Sunday, September 15, 2024

Stay Positive

It is Sunday--- sunny---extremely hot----  I put Lopez in his crate , this morning, took Himself, and went to the grocery store---  Bananas were #1 on my list---  fruits--lettuce---The grocery bill was about $300 -=-more than usual--- I think it's because I bought a lot of canned soups--- I loaded my bins--lugged them all inside--  some items go up in the frig in the kitchen--some go in the kitchen downstairs--  There are 2 kitchens in this house. I wore my mask to cover the stitches in my face--when in town.-

Son#4 appeared here, when we got home. He was telling me that the town has a lot of covid  right now. We do need that booster which I hear will be ready the end of October.

My big news is-----THE HUMMINGBIRDS have left-- I have not seen even one to-day --They must have departed in the night--ALL of them--- Do any of you have them at your house?---  They must be travelling South--

It has been quite a challenge  to take care of Himself, to-day----Hopefully things will improve as the day goes on--It seems to me that it used to be easier---He did as  he was told--  not as much anymore-- a little bit of arguing--is emerging-- trying to take control of every situation---OH ----  WONDER WHAT IS NEXT??

  I hope that your day is going well---  that you are strong---REMEMBER, YOU ARE STRONGER than you think, and much braver than you believe--   Always try to remember that you are a very unique individual -----Smiling at a stranger in a store--- might make their day--- "Patience is a virtue -"---  Mom used to say that----"a little bit of patience goes a long way-"---She said that too--I hope your Sunday is special---- Make it that way , if you can---

I took this picture of our home yesterday--thought it shows all my outside work, this summer--The rocks along the drive were collected , every time Lopez and I walked---a rock a walk------

OK--Lopez is howling--- I shall check in on you all this evening--


  1. What a beautiful entrance to your home. It shows that you take pride in your home and how things look. You are such a remarkable women. You don't give yourself enough credit for how much you manage to accomplish each day. Take very good care of yourself.

    1. oh so nice tht yu like all my rocks around the entrance-- LOL--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Sounds like a challenging start to your day. I do hope things ease up for you. It can't be easy taking care of everything just hours after having surgery, even a fairly minor surgery. Your body did go through a trauma. I have decided that I've been pushing myself a bit too much so it's back to the Hallmark movies for me! My husband is happy to take care of me and I guess I should be happy to let him! Tonight we're getting chow mein for dinner - that's usually good for a couple of nights! And no clean up! Have a good day!

    1. Kathy We are going to get Pizza to-night-- That was a huge grocery order --pooped--LOL--Lynda

    2. Good you got Himself out and got your bananas. *SIGH* Yes the cost of groceries certainly is NOT going down.

      Glad your DS #4 alerted you to the need for the Covid booster. We have our scheduled for 23 September. And the flu shot, too.

      No hummers here anymore. Yes, they must be making their trek south.

      Man, it has to be in the air. DH just does NOT want to hear some of what I have to say and will use any argument he can think of . . . but, fortunately, I walk away and he eventually comes to his senses. HARD!

      Wow! The # of rocks you collected is amazing. Looks very nice!

      YOU are a very remarkable woman!

      Hugs and blessings.


    3. Barb--Are yu going thru what I am going thru ?--I mean with yer husband?--I did not realize that--It's difficult isnt it?-- yes--We live on the Precambrian shield--rocks everywhere--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, you did an awful lot today post surgery. Putting everything away at your house is more work. Yes, money doesn't go far at grocery store. I bought bananas today.
    The entrance to your estate is lovely. I like that you collected all the rocks during your walks with Lopez. Looks lovely and inviting.
    I haven't seen a hummingbird for at least a week. They may have left.
    Stay positive and strong.
    I'm glad your son stopped by.
    Take care. Rest

    1. Funny how they know when to leave eh--those Humming birds-Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! Your entrance is lovely! A lot of hard work you put into that to make it so nice. We do grocery pickup in the morning. I have been trying to stay in and windows down. Ragweed here in Ohio has had my chest tight. Not fun. How was your day? Hugs!

    1. So so hot to-day--Thank goodness forAC eh??Lynda

  5. ;Hi Lynda: In reading your blog yesterday, I was surprised how fast it happened. How long did the procedure take? I have a spot on my face and the dermatologist I saw a couple of weeks ago said it was cancer but could be taken off at a clinic Not a hospital. Now I'm wondering when I see what you went through. Did it hurt much? I've heard on the news that there is more covid around now but the updated shots wont be available until later in October. I hope it's sooner. You sure did pick up a lot of rocks! Have a good night. Brenda

  6. Still lots of hummers here! /Closing pool on Friday - company comes out to close it - but big bucks - but nothing I could do by myself. I am happy that the pool will be closed because no one has been coming to use it and it takes a lot of care and cleaning and sanitizing to keep it running....but the weather has changed to much cooler nights which dropped the pool water temps! I don't have a heater so the pool season is over for me!

  7. Good evening, Lynda. You must have posted this late. Last time I checked it was past 3 PM our time.
    Sounds like you got a lot done today. Good for you! Did you leave the A/C in the car running for Himself and Lopez or take them in the store with you?
    I had a very long drive with all the construction to get to my grandson's baseball game. I saw him pitch and brought him and his teammates flavored sunflower seeds.
    Lucky hasn't run around chasing his wand that I make fly and flip around. Suppose I should do that...tiring him out before I go to bed. That way he will let me sleep longer before trying to get me out of bed.
    Missed your comments last night.
    Tomorrow is a new day. Let's make it a great one! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie.

  8. ALICIA363
    Thinking of you! Rest and heal. Hugs, Ace

  9. Lovely photo of your beautiful home🌿 I can relate to how you made your rock collection. I have a collection of garden stones, and feathers from walking my dog Nikki when she was alive🧡 Carol in FL


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