Sunday, June 30, 2024

I thought growing old would take longer.

so-----think positive---YOU CAN DO WHATEVER----  even if you need help---and after you ask for help--then you can do it!--Right???

--Well, we are having fun----  Son#2 and his lovely wife, AND GERRARD, their dog,  are here-, and our daughter and her 2 children are here--plus TYSON, her dog--We were sitting around the dining table last evening, after supper--"chewing the fat" (as Dad used to say)---  myself, our daughter and the Pilot's wife--ERIN, and we were each holding our dogs---

It looks like  Ladies who have matured beyond the chid bearing years,  get a dog to fill in their nurturing needs---doncha think?-

-All our good times here, remind me of trips to Grampa's house and how much we absolutely loved being there and how Mom and Dad were always sitting around-- "chewing the fat" --as Dad used to say--

Grampa on the RT--My Dad  on the Left---  and my uncle in the middle--many moons ago--You know, I never thought I would EVER be doing the same , some 60 yrs later--"Life " really just goes round and round, doesn't it?-- Growing "OLD" ------I thought it would take a great deal longer-

I hope you are enjoying everyday of life---- well, as much as you can--Time passes so quickly doesn't it?-- Always remember how special "YOU" are-----how strong you can be --and that you are loved more than you know--



Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lotza action at our house-

 We have lotza people here---  Son#2 the Pilot--with wife -and Gerrard, their dog--  and daughter , who I hear is almost landed here also---with her  family and withTyson, her dog-- She will stay here to-night--but moves to her B@B in town tomorrow night-

-I turned on the AC--AND IT WORKS---put it down to 70 degrees--lotza food on the counters in the kitchen--lotza action in the kitchen-----lotza people here, there, and everywhere-and I am telling myself, that everything will be OK----because it will be!  -- I must stay calm---
                                                                    Lopez in his new bed-----He seems to like it-

I must tell you , that at the Lodge yesterday, where  Himself goes, they were asked what was the most important thing he  ever did in his life--and Himself answer-ed--  I married "Lynda"-----ME ----- ME??-----  I started to cry--Can you believe that?---after all the problems we are living thru--  he still loves me-- HOLY COW EH??-----

I must get off of here--There seems to be a lot of action downstairs--I must  go down-- Are you feeling strong?----Is this a good day for you?

Friday, June 28, 2024

To-day's mood--Confused with a touch of WHAT THE HELL

Good Morning--I am peeking thru the computer here at you all--Son #2 and wife. are taking Himself to his Day Program--So, time for Lopez and I , and Sushi to get busy and blog--

Did yu watch the debate-?---sad , sad --so sad---Poor Biden---- so intelligent, knowledgeable also, but just could not get it across to his viewers-He needed a guardian angel for sure---and there was the other candidate, so mean and cruel and saying untrue things----  The whole thing broke my heart-! Anyway, it happened , but it should've never  been allowed----That's my personal opinion however--

So, we are surviving  quite well here, with  so many adults wanting to help out--and daughter  with her 2 teenagers on their way----Son#2's wife is a  very good cook---made such a good dinner last night---"Rosotto Rice"- (I think she called it that)----I had never had that before--

Our furnace is fixed, to the tune of $1800.00---Son #2, was telling me this AM., that he wondered if the moisture on the board which was inside the furnace, might've been caused from that "Heat Dome ", which lasted for over a week--and as for the fan in the furnace (broken also)--maybe  having the AC running day and night was too much for it---  Who knows eh?--But it's fixed now and that's what counts.

It is Canada Day, July 1st--so this weekend , will be a long Holiday weekend---with fireworks everywhere.-- Are you going to be totally awesome , to-day?---happy?---stronger than you believe you are?--no tears (which never help a situation)--kind to people you meet?---maybe with a touch of WHAT THE HELL?---                    -

                                            --I shall pray that you have the best day ever!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Promise me you will always remember-----

You better be having a great day------  As yu know, I have son #2 here , with family-- so,  did not blog this morning, but-----  I sure miss you all--so, I am just checking up on you all-- --just in case you were thinking that I didn't care about you --- well--  "I miss you like crazy"--- Isn't that a song?  

                    Here are the people who dropped in for lunch to-day-- left to rt.----Ethan, a                     Grandchild, Son#2 the Pilot, Hannah-a Grand daughter, --Me --and Himself--And we all say ---  a great big "HI"-

                                It is busy -----  but so nice --to be surrounded with family--

                                            so much love----which is what family is all about--

I shall be with you  longer to-morrow----  Hair Day to-day---
Until to-morrow---- always remember---



Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Being a little weird is good too!

