their business-a miracle for sure--

So, now we are waiting for this year to end, and a new year to begin--Did you make any NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS?-----  I am thinking about it--maybe, just to survive, might be a good one---
--perhaps to not eat ice cream??----(dunno if I can make that one work tho!)---
-- and--I guess to try to not get grouchy--which seems to happen here sometimes--
 Have you thought about New Years yet??----
  "Olive" as in, POPPY____seems to think that we can do it----keep the resolutions going----that we are strong ----Hmmmmm-

            Now, what if we simply devoted this next year to "loving ourselves"- more---????---The year, 2024   is just around the corner--Is it really possible to pamper ourselves?----HMMmmm--It will not happen if we don't try--

Yesterday was  marvellous--  talking "girl talk" with the Hair Lady -felt so good!-----And I did get to the pet store--looking for a new cat tree  for Sushi --which I want to place where she can look downstairs, and Lopez will not be able to pester her-- haven't found it yet-

Where ever you are, I hope you make it your best day ever---Only you can decide how--and don't allow the bastards get you down-------(a little advice  here---well, yu never know eh--)-  

Thursday, December 28, 2023

another day---without snow--

Good morning to all--No snow falling here--In fact it is still very mild--It does feel strange for this area--I have to admit, that I like it--sorta--less work for me---I do know that we cannot go much longer without the snow--'specially as the temperatures drop-

                           no snow----  and the lake is not even frozen, as you see below--

This morning I have decided to get on with the "decluttering" of the house--did 2 kitchen cupboards--I certainly do not need 12 muffin pans-- etc etc-- so, out they go--a lot of work --I may as well get things like that done, even if we live here forever--or --if we ever move, it might be less to move-- 

It is "hair Day"--the best day ever---plus I will pick up a couple meals , before coming home, for supper--
Have you still got your tree up?-Did you have a great Christmas?--Are you tired?---If your tree is down, as ours is, does it look better?-I miss the lights and the colour of Christmas---
Remember him--the milkman?--Memories eh?--  We used to have what we called a "milk chute" beside the back door-- where the milkman would put the bottles of milk in--It would open up to the kitchen-- Some people just had the milkman leave the milk (in bottles) on the front porch--One year Son#2, the pilot, and his friend , ran up and down our street and put stones in the neighbours milk bottles--I heard about that  after-And  when I very young, in Windsor, ON., the milkman came in a  sorta truck, drawn by a horse- We would sit on the curb and wait for him, so we could feed his horse sugar cubes, which Mom had given us---  Memories eh??--  I must be almost "older than old"--
That's why I must keep decluttering I guess--
so--back to  work here--Sadie is still on vacation--so if it's going to be, it's up to me--
I hope that where ever you are--that you are keeping happy--just remember---- 


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"Up and AT--ER "--

When you look at her, do you smile? It's kinda impossible not to isn't it?-I just want to wrap my arms around her, hug her, and laugh  along with her--

This day, our tree is coming down--I hope!--(Of course, one never knows what the day will bring, but that is what is in the plans)---- It is still dark here- (8am)-  Lopez had me up at 4am as he wanted a drink of water--gulped that down--and went to the door---so, there I was in my night gown walking around the front lawn--and he did need to go out--so--after all that-- I went back to bed and slept until 6-30am-- woke up with Himself poking me--I think he thought I was dead--Crazy eh?----poking me----

I did not get angry with him-- kinda  shocked that he pokes me---  instead of whispering sweet nothings in my ear-- but---- he did get me "up and at-er"---and at our age , one must accept , that at our age,  that probably  is as good as it gets--LOLOL--

So, the day has begun and we are a part of it.  I am aiming to take the tree  down--- Hopefully that will happen--(One never knows for sure if the plans happen)----Do you take your tree down as soon as yu can?--

Son #2, the Pilot, is finally home--Christmas travelling is long with a great many delays--  Pilots never know exactly when they get to take off--His Birthday is to-morrow. Hopefully he gets to stay home! 

