Thursday, June 20, 2024

Lordy Be! A chaotic morning --

Good morning people---  overcast here-- --seems like it was raining in the night--everything is wet---and there are lots of mosquitoes-----AND----it is hair day---and----  hair colour day--which is time consuming-I wonder if I  shall still be colouring this head of hair--even when I am one hundred---?---I kinda hope not---- so--when does one quit ?---decisions decisions----

Well, since I began this blog, the Plumber has been here--so, I was down in the basement trying to help him change the filter on the water system----He has to come back to-morrow as he does not have the proper part----- Lopez  was trying to bite him---so he had to be put in his crate-then Lopez needed to go out to do his business, for the "umpteenth" time--- and  then--Himself had lunch ready and wondered why I wasn't down in the kitchen--Lord love a Duck!---A Woman's work is never done!

Whatta crazy morning---I sure hope that your day is quieter than my day is here-- Is it?? Do you ever feel like you need to find a quiet hole somewhere and just jump in--???

anyway----Perhaps a cup of tea will help--- and a quiet corner to just sit in---
Repeat after me----




  1. Hi Lynda! It is HOT in Ohio! I wish we had some rain, even a little. It sounds hectic at your house. Yes, I have days like that and a quiet hole would be lovely! I have a plumber coming next Wednesday. It will be fun with two yorkies. It is hard having strangers in with pets. I hope the rest of your day is calm. Hugs!

    1. Yes it was a crazy day here--I brought Lopez with me to the Hair Dresser and amazing, but he was pretty good--It was a better temperature to-day but that heat was bad the past 2 days-Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. I think I have some blogs to catch up on. We are still in Virginia. We had a lovely lunch with my daughter, SIL and Faith - the boys are doing summer things. Yesterday everyone was home for Juneteenth and we visited, played some games and had 2 delicious meals! My daughter is a much better cook than I am! The kids are opening up much more. They have all been fairly quiet and kind of shy and when we only see them at best once a year for a couple of days they don't know us very well. This visit has been so much better! One more day here and then 2 long days on the road but honestly, I will be happy to be home again! I'm glad the plumber knows what to do for you - yes, a woman's work is never done!

    1. Kathy so good that you took time to visit your daughter and their children--They will remember your visit!--so nice--Lynda-

  3. Lynda, you are busy today! Of course you know that your wee Lopez thought you needed protecting.
    And Himself made lunch? Great! And he vacuums sometimes, too, you've said.
    Your hair will turn out great, sis. I quite coloring mine before I moved to MN...oh, 6 or 7 years ago. It's naturally brown with a reddish cast in some light. Also has a bit of blonde here and there, and some white in places. I am okay with it.
    I've already been out for errands. It's supposed to start raining here in about 2 hours. It will rain on and off all day and night. I was told that tomorrow we should expect another 5 inches of rain. It's all partly because we got so little snow this past winter.
    Bought a new pair of shoes. I can't wear your Skechers. I tried. I must be a size 7 1/4 as 7 1/2 are so big they're just not comfortable.
    If the weather is terrible into Saturday, we may not go to karaoke again, but WE WILL SURVIVE.
    I am going to have a snuggle with Lucky. (I have a new pillow). Hope you get a rest within your frantic day, too. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Hair day is a busy day--and worry about Lopez here with Fred alone--so I took Lopez---Too bad about yu not going to Karaoke--I know yu enjoy it so much-It was a difficult day with Fred-- sad that he gets so frustrated--mainly I think because he doesn't hear properly--I dunno----and he sits in front of the TV so much--=Tomorrow will be better because he gets out to the Lodge--Lynda

  4. Have had some kind of virus...lost 13 lbs so far, can't really eat and then tore a tendon in my right arm...It is hot here in Illinois also, staying in during the worst.
    Enjoy your beauty shop time.
    Our dog had surgery to remove 3 fatty tumors and 1 was found and sent off, for total of has not slowed him down one bit...

    1. Oh Darlene--Please get better--poor yu---Yes Son#3's dog had fatty tumors removed and he seemed to have more life in him after--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda: You always have so much to do. I wish I was able to get around and do stairs like you do. I think you should colour your hair for as long as you want to. I quit doing mine about 7 years ago and now my hair colour seems to be better than it ever was before. Don't know why! Poor Lopez - always trying to protect you. It's nice that himself still will make lunch. Enjoy. Hope your hair appt. goes well. Brenda

    1. Brenda--- I dunno--was a hard day--yes poor Lopez--i took him with me to-day to the hair dresser----- Lynda

  6. That little guy, Lopez, thinks he's protecting you. Rough and tuff! But yes, he needed a time out. I stopped coloring my hair almost exactly three years ago to the day when my brother's family came for a visit and my sister-in-law said she was going to go gray. Well, I thought, maybe I'll do that too. She lasted only a few months (too much of a transition from redhead to white, I'm guessing), but I'm still holding strong and I have to say it's looking just fine. When were were at the local art festival last weekend, I noticed that this seems to be a trend, as there were far more women "of a certain age" who are sporting their natural color than in the past. I just love that we have a choice.

    1. Not long and I will allow "oh naturel" -with the hair--also--- LyndA

  7. Oh, no, my day wasn't quiet at all! Just as your day gets interrupted by demands from Lopez, himself, the plumber... mine was mostly Ember's needs, her trainer session, and cleaning up after her!

    Hope Friday offers some joy for all leading into the weekend! Hang in there... oh, and when to quit coloring? When you feel ready! In my case it was when the hair was getting thin enough it seemed like a waste of effort!

    1. I think when my hair thins outs out too--=I will stop the colour--Lynda

  8. Oh lordy. You DID have a chaotic day. Well, I had to quit coloring my hair about a yr. ago. Just too time consuming and Lady Clairol was just not doing her job. Ah well. You’ll know when the right time to quit will be for you.

    I totally agree . . . behind every crazy woman is DEFINITELY a man who made her that way. NO question about that.

    Getting prepared to have company tomorrow, so busy, busy, busy. Unfortunately it’s supposed to be stormy weather. *SIGH* So, will call my friend today to just see if there are any changes in their plans.

    Well we’ve made it to Friday. PHEW.


    1. Barb _ I noted yu had written--hope the stormy weather avoided yu--Enjoy yer company--=Hugs, Lynda


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