Monday, September 16, 2024

Poof! The weekend is gone!

    Crazy how quickly days pass--and soon we will be into another month-----It will be cooler for sure--

I am taking Mr Himself to his "day program""--  and then Sadie, that fabulous cleaning Lady is coming-(and you know she is really me!)---  I must call the clinic to-day also to book myself, to get the sutures out on my face--It cannot be done too soon as I am on an antibiotic as my one side of my head seems to be swelling up--infected maybe?--

But, we shall not go there ---  Lopez has been out-- did not do his business which means another walk later. No more Hummingbirds at the feeders--kinda sad---  They may be passing thru your neck of the woods so say hello to them and tell them I shall see them next year--

I shall add more to this when I return home---I am off to see the Wizard--(to take Himself to his program)-

I shall make to-day the best--no use crying--  It doesn't help anything--- So--- Himself is at his Lodge-He will enjoy his morning there as they really cater to him---and he feels safe there--loves his hot meal at noon also--feels like he is in a restaurant--- and it frees up time for me to clean ---We both  need this space apart-

Many a day I wonder if I can continue  taking care of Himself--DO THOUGHTS LIKE THIS PASS THRU YOUR HEAD--?--(-I need strength----)-but---- there really is no other option at the moment--The hardest part is leaving him when I have an appointment --or something--hoping he stays inside--does not fall--So far he has been good--

-So,----as Mom use to say, " Another Day--another dollar"---I best get LOPEZ out AGAIN--- then help Sadie upstairs---I wonder if I can get 3 rooms dusted??----

- Oh by the way, the antibiotic is at the pharmacy --will get it on my next trip to town-Lets hope it takes the swelling down--on my face---It's definitely not looking or feeling good at the present--



  1. I hope your face gets better and life gets easier. It’s tough being a care giver. I am two years older than my husband so it will be interesting how the next decade will go.

    1. ye--Its tough being a caregiver--Lynda

  2. Lynda, you said you're on an antibiotic, but it's at the pharmacy. Are you getting it refilled? You probably know that cold is good to take down swelling.
    Sadie is a busy lady. She's helping me with my floors today, too.
    Himself will be ready for a nap when you pick him up. Maybe you will, too.
    I won't get one. Well, maybe a short late nap. Need to take a friend to a doctor appointment. He always pays me gas money.
    I need to call the VA to see why they have NOT sent my prescription. The doctor okayed a refill.
    The weather is rapidly changing. It's chilly in the morning but hot later in the afternoon. I had my A/C on for a few hours yesterday.
    Lucky is sleeping after a play session.
    Hope your face heals rapidly with more antibiotic. You should probably keep your hands away from the area unless they are freshly washed.
    Will check back later. Hope you get some time to just relax today. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis Maggie

    1. The DR tried to give me Penicillin and I'm allergic to that--so I had to beg and plead and he gave me another Penicillin--LOL-- so--I dug in my cupboard and found what I needed ---old med left--so will take that-- sore face still but-- it seems infected-- We hall see--Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. I'm glad your antibiotic has come in and I hope that it helps take the swelling down. Today my husband and I are cleaning the house and I have to admit, he is doing a better job than I am! I got all the dusting done and will clean the kitchen sink and counter tops next. Every day I think about how lucky I am to have someone who is willing to take care of me right now. You're right, we do what we have to do but right now my brain thinks I can do so much more than my body is willing to cooperate! I hope you get your three rooms done! I'm so glad himself likes it at the Day Center! He needs to have something to feel good about. You are so patient with him! One day at a time is what I'm telling myself these days! Hope you have a great afternoon.

    1. Kathy I did get one room done-- Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! You sound so busy today. My husband is off on Mondays so I call it manic Monday. So many errands to do but our county fair is going on and it is free for military day so we grabbed lunch there. I wore my mask to keep the ragweed out. My chest is starting to feel better. I need to figure out what to take for this stuff. I hope your antibiotic works. So sorry you are going through all of this. Please take it easy on Sadie. Hugs!

    1. Yes--Yu know Sadie never made it--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, yet another busy day at your house. Hoping antibiotic does the job!
    Don't overdue trying to get stuff done while Fred is at Lodge. It is a blessing he likes going and I like how staff makes over him. Nice distraction for him and breathing room for you.
    Take care, get well, stay strong and find your joy in today.
    Hugs and healing prayers

    1. Antibiotics--but tough to get one I'm not allergic to--Lynda

  6. Oh dear! HOPE that things are all right and no infection post op!

    Indeed, you BOTH need that time – Him @ his program and you to get the things done that you must do.

    Is there any kind of respite care through your Public Health Dept. (not sure how your system is organized there) that could take charge of Himself for a couple hours when you have an appointment? Just suggesting. It would help so much. I know I was repeatedly told “You know, Barb, you cannot continue to take care of your parents as you have been . . . it’s just too much.” Well, had no alternative! So, finally DID get in home help a few hours a week, which helped, but that gook a long time to get arranged.

    Yes, start those antibiotics. Take care of yourself.


    1. Barb I shall try for help--=tried before but it never came-Lynda


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