Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lotza action at our house-

 We have lotza people here---  Son#2 the Pilot--with wife -and Gerrard, their dog--  and daughter , who I hear is almost landed here also---with her  family and withTyson, her dog-- She will stay here to-night--but moves to her B@B in town tomorrow night-

-I turned on the AC--AND IT WORKS---put it down to 70 degrees--lotza food on the counters in the kitchen--lotza action in the kitchen-----lotza people here, there, and everywhere-and I am telling myself, that everything will be OK----because it will be!  -- I must stay calm---
                                                                    Lopez in his new bed-----He seems to like it-

I must tell you , that at the Lodge yesterday, where  Himself goes, they were asked what was the most important thing he  ever did in his life--and Himself answer-ed--  I married "Lynda"-----ME ----- ME??-----  I started to cry--Can you believe that?---after all the problems we are living thru--  he still loves me-- HOLY COW EH??-----

I must get off of here--There seems to be a lot of action downstairs--I must  go down-- Are you feeling strong?----Is this a good day for you?


  1. It's Kathy. Yes, I agree about the debate. I was also disgusted by the end. Neither of those men are qualified to be the President of the United States. But short of moving to Norway (which is what I'd really like to do) or maybe Canada (closer at least) we are stuck with these two. There's an independent candidate running, a Kennedy, maybe everyone will vote for him. Sounds like a lot of excitement at your house. I love it when I have a house full - at least for awhile. But I do miss my quiet time. We have a lovely day here today - a whole weekend without rain. There is flooding everywhere in Minnesota. Down south someone's house fell into the river. In St. Paul the Mississippi river will crest tonight. At least no one's home is being threatened but it looks like a building is sitting in the middle of a lake! Enjoy your company. Oh, I love Lopez's new bed. He looks so cozy in it.

    1. Kathy-- Canada--- Move to Canada--LOL----Its fun having all the kids together--Lynda

  2. Linda from Wisconsin here-Sometimes it just takes hearing that one thing from the "one" person to keep going...Good to hear!

    1. Hi Linda--Amazing that he said that--because he doesnt say it to me--LOL--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda! It sounds like good times at your house! I love the bed for sweet Lopez! Tommy would have the tag chewed off before he got in it. LOL YAY for the AC working! Ahhh! What a loving thing for Himself to say. You deserve to hear that! It is cloudy and on and off rain here in Ohio. I love it because it is watering all my new shrubs that I have been watering twice a day for weeks. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. It has been lotza fun having so many of our family here at once--Bet yer shrubs look good--Lots of rain here too-Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, Fred is right! Marrying you was his best decision. Tuck that in your heart and pull it out when you want to strangle him or run away from home lol
    Lopez "looks sweet" in his new bed. Hope he gets along with the other dogs.
    Enjoy the chaos and your kids and grands and the extra dogs.
    Glad AC is perking along. Sure need that with a house full of people.
    I look forward to seeing family pictures.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. LOL--Amazing--- What he said--- and I LOL--- when you said---think of that when yu want to strangle him--=LOOL Lynda

  5. Wow! You have a house full. Nice. Glad that the a/c is working.

    Oh my. Melted heart, puddles of tears. What a sweet answer Himself gave to the question what was the most important thing he did in his life. HE LOVES YOU!!

    Have a wonderful time w/family.


    1. Barb--Whatta shocker eh?--- He must still love me, no matter what--- made me cry-Lynda

  6. Lynda, so glad you heard some sweet words, super glad they told you. Family being around, brings some reality back to the elderly! Lordy Lordy, whomever is thinking of voting for a Kennedy, stupidly because if the name, this Kennedy is the devil !! Read and learn folks, not from Fox.
    Low wattage voters here. I hope your daughter and family have a safe trip from Ohio to your home!

    1. Yes they are all here--- Good thing we still have this large home! I would still vote Biden-- He is intelligent--knows the world--but--- I cant vote--LOL--Lynda

  7. What a sweet thing for Himself to say...I bet you were emotional...I would have been....That is wonderful he was cognizant and made you feel so special.
    Blessings Lynda,

    1. Darlene=It made me cry---Lynda

  8. So heartwarming to hear that you are the best thing that has ever happened to him! We all go through those times when we feel sorry for ourselves because of what we are experiencing in our lives, but there are always those little things that we can be thankful for and find joy in happy this joy happened to you, my friend!

    1. Sandra--- Who would ever think he would say that?--It made me cry--Lynda

  9. Enjoy every minute of your visiting family!! That is soooo sweet - Himself spoke his truth!! Lopez looks comfy…how’s he doing with the other dogs? Have fun and try to not worry while you’re surrounded by your kids! Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. I must get a picture of the 3 dogs and yes they all get along-Lynda

  10. ALICIA363
    Yes, marrying you is the most important thing he’s done.
    Yours is a special love and a special family.
    Enjoy the busy-ness! Hope everyone has a good time - including you!

    1. Alicia-- I love these kids--- my grown kids and their children--Lynda

  11. I am not surprised that this was his answer. Most men, especially those who have been married as long as you two have, have come to truly appreciate their wives, and deeply love, they just can't always get the words around it. My dad, while my mom was going through her final illness, had jotted down on a slip of paper (that I later found) the number of years, months, and days they had been married before death parted them. He, too, was a romantic, like your Himself!

    1. That really surprised me tho--=thought he would say something terrible-as he hates me being "the boss"--Lynda-

  12. Lynda, of course the most important thing he ever did was marry you! He was in his 'right' mind when he answered that...not medical school...but YOU!
    I read this earlier. Can't figure why I didn't comment then. Oh, yes I do remember! I looked up Canada Day and posted on FB. Never went back to the blog. So sorry. You may not see this now.
    Just got back from karaoke. We left very early. Cold with a cold wind outside, and they had the AC on full blast. Plus, we sit where a door opens to the patio that the smokers use when they go out to puff. That makes the outside cold come to us, too.
    You are having an exciting time with all your family. I am so glad for you. Enjoy them all around you! And the doggies...and only one cat? Guess if they had one, your family wouldn't bring them anyway. Dogs like to be with their owners, but cats like to be in their own space.
    I need to play with mine now, feed him and get ready for bed...with my window open, but the comforter on my bed on me! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yes Maggie When I do not see yu in the evening I look for yu in the morning--I kinda figured yu were at Karaoke--It is busy here but I love it-- Hugs, Lynda

  13. Hi Lynda: Missed answering last night. Of course the most important thing himself did was marrying you. Hope you feel better now and all the bad things he says now is the illness not is thoughts! Sounds like a family reunion is close to happening. That is great. Yes Lopez seems to be happy with his new bed. Talk later. Brenda

    1. Brenda--busy busy here but so much fun to have the kids home-Lynda


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