Monday, September 30, 2024

Live and Learn--

It has been a bad day---so far--but----  it is changing---You see, it all began last evening when I tried to program the new thermostat for the furnace---  I worked on it for hours and really all evening--Without that thermostat. the furnace would not go to another mode--like--"HEAT"--or "A.C"-----I called Son#1, and #2 , who was in England--and then son#3---- They all told me to just read the instructions---which I did--over and over --but what I was reading telling me what and how to get the right "mode", just would not  work---so, I would try again--then again---The guy who installed that thermostat would not call me back, no matter how many times I tried to get him to!

I finally went to bed---woke up this morning in a freezing cold house--cold air blowing up the registers--ran downstairs and turned off the whole system--then proceeded to call another service man--who has been here this morning--  He said, "No wonder you could not program your thermostat--you have the wrong instruction Pamphlet"---  And for years we have had that instruction booklet----  like--forever!--and --- it was the one the furnace guy left in our home to control the heating and the AC--I WILL NEVER EVER CALL THAT GUY AGAIN! Why do people try to "CON" old people?--probably because we ARE old--!!

            You pick yourself up and carry on----but--you learn and you learn and you learn--

Anyway --as Mom used to say,"You live and learn!-"---but---sad isn't it, that there are such crooked people in the world , just waiting to make an easy few dollars , on seniors--

So, "Keep your chin up", as Dad used to say----carry on, but---always remember  that there are people waiting to prey on others---  Who would ever think---?--

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Stay weird!


                                                                I am going on a banana run--

I have changed the bed-- walked Lopez--and I do need groceries--- so am heading out very soon--  In case you forgot, it is Sunday--sunny-------humid--- and all is well here--- How about there?--I hope that you are feeling strong to-day----- and maybe a tad weird will help you get thru the day--a very short blog--but I had to tell you that I am thinking about yu all--

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Do something every day that makes you feel like a kid again.

    Now isn't that so true?-Children are so "down to earth"-They tell it the way it is -the honest truth--and, couldn't you just wrap yer arms round this wee girl and hug her?-I bet she has a story to tell !

Well, How are you all doing this morning?--Are you "happy and you know it"-???---  It IS a good day to make to-day great---(and I'm not even a "Trumper"!)

My grass man and his brother will be out here shortly to bring in the docks---and tie them, along the shore---one more thing  will be done to get ready for winter----- 

Lopez and I "hoofed " it up the road early this morning--It was  cold!----I can feel  winter in the air ----getting closer---

        Some of you were asking  why I never post pictures of Himself's family--So, here are a few --- 

                                                                            His Dad
                                                            a bunch of us in Montego Bay(I am in this too)
                                me with son#1and son#2  at Bulls Bay beach with cousins
                                                                    Himselfs Mom

I loved visiting Himself's family in Jamaica--When we first went there, Negril did not exist--justas beautiful beach--no hotels-- Himself would catch crabs ---along the shore---  and always went fishing  in a hollowed out trunk of a tree-- I loved the family home in Lucea-- which is near Montego Bay--His family were so warm and nice --loved our children---- always lots of food--- altho sometimes the chicken was alive , and we had to drive to his house , to have it killed, before cooking it--So many good memories of our trips there!-- Now our grown children want a Jamaican passport so they can enjoy their heritage--I play the piano daily--I am no Liberace--but-Lopez thinks I am--
                                                    Try to enjoy your day, no matter what----Smile at people you meet--maybe take a wee bit of time to chat with someone ----     I'm sure you will "make" their day---AND---


Friday, September 27, 2024

Another day-another dollar-

So, the above really is true---I believe that anyway--do not mean to upset anyone about William Golding's statement--but---it is just a fact of life! 

 -So----  How are you?---  Did you sleep well last night?---Did you get your 40 winks ?  (as Dad used to ask me)---I read my book, until the wee hours of the morning--on my new Kindle, which "I" set up---all by myself---  unbelievable isn't it?--

Life is good , so far this morning--altho it IS early- and the day could fall apart, but all is well up to now. Himself goes to his Day Program and some day I  must pick up bananas, plus plus plus----I keep putting it off---and I spend way too much time,  outside  blowing  leaves--- 

Outside this morning, is fog---'specially rising from the lake.--Leaves are falling----and it feels like fall--coolish----Lopez and I have "hoofed" it up the road already--He says "Good morning" to you all------

    --I hear Himself getting ready to get out of here--so--I shall return--- in a bit-Don't go away--
-here I am--back!--
I stopped at out pharmacy after dropping Himself----  The pharmacist said she was away last her dog had to be "put down"--(I do hate that expression)----in the night---  and no vet was available in town, so had to drive to Manitoulin Island, as it was a 4 yr old Shepherd and deep chested, and it's stomach had turned-- It reminded me of big Beau, with me driving all over, Beau on the back seat of our vehicle , half dead, and no vet available to "put him down"--Our vet is the Mayor and he was in City Hall--Of course I was crying---- I shall never forget that---
                            But we are alive to-day-and we can make the very best of it--a nap does help one get thru the day--  AND--it is hair day--- My Hair Lady has been on a wee holiday , so, to-day "THE HAIR GETS DONE" and I shall look like a new woman----I hope! ----  Remember to be------
                                                            I hope that your day goes well--



Thursday, September 26, 2024

Where did the time go? Memories make us what we are to-day!

