Monday, September 2, 2024

Stop giving a hoot!

                                         GOOD MORNING ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! 

 It is Labour Day--- a holiday here in Canada---AND--THE GROCERY STORE HERE IN TOWN IS CLOSED! --YEAHhhhhhhh----- So, the Dr. arrived  this morning , and took one look at my face and immediately said it has to come off--not my face--but the cancer ----2 spots along a line where it had been removed long ago--so, one Sunday, he can do it in Emerg--

Well, Son #3 just arrived to pick up his 2 dogs, Apollo and Lola-- They are very good dogs. Son#3 and his wife, took their oldest daughter to University  down in Southern Ontario. Their dogs-are-easy to take care of--

We  have a lovely cool sunny day to-day---  so nice after all that heat!---  And --now I am down to one dog--Lopez---

I imagine many parents are dropping off their older kids at various  schools around the country---We had 5 children who finished high school---and went on to further their education, but changed universities several times in the process--Sometimes they moved home again, got a job here in town, and then went on to continue their education in another field at a different university--or college. The whole process seemed to take forever--and was very costly--but--- in the long run, worth it all--  They all have good jobs now ----  Our daughter at one point  took nursing, and I remember being devestated  when she announced she had a job at Trippler Medical Centre in Hawaii--but--it all worked out in the end--  She met her husband there , got married, and they now live in OHIO-- All those years were tough, but we all survived--  I took on a couple interesting jobs plus all the kids worked in between  schooling and we survived ---

Fun to look back on those years and remember tying to fit  the kids belongings into a Dorm room which wasn't much larger than a closet---

I'm chatting away here--must  get busy -Himself has lunch ready-- 
I hope that your day is full of good memories---

Enjoy your day---try to "live happily ever after"--and--STOP GIVING A HOOT!


  1. It's Kathy. Yes, those memories come flooding back! My oldest granddaughter was taken off to college last weekend by her parents. To hear them talk about it floods my mind with when I took her! I wonder how she's managing at school, living without her family and her friends. I have her address and will send her a card sometime soon! We have a lovely day here today as well. Windows open, sunshine, fresh breeze - it's the very beginning of fall - which is my favorite season! We are waiting for Jake and Roman to come with their mom - Daisy's been watching out the window for almost an hour now. Should be soon! Enjoy your day!

    1. Awwww so nice that Daisy watches for her cousin pooches-- and yes, kinda hard to see these kids go off to college--Lynda

  2. Sorry you have to have those spots removed, but . . . . the sooner the better. So happy that the Dr. took the time to look @ it for you today.

    Lovely weather here, too. So grateful!

    Most of the college kids are @ their schools already. I remember those days. Hectic times.

    Have a wonderful Monday.


    1. Yes the Grand Daughter is at university--on the swim team there--I believe she is homesick--poor child--but--She will settle in-- Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda…hope that your day is A-OK and that Lopez is being good to his momma and not irritating Sushi too much! Yes…memories; somehow things work out…life progresses….; today is really the only day that we can live and enjoy so I hope that you had some smiles and laughs on this 1st Monday of September! I have had a ton of skin cancer issues; just had MOHS surgery last month close to my nose/beneath my eye.
    Spent way too much time in the sun as a younger (much) adult and I certainly have seen the consequences! ❤️ I Karen (Eissa7)

    1. That is exactly where this cancer is--right beside my nose--2 small spots--The Dr came on his bike-- said in next 2 weeks he can take it off--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, loved don't give a hoot. Makes me smile. Those days when my son was in college were tough financially and emotionslly...but it all worked out. Oh yes, kids change majors yada yada. Everyone has their own path. Must have been very tough to educate your 5 kids. But you two did it.
    Kind of nice to just have Lopez and himself to care for.
    It's PERFECT weather in St.Louis. AC off and windows open.
    Great inserts.
    Stores are open here. I had to get a few groceries and store was crowded. More people masking up although many people don't think masks help.
    Glad surgeon came. Good that you can have it taken care of quickly. You and Fred have friends ....that help....that's great.
    Have an amazing day.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Sounds like your day was good--nice weather isn't there? And yes. one dog is SO SO much easier than 3 dogs --The silly cancer spots keep bleeding so I hope the CR removes it soon-- nice weather for sure --fall-like--Lynda

  5. Back to school time started here a couple of weeks ago already, but there's something about September that holds the memories for me of back to school, anyway. We had our family Labor Day yesterday, "dog-centric" as my daughter in law calls our holidays of late. Ember and Carl wore each other out and today, Monday, was a low energy day for Ember and me! Somehow we need both kinds, don't we?

    Glad you survived the 3-dog schedule for a few days, and that every dog is safely back with its allotted family!

    1. Nice to give the 2 dogs back--nice and quit now-- I like it!! LOL--Lynda

  6. Well I just read all your blogs since August 7th through today! I went to CA and flew to Hawaii with my youngest son's family and had a fabulous time. Hawaii was so beautiful! I am so fortunate that this son invited me to go with him! My problem has been the 5 hour time difference and I finally have been able to get my days and nights back to normal. The other problem was that I was at least 2 weeks behind in yard work and in taking care of the pool which had developed an algae problem while I was gone. So for the past week I have been playing catch -up and not in my regular today I am finally feeling mostly back to normal. It's labor day week-end and I invited any and all my kids/grandkids to come over and use the pool.....sadly, no one came. They all are so busy. So just a quiet day for me here....but I did pull out the Barbecue Grill and fixed myself a couple of hamburgers and hot dogs (so I could have them as leftovers this week).....also had fresh corn on the cob and fresh picked tomatoes from my garden! So I did celebrate Labor Day - albeit, all by myself! Glad to be able to read your blogs each day!

    1. Sandra I missed yu--Happy you are back home--no place like home!Yes Hawaii is like another world--I think I could live thee--happily--Yes -so much to do with a large property --I sure know that--Sorry its up to yu about the pool--Good that yu BBQUED--- and too bad Grandkids do not think its important to at least check on Gramma-- Its the same here--but--Its the way it is and I have to accept it--hard for me tho--- One dy it will change--or I might have to change--LOL-- I missed yu--So good to hear from yu--Remember to BE STRONG----- Yu can do it-- HugsLynda

  7. Hi Lynda! Just little Lopez now that his doggie family has gone home. High 71 in Ohio today and breezy. A little chilly out this evening. I know you will be in good hands with that surgeon. Hope you had a nice holiday. Hugs!

    1. He said anytime in next 2 weeks he can remove the cancer-- Hope so==Lynda

  8. Maggie-- I hope your $$$ comes thru--I will say a wee prayer---I think I posted to-day around noon-- Phil came to get his 2 dogs and stayed awhile so it was sorta a crazy morning--3 dogs kept me busy----Anyway it was a good day-busy as always but no driving to town which helped a lot--- and a lot of dogs--LOL--- Yes, your book must be interesting --- I hear my Pilot son told me that Covid is rampid-I must get out the masks----Your burger sounds good--It should be a quieter day tomorrow-- I hope! Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda: I have a spot on my face too. Doctor said it would have to be removed but he's waiting for the biopsy results which won't be in for another week. He said it would take 4 hours of surgery to remove so how come you can just get it done in emerg? It's cooler here today. Lopez must be happy to have the house back to himself. Have a good night. Brenda


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