Monday, December 4, 2023

Attack the day with enthusiasm!

I saw this sweet girl and thought of all of us--how I have 2 house-y  outfits --that I interchange, when I am at home--one in the wash, and I wear one----- Just look at how  this child dresses up to go out--I try to dress  a bit, when I go to town---

And as Himself never comes down until 7am--I had a few minutes to re-read what I had posted inside the cupboard door , many moons ago----

It broke my heart--- -#5-"Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me"------ This made me cry--because, it is so true! 
                           -----#2-"Give me time to understand what you want of me"
--Just read it it all, if you have pets--When I read it, I am so happy that I persevered with Lopez--especially when I forced him to do something, and he would bite me-- I have learned since then,  he will do as I want if he is allowed to think about it first-- no more bites coming my way--

We have  no sunshine --YET! --but it does look promising--- Beau and Lopez have both been out, ---Lopez , who was just too cold to think about what he should be doing out there--went out but  did not do what I hoped he would do----I'll take him out later when it has warmed up --It is minus 7 C --outside right now--

So, what day is it to-day, in your neck of the woods?----
-"-IT IS TODAY"-I Hear-------  which is my favourite day-------I know Sadie, the cleaning Lady (who is really me)-will be here shortly to clean a bathroom----

There will be no Day Program at the lodge to-day as the worker who runs it, will be away--so---  I guess the most important thing in my life  to do, will be---to----
--And----  I must try-----to be awesome-------and  remember what Mom used to say---that, "Patience is a virtue-- remember if you can, It's often found in women, but Never in a Man!"----


  1. Yes, have to be more aware of how I dress when I’m out of the house too! Never really think of it much.

    Awwwww, yes, dogs have FEELINGS and sometimes we forget that. Good reminder. Poor Lopez. So cold for a little guy. But he’ll do things eventually.

    Yes, today had a little cleaning on the agenda, too. But must work on cards!

    Definitely going to be awesome today!


    1. Yu are so good to do cards-I used to---I hear no snow falling tomorrow -=---That will be a blessing! --L:ynda

  2. I love that "cupboard note" from the pets! I've seen it before but it always bears seeing again. I admit I do talk to all creatures in my house. Right now that's just the Prisoner, who I greet every morning and say goodnight to every night, and narrate as I fix his food, and remind him that it's warm and dry inside when he asks in or out. What would we do without them?

    And Today is my favorite day, too. I woke up and took a breath, so that makes it a good day! Onward to have a great Monday, Lynda!

    1. Well Barb--I sure would miss my pets too-impossible to carry on too much conversation with Himself--so I chatter away to all of you plus a German (Beau)-a Spaniard (Lopez---)=-=-and the cat who came in from the cold-=-Happy your favourite day went well-Lynda

  3. This blog made me cry. I saw a post on FB that if you need to put your animal down...stay with them! They want to look into your eyes at the end. Now I'm crying again! I had to put a kitty down 5 years ago just before I moved here. I don't believe I stayed...
    Live and learn, I guess.
    Sadie's twin...also Sadie will get more chores done here today than yesterday. Yesterday was a Sunday day off.
    Hinself will miss his daycare. I'm surprised that they only have one person to run the program. It must be lots of work for her. I'm sure it's very rewarding, though.
    It's just at the freezing point here. It will get a bit warmer this afternoon.
    Pets want to be with you...Oh! is that ever true! Even kitties. When I leave the apt, Lucky looks at me like, "You're leaving me again?" He is an emotional therapy animal. I could take him with me, but unlike a dog, he wouldn't like it.
    The body feels like crawling back into bed, but Sadie has to to her stuff first.
    Have a great day, my dear friend. {{{HUGS}}} PS I haven't heard from Matt yet. Guess it's too soon.

    1. Sadie was here--or it might be her twin--- and she cleaned 2 bathrooms--I told Himself to no mess these bathrooms up--(He didn't appreciate that--LOL-)---=The rules for pets almost made me cry also- Poor animals eh--not being able to talk-and yes, Himself already misses his daycare--Hope he can get there tomorrow--Matt is at his home in Toronto---I think he had a break just before Xmas--He calls me at least 10 times or more-everyday-----I don't mind--- --LOL--a good kid for sure-- Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. I love the little girl all dressed up. I rarely get dressed up any more - there's just no where to go. I also really loved the 10 things a dog asks of it's people. I do talk to Daisy all the time - my husband is always downstairs so she listens attentively. She does know a lot of what I'm saying. She runs to the window when I tell her that Annie (her sister). And she know the difference between her chicken treat and her other treats - she knows where the chicken treats are kept because they're special. She's 10 now and I know she won't be with us much longer - I see her slowing down and sleeping so much more. She has even won over my husband who really never liked dogs. Now he snuggles with her every morning! I'm glad you keep trying with little Lopez!

    1. aww--Daisy sounds so sweet --- and yes you will miss her--They learn english don't they?---- We have sunshine to-day--so nice--novsnow falling-Lynda

    2. nice to hear your husband loves her also--Lynda

  5. Love all the inserts today but especially the one about the dogs talking to us. Makes you think! You would think daycare would have more than one person experienced or trained to deal with the people that go to the class. Hope he can go tomorrow instead. Have a good evening. Brenda

    1. He is going to go Wed and Friday this week--The nurse comes tomorrow to dress his leg-- I need hom to go before I go nuts--LOLOL-- Lynda

  6. We are getting rain turning to snow tomorrow in Ohio. Sorry Himself could not go to daycare. I am sure he missed going and hope he gets to go soon. Yes, our dogs depend on us to talk with them. They love it. I am so happy things worked out with Lopez. I wanted him to stay since the beginning and you were so great to work with him. I have been Sadie every day. I am just trying to get things ready for the holidays. So much to do but when it is done, it is worth it. Looking forward to my nephew coming back but then it will be a long Winter before I see him on his Spring break. I will be very sad but I will find stuff to do. I hope you had a nice day.

    1. It was a good day--Sadie was here and cleaned bathrooms-and as for Lopez--- I never researched the breed--never knew he or that breed was so feisty-and I do not believe in giving a dog away--so-- Lopez and I had to work it out--and we still are --but-- things are improving--I do love the wee fellow --Now I hope you enjoy that nephew of yours--over Christmas--Lynda

  7. Great inserts!
    I rarely dress up. I have my working around the house outfits. I dress a bit better on bananna runs lol.
    The dog reminders...sad. love dogs and cats. Dont think I could have worked it out with Lopez...glad you could.
    Bummer about day care as YOU need a break.
    Blessings and hugs
    You are AMAZING

    1. DayProgram tomorrow tho--AND HE IS GOING----LOL-- kinda driving me crazy --He needs to get away from here--AND ME--LOL-As for Lopez--- I thought I'd give him to Son #3 1 million times--but-- I have learned how to deal with him-- He certainly has attitude--LOL---Good to hear from yu- Hope yer day goes well- Lynda


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