 --- some of my favourite people--"Dock Days"---and we have more Grandchildren now--but--our dock is empty--  Look at all the bare feet---lotza thistles got stuck in those feet from that dock-- Now 2 of our Grandkids are at University---Where did the time go? 
Me on the left, holding Son #1 -- with  our best friend's wife--  Dulce Mederos, married to Dr Mederos, who Himself always called "Lopez" from the Canary Islands-- with their son-
My Mom on the rt---  who never ever wore jeans  -with my Dad's sister , beside her-who never ever wore jeans--
Our daughter's husband, a Doctor now , in Cleveland, with their first child, with a "rice cooker " on her head--(as a hat!) 
 Below--- My Dad on the left, with his Dad, on the rt., with the hat on --my Grampa, who I loved to the Moon and back--
            Below is Son #2, the Pilot, with is daughter, who is almost finished Univesity now--
                                    -And below, is son#3, graduating from Police School--with Himself and I--
-Below is the man I married--after raising 5 children--and sending them off to school, countless times, to make them the people they are to-day--with one of our Shepherds--note!---"no cane"

All the reasons that we are together to-day---"memories " you see, make  our lives worthwhile-- (Now I am crying)----  Lord love a Duck!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Rainy Day thoughts--

 We have rain--heavy rain-- Himself is at his Day Program--Lopez and I are here --(Sushi in the closet)--We need this rain-I do like it!  I was sitting here paying bills--Doncha wish  you were rich?---  like--filthy rich?--I always consider myself lucky when the month is done and all is paid--so, I guess when that happens, we should just be happy--content too---Also, nothing has broken lately-- touch wood, so that helps----and my face is healing quite well--another good thing!

And it is "FALL"--- so so pretty outside with all the brilliant colours of the leaves--And it has been  good in the evenings to sit at the piano and play--Lopez falls sleep on the sofa when I play the piano--Every barn should have a piano, because the animals sure enjoy hearing music. Remember Tessa? She used to come and lay down right beside the piano, as soon I began to play.

I received an email yesterday, asking if I was interested in another Chihuahua-Whoever owns it, works all day and the dog is left at home--Chihuahuas are a one person dog--would not be easy to take that on  now, for me!-

                                             So----  my big question???? How is your day going??

                                            Are you happily  going thru this day-?-content-?----

A rainy day is a good day to reflect on life---read a book----pat your cat----and thank the good Lord that you are alive----

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Where there's a will, there's a way!

  GOOD MORNING  to you all-a new day--AND, here we are--a part of this day--It doesn't matter does it that it's cloudy ---or even that it might rain--?   "Life" is a bonus--- that we  are given to-day-----  So, I have the cartoon below, on my bulletin board in the kitchen--  It always puts a smile on my face, because I think we all have lived it--been sitting , in the Dr's office, waiting to see our Doctor. Now wouldn't it be so funny if the nurse came out and said  to us all--what she is saying in the cartoon?--I love it!
                                     My face seems so much better--The surgery is healing--

                                                            No matter what, remember---
--- Be brave  --  Be strong and ---Cry if you must--- LOL----  but----I try not to cry for long--, as the more I cry, the more I feel sorry for myself--and I might as well get figuring out  how to solve whatever is upsetting me--  

---There is always a way  to do whatever we have to, even if we ask for help------Think of the nurse in the above cartoon--Whatta way to clear out the Dr's waiting room so he can get home to have dinner with his family!
                        Mom always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way"


Monday, September 23, 2024


Good day-!--- It WILL be a good day too, because I shall make it that way-----Sometimes it is not easy to think, "Good Day"---Stuff happens--- things are said---and  tears are ready to flow--- but----the tears do not help situations-- Remind yourself of that -----and NO ARGUING--I have to put that smile on my face , and say, La-Di-Da-and,-La-Di-Da-----
I guess you can tell that I have had an interesting morning, taking Himself to his Day Program--La-Di-Da------La-Di Da
It is "FALL" here---reds, orange, green--and yellow leaves , everywhere --spectacular---This is Algoma Country tho---known for the Maple trees, which right now are a brilliant   reddish   colour---

So, what has happened that  sent Himself into a tizzy?--I told him that I was going to make chilli-for supper--Now, normally, that statement would never be a problem--but, now that it's me who seems to be in charge here---(and normally I do not cook anymore--- He does!)----  so,  telling him that I was going to cook supper, went over like a lead balloon. In fact he already had a very small frying pan  out  and a ton of ground beef in it--- so, of course I dug an enormous frying pan out, and dumped all his ground beef into my huge electric pan--and suggested that maybe he go and read somewhere--which did not go over well--He does like to be "in charge"---La-Di-Da----  La-Di Da---

We  have a sunny day---cooler temperatures--but, I like it, after all that heat that was here--nice to open windows---and guess what?--Now that I have told you all my troubles, I feel SO SO much better--Thank you  for listening--

 You know, living with an almost 96 yr old man, who used to take care of  everything--- and cannot  do that anymore IS a challenge-- 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

First Day of FALL!

                             --and I am up! LOL----  I had a bit of a laugh over the above---
-Thought you all  would also----I always lay in bed each morning, thinking about what I have to do to-day---  and dreading moving, in case I wake up Lopez--but, you know what?--  "NOTHING"--  I have not anything to do to-day---- well, change the bed--the usual----and it is till hot and humid--
Remember how strong you can be---
                        Son#2 has been been sending photos from Brazil--- the city and foods-
                                    -a main street , which is closed on Sundays for walkers
                                                        and , of course, McDonalds
                                                                -and of -their menu--    
                                                                            -their market
                                                                      -salad and pasta
                                                                - a fresh juice bar
                                                    -his dinner last night--no idea what it is--

So now, if you go to Brazil, there are pilots wandering around,  waiting for their flight, to drive back to Canada--It just might be Son#2--Well, you never know---Make sure you say hello-
                                              Are you  having a good day???-- I hope so---- 
Lopez and I have been "hoofing " it up the back road and--low and behold, he did his business---so that is out of the way---------Remember, the best thing about summer is that it's followed by FALL!  and---guess what ?--                                
                                                        To-day IS the first day of Fall------