Remember those days ?----Doncha wish sometimes you could dump that bowl of noodles on someone's head? Memories are so precious---So--How is your day going?? Lots has happened since I spoke to you all yesterday---
-#1. Rusty , the furnace guy, found a fan for the furnace and will be out to-day to install it-- (so he says)-
-#2. We found Thomas the Toad who, (if you remember) I stepped on and never saw him since-till now--You see, yesterday I was going to clean out the garden under the front bedroom window--Well, living in that garden, was a 4 ft long , quite fat, black snake--I figured maybe he ate Thomas (I should write a book eh?)-- I called the Ministry man, who seems to befriend snakes, and before I could say, "Johnny Robinson", he appeared with a big bag and a long stick--He said he would remove the snake--take him to his garden ---
As he was tramping thru our garden, he found the fat long snake---plus a yellow smaller one, which he had already caught--He proceeded to sit in my lawn chair near the snake pit--told me to go and continue my weed whacking--and that he would sit and wait for Mr Snake--THEN---TOLD ME THAT A FAT TOAD HAD JUST HOPPED OUT OF THAT GARDEN__which, I knew was Thomas--Anyway, he hasn't caught the 4 ft long guy but spotted him and assured me he would return today to "nab" him--
I knew you were all worrying about poor Thomas the Toad, so figured you could all relax now that Thomas is out , on the run---- (I must be absolutely nutty eh--- That is what you all are thinking-is it?)-
I know also that we all have dogs ---- and I feel that dogs are so special--always tuned into out safety--Here is someone's pet, taking care of the family baby-- (Good thing you do not believe everything yu see eh?--
-like --the picture below---
So--as you have figured out by now, people who live in the near North are extremely tuned into the wildlife in their area---but, only on some days----- You might say--We have a vivid imagination--'specially when it comes to the animals living near by--
Hopefully your day is more exciting to-day-than mine----What is on your agenda? Here, Son #2 and family, will be arriving to-morrow--AND our daughter will be here for Canada Day, July 1st with her 2 teenagers--They all arrive with their dogs--- Lopez will be in his 7th Heaven!---
Remember that you are special----and stronger than you even realize--