Remember those days ?----Doncha wish  sometimes you could dump that bowl of noodles on someone's head?  Memories are so precious---So--How is your day going?? Lots has happened since I spoke to you all yesterday---

-#1. Rusty , the furnace guy, found a fan for the furnace and will be out to-day to install it-- (so he says)- 

-#2.  We found Thomas the Toad who, (if you remember) I stepped on and never saw him since-till now--You see, yesterday I was going to clean out the garden under the front  bedroom window--Well, living in that garden, was a 4 ft long , quite fat, black snake--I figured maybe he ate Thomas (I should write a book eh?)--    I called the Ministry man, who seems to befriend snakes, and before I could say, "Johnny Robinson", he appeared with a big bag and a long stick--He said he would remove the snake--take him to his garden --- 

As he was tramping thru our garden, he found the fat long snake---plus a yellow smaller one, which he had already caught--He proceeded to sit in my lawn chair near the snake pit--told me to go and continue my weed whacking--and that he would sit and wait for Mr Snake--THEN---TOLD ME THAT A FAT TOAD HAD JUST HOPPED OUT OF THAT GARDEN__which, I knew was Thomas--Anyway, he hasn't caught the 4 ft long guy but spotted him and assured me he would return today to "nab" him--

I knew  you were all worrying about poor Thomas the Toad, so figured you could all relax now that Thomas is out , on the run---- (I must be absolutely nutty eh--- That is what you all are thinking-is it?)-

I know also that we all have dogs ----  and I feel that dogs are so special--always tuned into out safety--Here is someone's pet,  taking care of the family baby-- (Good thing you do not believe everything yu see eh?--

-                                                        -like  --the picture below---
So--as you have figured out by now, people who live in the near North are extremely tuned into the wildlife in their area---but, only on some days-----  You might say--We have a vivid imagination--'specially when it comes to the animals living near by--

Hopefully your day is more exciting to-day-than mine----What is on your agenda? Here, Son #2  and family, will be arriving to-morrow--AND our daughter will be here for Canada  Day, July 1st with her 2 teenagers--They all arrive with their dogs---  Lopez will be in  his 7th Heaven!---

                        Remember that you are special----and stronger than you even realize--


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dream along with me--

 It does look like a good day---and that -will be just fine---or --maybe it won't be---but--one of those two things for sure--

I have been cleaning, and was so into it--changing the bed---washing the sheets--because, Son #2--the Pilot, and wife, (plus Gerrard , their dog) will be arriving on Thursday--EXCITING!!  --AND----They are staying with us here--in this house--even more exciting!--I  washed Gerrard's bed and put it beside their bed--(Well, the bed belonged to big Beau)

It is very hot to-day--and we do not have AC--- Remember?--- The fan from the furnace is ordered and hasn't arrived yet-- (because we live near the north Pole--which is in the middle of no where)--

It was important that I clean---and clean --and clean---  Lord love a Duck! ---  Son #2 probably will not be as picky as some kids are---  but, it does seem that most grown kids , when they visit their parents,  kinda check stuff out--They don't realize there are ways to save energy--and as one ages, sometimes "older than old " people kinda cut corners--like--do nothing---take a day off, and--maybe enjoy just doing nothing--

I hope that your day is going well--  that you are as happy as a clam at high tide--that yu make time to read your book----get out for a walk--or----Dress up like a Queen---as you see below, a little Fancy Schmancy is good for your soul----

With all the fancy "DUDS" on, you might be asked for tea---with the new King-----  Well, you never know------I best get back to  work here---  Enough daydreaming  ------


Monday, June 24, 2024

Climb every Mountain---

 One foot in front of the other--keep doing that--- and when you look back , to see  how far you have come--- you have almost made it--which always amazes me----I always say to myself, "Thank -you God"--I climbed that mountain--again-Thank you -thank you- thank you--"-----  " I MADE IT!"--- The secret seems to me, to NOT give up----keep climbing that mountain---one step at a time.--

Another sunny day here--- lots of mosquitoes ---- sunny however----  Lopez and I walked the back road--- No business  from him----  (We will go again!)-

 Himself , was in a rare mood this AM--(I think the furnace  and AC not working, kinda gets to him)--  but--- the good thing is, he is at his Day Program--and-- I have had time to sort out  how on earth I am, going to pay for the new fan for the furnace--A thousand dollars plus tax---It has to be fixed, and  I guess this is the time to dip into the extra cash I had invested many moons ago--Praise the good Lord that I did that!---So, I figured it out---no crying----  just do it--- One step after the other and climb that mountain---and---  feel TOTALLY AWESOME that you  invested something for  the future!

