Monday, June 10, 2024

8 Powerful Words

Good morning---Himself is at his Day Program-- already it is 10am--- and I began to get him there at about 8-45am----  He "Dilly Dallys"---tells me over and over that he must do "this"--then "that"----excuses to stay home--- but---when I go to pick him up, he is happy ---

It is cold this A.M., outside--a lovely wind blowing too, which blows the flies away--lots of construction on the way into town, on the highway-- so, that takes time also--We have to dodge the enormous trucks--first one lane opens--then that traffic can proceed--then our lane opens, and we can finally drive through--They are burying pipes from town, around the lake---  Because we live on the Precambrian shield, massive rocks are dug up----  and this precambrian shield is right on the surface , in this area--

Lopez ---- as you know---  the Chihuahua who  can be bad--like--- tries to bite me sometimes--- It all began with Himself hitting him with his cane-which he still does if I'm not around----- so----why do I keep him?---I know I should donate him to Son#3----  but when I leave him at Son#3's house, he cries and sits by his front door--yelping--loudly---  and----- if I gave him to Son#3, I'd miss him--a lot---so--why don't I just get a Shepherd?--We raised so many Shepherds--- The problem is---  (Isn't there always a problem?)--One day we must get out of this way too large house----Having a very large dog, limits one to where they move-----so-----  Lopez--the resident "biter"----  stays on----with me hoping I can control him---- But-- it does complicate my life---  a husband who is very old--and a Chihuahua who is sweet, sweet sweet----most of the time---  but a bit of a "whacko"  when he does not want to do something-- 
Last night I went to Son#1's daughter's dance recital--It was wonderful--  all the children, dressed up in beautiful costumes,  flying across the stage, just like the person in the above picture--- When you come home from something like this, you just want to fly through the air, in your house--So, this morning , that is what I am doing---

So that is what is happening here--Sadie the cleaning Lady, is cleaning here one room a day thing--and  before too long, back I go, thru the construction, to pick up Himself----I hope that you put a little dance into your day---  We can be anything we wish, can't we?--To-day , maybe wee can be "Ballerinas"--????-

                                                    Have a good day--make it a great day--


  1. It's Kathy. I'm glad you enjoyed the dance recital. I was a dancer once upon a time. I miss dancing. After my children were old enough to take care of themselves, I went back to class. My favorite thing was the leaping across the room - yes, it felt like flying. Oh how I miss that, but my body simply doesn't leap anymore. We are having another really nice day but they say rain is on the way. That's my big news of the day! I hope you have a good day today!

    1. Kathy -- That sounds so good--leaping across the room--These dancers did that too=--=It was such a lovely day today--windy and cooler--Lynda

  2. Good morning, Lynda! High 62 in Ohio today but almost 90 later in the week. So glad you enjoyed the recital. Yes, you would miss little Lopez! We almost got rid of Kloi when she was a puppy. When we had someone interested, we couldn’t do it. She is 8 now! She is almost perfect and will never think of doing that again. Tommy is one! Our Kilo (Munch) was 11 when he passed a year and a half ago. Tommy is collar trained and much better at his age than the other two ever were! I highly recommend getting one for him. Heading out for yardwork in these cool temps. Have a great day!

    1. Yes I would miss Lopez-- and if Fred would just stop hurting this dog (He kicked him tonite)--- Lopez would not be so afraid of him--It was so nice to work in the yard today--cooler with a nice wind--kept the bugs away--Lynda

  3. I have to wonder if you've talked to a dog trainer about Lopez and the biting? I mean, that's what I had to do with Ember, and she still sometimes breaks my skin, unintentionally. This morning I had to sort of wrestle/force her back into the crate after a mid-morning walk. This is not her usual routine, but I have men at work both inside and outside the house and it was necessary!

    I got her there in the end, with lots of treats and that wrestling match... and escaped with only two new bandaids... one on a previous split in the skin that got "extended" a bit, and the other so small it quit bleeding before I got the bandaid on. I had already unwrapped the bandaid, so on it went anyway!

    But like you, I have a dog who is sweet MOST of the time, and willful when she's not! But the thing is, most of the time, I'm on her side... I get why she doesn't want to go back in at unplanned times. I get why she doesn't want to wear her car seatbelt. I get how frustrated she must be with her little world turned upside down. Fortunately, the young men working on my house and yard "get" her, too, and are kind about greeting her in accordance with the training plan. And she loves it!