Our lake is still open--ice along the shore--very unusual--plus, we do not have any snow now at all--strange for this time of year--I must get some pictures to show yu all to-morrow--

Now that we are  back to normal, I found the below meme to keep you all on "the straight and narrow"-- (Dad used to say that--Funny how these expressions just pop into my head--

Are you able to read it?---kinda interesting---

Life goes on--and on--- Even with a "poke" in the morning, life  can be good , if we make it that way--

I must get off of here---  but, before I go, maybe I'll play the piano for you--

ENJOY THE DAY---  WE ARE A PART OF TO_DAY___ almost 2024-----


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Rock on today!

 Well, it certainly has been busy, these past few weeks--Now if someone could guarantee that there will be "rest" on the horizon, my attitude will  change--I wanna be like the Lady below---just for to-day--

I must tell you however , that Son#2, the Pilot , is back home--flew all night, from  Las Vegas--  He texted,  saying, "just landed"--Flying at Christmas is  different--so busy--with delays - so many people needing to go here and there--

We were at Son#3's for a Turkey dinner last evening-- The meal was fantastic--and they  all were so good---helped Himself in--We enjoyed their company ---and then, we drove home (well, I drove home) in dense fog-- I could only see the yellow line down the middle of the road--Good thing there were no wild life on the road--AND--no ice--- as it was way too mild--But---We made it home---

--so---- another crazy rhyme--or joke--We all need to smile--  take time to relax--

Did you all have a good Christmas?--Did you gain weight?---Maybe you had your socks on--Try taking them off and step on those scales again--I gained .5 of a pound-- It must be the socks!

We have 4 degrees here above zero-- quite mild for  us this time of year--no snow-- misty outside-- foggy at night--  Poor Santa was probably way too warm in that suit he wears!--

To-day I shall try to not do too much-- It's hard to do you know--to not do too much---I have a good book-- It's on that list of 140 books one should read in  a lifetime--I  found that Kindle could send it to me FREE---"The secret Garden"--an old book--well written--but interesting---

I  shall take extra time to hug big Beau and Lopez --They kinda took 2nd place to all the "hallabaloo" over these holidays--

 If your energy level is low, from all the Xmas chaos, perhaps the list below might help you out--

It is a new day--ENJOY IT!   ------          This day only comes once!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Day is finally here-

 Thank you to you all---  because, all of you have brightened my life--- for a long time----Thank you !

Now, I must tell you that we went to Son#1's last night--Christmas eve---

It was fabulous---  The Grandchildren were there--not all of them, (4 missing)- --  And guess what Himself and I got for Xmas from each family-"-Food vouchers " -for various restaurants and take out places in town--lots of them-----You see, we are good with breakfast, and lunch--not so good at cooking a dinner meal  at supper time----The boys met us at the car and helped Himself inside--same going home--helped Himself out to the car--

We cut way back this Xmas with our spending--- i did not shop for clothing for them--but instead gave each Grandchild money--and it seemed to go over well--What on earth  do Senior people ever do without grown children and Grandkids-?--They certainly have helped us a lot  to stay in our home which seems to be working out well, for himself , who is not steady on his feet at this time.

so the big day is here--- I wish you all a wonderful warm Christmas--with  your family--whether it be with pets, or children, or neighbours or friends--a Family is what you make it--and only YOU can make it loving and special-- Just decide to do that! Jesus is the reason for the season--

I sometimes wonder  about what I post--How yu people might be offended-- I never ever mean  to do that--and I never , so far , have felt that I did that , by your response--

I know that my Mother has a lot to say , while I'm typing--I feel she sits here beside me, reading everything--kinda drives me crazy--as she will say, "Go on--type that-- Did you not hear me?"--Lord love a Duck! Maybe it's a part of the aging process--In fact,  I might hang around my own kids when I pass on , and try to influence them--(but I'll never tell them!)

Anyway, I wish you all a wonderful  Christmas Day-- and if you are alone, remember , that, you really never are alone, because your Mom is probably watching out for you too and telling you  what to do--

Yes, life does go on---and of course I wanted you all to know that I enjoy hearing from you all and I do appreciate your comments---You make my days special--- just sharing this time with you -- (Mom just told me to add that!)_--AND DON"T WORRY------LOL----(I probably do all that worrying for you all!)-  Everything will work out for the best!---(I HOPE!) -