Sunday, September 1, 2024

I am the storm, she whispered back-

 Remember how special you are-- 
Do not allow people to walk all over you--

I am late  posting----I have had my grass man doing grass and I weed whacked--so it is done now for another week-- and--it has turned cool---  I do love it! 


I hope you are having a good day----  I was sad , because my grown kids drive by, and do not stop in to talk to their father--- but-----talking to the "grass man"---I do feel better---He listened and told me to "keep my chin up"--  like Dad used to say---  Amazing how much better one feels when one shares what is upsetting one--

I guess I will head on in to the grocery store--I imagine it is closed to-morrow--- being a Holiday------

I am thinking about you all to-day--hoping that yu---stand up and be strong---perhaps dig out that hat----no crying---remind yourself  that you can do anything----and care--- and love these grown kids more than they realize--and that is OK--  One day they might realize this-----that you are a strong person--

                                                         Sometimes one must  whisper back-----                                   



  1. Hi Lynda! Sunny and hot in Ohio! Enjoying my frozen pumpkin coffee. I only have one grown son and I have no words for him but to say I never see him and he is the reason I live here. Chin up is all we can do. Enjoy your day. Hugs!

    1. Sad that yu do not see your son--What is wrong with these kids ?--cooler here-- No AC-- Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda,
    Amazing inserts. You always have great words of wisdom and comfort to share.
    No crying. Keep loving the kids
    Himself would enjoy their stopping in but, no control over others. I last saw my one and only grown child at Christmas. I have no grands. Granted, he's an hour away but I'm not a priority. I'm so glad you could talk to grass man and feel better. Don't let anyone treat you like shit....especially adult kids. Nice to get entire yard done. Wahoo
    Get some rest this afternoon.

    I'm going to wait until tomorrow for a few grocery items. Stores are open.....

    1. Marge-- sad eh??-- not seeing your Grandchild--their choice--Yes--- a lot of work--but--its done now for awhile--the yard I mean--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I agree with the first meme - no one gets to treat us badly, and that doubles for adult children. I wasn't too happy with my own son yesterday. I think he's allowing his son (age 4) to do whatever he wants to do, or not do - like yesterday when Samuel (my grandson) didn't want to come into the house to say goodbye to his grandma and grandpa! He was allowed to sit in the car! I stewed about it all night long. Excuses are made "Samuel is crabby", "he's having a hard time". I don't care - common courtesy is common courtesy! But then I talked with Lauriellen and she said Samuel isn't very nice to her sons either! I think my boy needs to get his head out of the sand! I love the Witch meme - I need to get me a hat like that! And yes - we are the storm, aren't we! I hope you are having a good day. It's cooled down here too. I'm glad you got your yard work done - my husband will have to take care of that sometime soon! But so many branches down everywhere! Thanks for brightening up my day!

    1. OMG Kathy-- Im afraid I was so upset with my kids--that I came up here and wrote about it--then I worried that it wasn't very nice to get into lt----but--it seems that I am not alone eh??--Why do our children not accept that we might be old but--we are still human--and able to do as we wish --- and think for ourselves--but--it would be wonderful if even one of my children would stop in -and say hello to my husband--whose whole world is in this house--with me only--- Boy, they have a lot to learn--one day they might think of others=-- Lynda

    2. I live with my daughter, go visit my son(he and his sister do not get along so he does not come here) and I still spend my time mostly alone. Books and computer.
      I just don't think they realize how short life is, and one day their family member is going to be gone, then we'll hear " oh my God, I wish I had spent more time with them" and I did hear this when David passed. The guilt eats at them.
      I think I'm going to start traveling and going places. Sis does not like to travel...she loves her house and farm, but I get tired of sitting here day after day, mostly in the basement.

    3. Darlene-- I hope that yu get to travel----- Can YOU go and visit your sister??-- Hugs-- Come to CANADA--- Lynda

  4. Here I am posting on Sunday's blog, and it's already Monday! I believe I comment on Messenger that I had checked several times. You were just very busy!
    I have experienced something like that ''kids driving by thing." My nearby daughter, son-in-law, and grandson went to the Wisconsin Dells to meet with my doctor son and his (who live across the country in California). I was on the way. Did they pick me up so I could be included? He.. no! The dog had to come...there would have been no room for me to sit in their van. Hurts. I understand!
    I sometimes wonder if my kids know how much I love them. Being low income, I can't always give gifts and stuff. I do for the ones I see close daughter, SIL and grandson. They do stuff for me, have me to dinner, etc. But the CA bunch, the 2 sons in Illinois...I think of them often, have a photo of all my grandkids as the background on my monitor, etc.
    When I win the lottery, I will send them all at least $1000!
    That telling people (venting, I call it) what's bothering you to 'get it off your chest'...that's why some people journal.
    At least the grass man came and did his thing.
    Sigh. Labor Day...and I gotta labor. Hope Sadie shows up.
    You all have a great day. Hmm...maybe you'll blog for Monday and I'll comment there, too. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis Maggie

    1. Awwww Maggie-- I guess life is just plain busy --and kids don't think-- hard for us to understand tho as I never was that way with my Mom and Dad---And--Did you get the $$$ for the car??-- I hope yu do not feel bad if yu didn't--- but--wouldn't it be great if yu did get help with the car?--Bless you---- Love yu --Yu know?--Lynda

  5. Ohhhhhhhh I LOVE that meme! My Mom always said, “we were not put on this earth to be abused.” And she meant it! Learned that lesson for sure!

    Our weather has cooled too, and it is so pleasant!

    Awwwwww, that would make me sad, too, if my grown kids drove by and didn’t talk to their dad. But glad you feel better. And for sure, it does make one feel much better to share that disappointed feeling.

    I am taking it a day @ a time. That’s all you can do, right!?! DH’s sister and BIL are pushing for us to travel there. It is a TWO DAY DRIVE! There is no way that DH can handle that and I certainly do not want to drive all that distance. So her attitude is, “You don’t want to see us.” Nope, my attitude is, DH would not tolerate the drive and EVEN IF THE DRIVE WERE POSSIBLE, his mobility is such that he has to rest . . . a LOT. They want to go to a museum, etc. *SIGH* Just no understanding. So . . . I took a LONG walk w/Miss Lilly yesterday to clear my head. I don’t expect her to understand necessarily, but at least being respectful would be nice. So . . . have to use all our mental powers and then some to stay POSITIVE some days, right!

    LOL . . . that 2nd meme “Some days you just have to put on the hat to remind then who they are dealing with” sayd is all about yesterday!

    And FOR SURE . . . I many situations I AM the Storm and that is a good thing. YOU ARE TOO.

    I can’t tell you how good this blog was for me to read today!

    Hugs and blessings


    1. Barb--Thank yu--because I wasn't sure it was the right thing to post--=Yu made my day-- Thank yu -- I guess we all have a few moments when we feel that others should understand--and we feel alone because "others" have not lived it so do not understand--but--they will in time--when
      "life' happens to them---I'm happy that you took yourself for a walk--Others should be respectful---- but they haven't lived it--"You ARE THE STORM""--- Big hugs, Lynda


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