I must tell you also, that Peter Rabbit was in the dog pen this AM., eating clover--such a cute little bunny--AND---- looking out over the lake this AM., when I felt like I was in the "depths of Despair" over the furnace breakdown, there was our neighbour taking off over the lake--- so pretty--
                            I must get offa here before you all assume that I've lost my marbles---
                                        I really am quite normal---at least from time to time---Remember--one foot at a time---- eventually---you are at the top--- NEVER GIVE UP!                               

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Use the love to stay strong.

 Well, ya never know eh?---Today really could be the most WONDERFUL  Day--of your life--and---- Tomorrow just might be even better. Positive thoughts here!---Get on yer best "Bib and Tucker"
 (Dad's expression) and get out and face this world!--

---Here we  have rain with millions of bugs--mosquitoes----  In fact,  I even swallowed a mosquito and I could not cough it up---seems every time I walk Lopez , a mosquito goes down my throat---
I believe this is our third of rain---

We are waiting for the furnace man --Rusty--to appear---to see what on earth is going on in the furnace--The AC is shut off---as Rusty thinks the shut down  of the AC might be caused by the fan in the furnace not working-- Whatever it is, it means more money----to get  either the AC or the furnace going--probably mega money--"Mucho dollaros"----  Lord love a Duck! -- We certainly will never be rich--and  I may be the cause of all this-----We just updated the whole water system----and now this---

  I have mentioned before , that I should've taken "Shop" in high school, instead of Latin, or Sewing, or Art---How on earth can a woman run a house , all on her own, without courses such as "Water and Wells"---Electricity---  Car Repair---Heating the Home---Home Appliances--Building the Best Home----Jeepers-----High school would've been so interesting!--Banking  might 've been helpful also--

Little Lopez is on a chair behind me here, learning what "STAY" and "SIT" mean----He certainly is a one person dog--tags along where ever I go-happy if he can see me, and if I go somewhere , like out in the garage, he searches forever trying to hunt me down, and sometimes gets stuck  in a closet and I have to follow the screeching--
                    Walking  does improve ones happiness---Try not to swallow a bug however---
                                                                    Dream a little to-day----
                            Make to-day the best day ever---  Think Positive thoughts---

Saturday, June 22, 2024

I am Schmorky-Dorky and Whackadoodled out.

Good day to you---  Always lots going on --Our AC unit stopped in the night--and it is Saturday--so --not much luck getting someone to try to get it going again--

Right now it is turned off--It keeps running and for some reason, it is not pumping out any cool air--It might be the fan on the furnace--but then, what do I really know?-- I have called 3 plumbing and heating places and no luck getting them here on a Saturday--

And we are out of milk--and bananas--so, guess I will go for a few groceries and pray that someone calls us back---I have turned off the poor overworked AC unit--and opened widows--and will hopefully get back to yu later--


Friday, June 21, 2024

Please don't be a Jerk.

 Give some "love" to yourself--I never thought that way---"WE" need the love----and more so, on days which it seems everything goes wrong--a new way of thinking---for me--

To-day it is still hot---muggy--- I thought they promised us, that Friday , this heat dome would break up--I walked Lopez this AM., up the back road, and  the humidity was extremely high--I hurried back home, thinking, "This is not good"---We still are running the AC in the house-The furnace guy told me to not turn it off--just turn it down when it becomes too cold-allow the house to adjust.

You see, over the years, I never had to worry about adjusting to a heat dome--I was so busy, driving kids , here, there and everywhere--visiting their schools----buying groceries for 5 teenagers--doing  tons of laundry--AND teaching fitness classes for women, on the side --

    Let all that go----  AND THINK OF YOU----LOVE YOURSELF----Take time for "YOU"---hard to do tho., as we , as Mothers-- the Women of the world , are raised to take care of the world--  "WOMEN Hold Up Half The Sky"---

Hopefully you love  love love yourself---  stand up for what  you believe----take some time everyday to  "BE YOU"-----Sally Forth said, "Behind every successful a basket of dirty laundry."