    Here's hoping for a good day for all of us! You, me, Himself, Lopez, and little Ember who is not so little, really.

    1. Dog trainer sounds good--dunno if thee is one ion this are--but--I shall look--a good idea-Thanks Barb-Lynda

    2. There are a lot of really great Canadian dog trainers... I follow them on YouTube!

  4. Great blog, Lynda, with you having a very busy day!
    I know about traffic! Back in Chicago we used to say, "There are only 2 seasons here: Winter and Construction." The same could probably be said about most of the developed world.
    Dogs...oh, yes, they can be a problem. Even Lucky is sometimes. I have tried to teach him the difference between biting and kissies. He is so'd think he'd learn. I read, though, that cats have very sensitive nerves and when they have had enough petting (or whatever), that little bite is telling you to stop. Don't you think maybe Lopez could have some kind of sensitivity, too? We know he does as far as canes go.
    Sadie has been here briefly and may come back later for a couple more chores.
    It's a lovely day here, but cool...and the breeze (almost a wind) is really chilly. Wonder when that hot summer that was predicted will come. Glad that wind blows your flies away for you. Good for you and Lopez, too!
    This afternoon maybe you and Himself will both get a rest. Can't dance while you're resting, but you can play or listen to music, cuddle up with your kindle, etc. Whatever else you do, sis, enjoy your day and focus on the positive aspects! {{{HUGS}}}Love, Maggie

    1. Hi Miss Maggie-- Well, Himself kicked Lopez AGAIN-- I should never leave this little dog with himself---I did a lot of weeding this afternoon--eventually I will have the whole property done--then just the upkeep--nice cool day here to-day with lovely wind which keeps the bugs away--Hugs , Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda: Glad the dance recital was good. Construction - In Toronto you can hardly move without hitting construction so I know how you feel! Lopez - I think he will always cause issues for you. Good thing he's such a cutie! If he won't go to son #3's who has his friends, I guess he will be staying with you. Maybe a trainer can help you although that didn't work for me. It's cool here today too - hope it warms up tomorrow! Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Brenda a trainer sounds wonderful-- but-I live in the middle of nowhere--I have to be the trainer---very cool here to-day also, but I like it and the wind is blowing the bugs away--Lynda

  6. Glad that you got Himself to the lodge despite the “dilly dallies”. Men are so good @ that.

    Can you put Lopez in his kennel when you go so Himself can’t get to him w/that awful cane? Just thinking. And like barb/OKM says, maybe a dog trainer??? Just thoughts.

    So wonderful that you enjoyed the dance recital.

    LOVE the 8 powerful words. AMEN!


    1. Himself does not like Lopez-- kicked him this evening-- like Barb--who on earth kicks a dog--no wonder Lopez gets into his biting mode-- --sad eh??--Sometimes I think Himself needs to be "crated"--Lynda

  7. Did you ever read the Chihuahua book you bought? And why didn’t the breeder tell you more about the dogs? And getting a female dog is better, too, as far as gentleness. Consider, that Himself is not the only one with dementia, do not add on to what kids will have to deal with in the future, if you get more animals, just because you can.. You are smart, think think about that no one gets younger! Please…..don’t let fools talk you into stuff.

    1. LORDY be--- YU SOUND LIKE ONE OF MY KIDS--ARE YU?--sounds like another lecture--- I may even get 120 more dogs-- Who cares--?--No-one talks me into stuff--Holy Cow! No one gets younger??-=-=What are yu talking about--and why??-- -Lynda

  8. Darn it, my comments vanished. Anyway...glad the recital was lovely.
    Sounds like a job getting to day program. My himself is as slow as a 2 toed sloth. I have to allow extra time just to get him in the car.
    Sadie came early..5am..and we got the house done. It's been a busy day with lots of stops. I'm pooped.
    Great inserts. Especially 8 words.
    Gorgeous, perfect weather in St.Louis today..70sF, sunny, light open AC off.
    Hope your evening is going well and Fred enjoyed the center.
    Thank you for sharing and brightening my day every day.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hi Marge--- I had Sadie here also--She did a great job on the upstairs bath and our bedroom--plus I got a lot of weeding done in a garden en route to lake--The wind helped keep the away-Lynda


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