    Have a great day------Let the world know who you are -----and ----show them how special you are---

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Lordy Be! A chaotic morning --

Good morning people---  overcast here-- --seems like it was raining in the night--everything is wet---and there are lots of mosquitoes-----AND----it is hair day---and----  hair colour day--which is time consuming-I wonder if I  shall still be colouring this head of hair--even when I am one hundred---?---I kinda hope not---- so--when does one quit ?---decisions decisions----

Well, since I began this blog, the Plumber has been here--so, I was down in the basement trying to help him change the filter on the water system----He has to come back to-morrow as he does not have the proper part----- Lopez  was trying to bite him---so he had to be put in his crate-then Lopez needed to go out to do his business, for the "umpteenth" time--- and  then--Himself had lunch ready and wondered why I wasn't down in the kitchen--Lord love a Duck!---A Woman's work is never done!

Whatta crazy morning---I sure hope that your day is quieter than my day is here-- Is it?? Do you ever feel like you need to find a quiet hole somewhere and just jump in--???

anyway----Perhaps a cup of tea will help--- and a quiet corner to just sit in---
Repeat after me----



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Get out and-Strut Your Stuff-

                                Yes , for sure--Strut Your Stuff--It's a new day--a new beginning--

This very hot day, I took "the Bull by the Horns--"--(as Dad used to say)--took off in the car--left Himself at home with Lopez, and drove like a bat out of Hell. to town---  with 3 Whipper Snippers. which needed to be restrung--stopped on the way at the bank----and then , on to NAPPA., my Whipper Snipper store--- If I get there before 8am--(before, the multitudes appear, --"the whipper snipper man" will restring them--)--and I  always  reimburse him for his time---which of course, he always refuses to accept--- He does an amazing job and I am good for another week , for my yard work--

Something interesting happened , en route  there---Across the dash, it told me, the remote for the car, needed a new battery--I never even knew "remotes " had batteries----so-----this kind man changed the battery  in that also--

Lopez waited for me at home---  and as soon as I returned, Lopez and I hit the backroad, and little feisty Lopez, did his business--Driving back home, earlier--- I could see something trying to dodge vehicles ahead of me--  It turned out to be a family of Sandhill Cranes--Mom --and Dad?--with 2 young ones--They all looked like a lot of sticks---  This is a nesting area for Sand Hill Cranes----but, I wonder how many survive the highway crossings-----

-Sand Hill Cranes are beautiful huge birds with a terrible  calling--like a squeaky gate--In the fall, they gather on the shores of Manitoulin Island, and flocks of them fly together, to the South--

How are you to-day?---Hot?---  I had to turn our AC up as it seemed too hot --  I heard on the radio this AM, in case everything crashes  in this higher than high heat--we all should have a stash of cash somewhere  handy--great advice!   

So----  Take 'er cool --- enjoy this day----Put on that crown and maybe be a "Queen for the day"--

  Perhaps this is a good day to  tell someone to "Jump in the Lake"----A  Queen could do  that! 
Always remember that you are stronger than you believe----oh-----and----------ONE MORE THING---------


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

This 'n that-

Good morning!--Another chance to get it right---mega hot here--with the AC running-- Lopez and I have been out---Lotza mosquitoes out there--We  walked to the highway and back. The humidity must be extremely high--kinda makes one feel dizzy---

Yesterday I managed to cut the front grass---Hopefully I can do the septic grass this afternoon--I'll have to see what the day brings--

Do you think of yourself as a miracle?--I never do---but-----  I suppose everyone of us is a miracle--We are moving---are alive---so many reasons that we might not be here---I was the 3rd child in my family--- What if my parents decided to have only have 2 children?--What if?--What if?--

Himself does not go to the Day program today--which means  we can get a rest in early---I can read my book--help Sadie , the cleaning Lady this morning--(who, as you know, is me!)--and perhaps be the gardener this afternoon (weather permitting)---

I just had a call from our furnace man---  I had tried to reach him, as I noted the furnace light was flashing-- He told me to leave the AC on all the time--stop turning it off and on---  I did not know that--holy cow!----You learn something everyday!--Too bad I don't know everything--There is SO much to learn isn't there?--It takes a lot of courage to run a house---I never knew that either--

--ever onward here-- a new day--- and a good thing, because every day , I try to get stuff done--right--I guess - I used to spend too much time in a dress store----filling all these closets in the house, that I am now trying to declutter-
Very hot to-day ---- very buggy also----maybe a good day to stay inside----- to exercise the "courage"----so it will become stronger--
