Monday, September 23, 2024


Good day-!--- It WILL be a good day too, because I shall make it that way-----Sometimes it is not easy to think, "Good Day"---Stuff happens--- things are said---and  tears are ready to flow--- but----the tears do not help situations-- Remind yourself of that -----and NO ARGUING--I have to put that smile on my face , and say, La-Di-Da-and,-La-Di-Da-----
I guess you can tell that I have had an interesting morning, taking Himself to his Day Program--La-Di-Da------La-Di Da
It is "FALL" here---reds, orange, green--and yellow leaves , everywhere --spectacular---This is Algoma Country tho---known for the Maple trees, which right now are a brilliant   reddish   colour---

So, what has happened that  sent Himself into a tizzy?--I told him that I was going to make chilli-for supper--Now, normally, that statement would never be a problem--but, now that it's me who seems to be in charge here---(and normally I do not cook anymore--- He does!)----  so,  telling him that I was going to cook supper, went over like a lead balloon. In fact he already had a very small frying pan  out  and a ton of ground beef in it--- so, of course I dug an enormous frying pan out, and dumped all his ground beef into my huge electric pan--and suggested that maybe he go and read somewhere--which did not go over well--He does like to be "in charge"---La-Di-Da----  La-Di Da---

We  have a sunny day---cooler temperatures--but, I like it, after all that heat that was here--nice to open windows---and guess what?--Now that I have told you all my troubles, I feel SO SO much better--Thank you  for listening--

 You know, living with an almost 96 yr old man, who used to take care of  everything--- and cannot  do that anymore IS a challenge-- 


  1. It's Kathy. I'm sorry you had a difficult night last night AND a challenging morning. I agree, sometimes we just have to walk away and say La Di Da!!! It's kind of the opposite at my house. I really can't do much - everything still hurts. So I have to be happy with what my husband does - yet he doesn't do it like I think it should be done. It takes all my effort to say "thank you" and bite my tongue - because I am used to being in charge. I have to remember to be grateful for the little things. Today he had an appointment at 8 am - which is pretty early for me to be up. I took my Advil and sat in my chair waiting for the medication to help - and when I finally went to take my shower my dear husband had made the bed! Not his job but certainly appreciated today! I'm glad you can tell us things - it does help to get it out of our heads sometimes! I'm also glad I can tell you things!!! You're a good friend. Enjoy your Chili tonight! Sounds like a good fall dinner.

    1. Himself was pretty god to-day--for him!--LOL--But then he had his Day Program--and that always helps him----Your husband was so good to help you--He must've been happy that he could!-- I do so much appreciate you listening to my "tail of woe" about him--It always shocks me when he acts like he does --I remember my Dad almost worshiping my Mom--never arguing-- like Fred used to be I guess-- Life eh?--Lynda

  2. Your Fall colors sound so glorious! I’m in Texas, AC still on, finally had some rain, will stay in the 80‘s this week. Take care! Enjoy your chili!

  3. Sis could you have said you'd like to cook today and getting his okay rather than just informing him? Possibly he wouldn't have been so upset? Maybe it could be a regularly scheduled thing...your turn to cook. But we always think of these things 'after the fact,' don't we?
    The leaves are glorious here, too. Fall is so beautiful! It's what it leads to I could do without! If we could skip winter, I'd be fine. Mother Nature doesn't agree with me.
    Managed to get a couple chores done without Sadie already. She may need to help me later, though. Maybe when she's done at your house.
    Will call very soon to make Lucky's appointment. I need to clean his carrier, put it out with the door open, put some treats or catnip in to entice him...I always try, but it hasn't happened yet. Wish me luck. You had mentioned that Sushi doesn't like hers, either.
    I can smell your chili simmering on the stove. How spicy do you make it? What kinds of beans?
    I made my boxed mac n cheese last night. If I make it with my plant based milk and butter it has no cholesterol or tryglicerides. I know that's spelled incorrectly. I then add veggies...last night it was baby broccoli florets, baby carrots and corn. It makes enough for 3 meals for me and is SO satisfying.
    Time for lunch, so I believe I will have some more now.
    Will check back later, sis. Hope all goes well the rest of your day. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. How can one day be so terrible--and then the next okay??_-To-day Himself was good--My Chilli turned out to be good--- I had it again to-day for lunch.--No, Sushi doesn't like her crate but I had to get her in there for the trip to the vet-- Lynda

  4. Oh, dear! One of those days, eh, Lynda? My day started off on a challenging foot, at the paws, or rather teeth, of young Ember. She chewed up the serial port cable on an old computer monitor (the CRT kind)... and tore up some more of the basement stairs carpet. Between the two of us, we managed to break the baby gate that was supposed to keep her OUT of the basement level.

    Sigh. So, now, not just waiting on a part for the dishwasher, also awaiting a handyman to replace the accordion door to the basement that Ember broke on Saturday. Yep, a whirling dervish at times, this one.

    But she's also a furry little love, and just went to nap in her crate, and I am now going to lay down and nap myself. Hope your day improves and himself comes home "a new man" after his day program!


    1. LOLOL-- I have experienced that chewing phase also--usually they are cutting new teeth-- Is she??-- Today was a good day with Himself--It comes and goes--

  5. GAH! What is it w/men and having to be in charge! That’s what was going on today, too! Oh well. Seems we’ve both lived through it.

    Enjoying Fall here, too. LOVE the colors, the crunch of the leaves, the smell. Bring it on!

    HOPE the rest of the day went better!


    1. Seems like we re both going thru the same--LOL-It turned onto a good day here to-day--Lynda

  6. We have two days of much needed rain! And temps are cooler! Got the pool all closed up for the winter last Friday and then Saturday was a terribly hot & humid day! I did nothing at all on Sunday as I was too tired from working outside Friday and Saturday! My rain gauge shows two inches so far - so no watering plants either! Chili sounds so good! I rarely make it for myself anymore....but maybe I should! So sorry that Fred became frustrating for you! But I was thinking that it is really nice that he likes to cook and can still do it! (Even though he makes a mess sometimes!) I think he can't do a lot of the things at this stage in his life and maybe he got upset because you took away something he feels good about being able to do......maybe his cooking dinner is his way of saying he loves you and wants to take care of you? Just a thought!

    1. PHOENIX1949

      Sandra pretty much said what I was going to on the cooking situation.


    2. Nice to hear from you--and--today was a good day with himself--ALL day--but then he had his day progrm--a life saver for me--Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda! It is 69 and cloudy in Ohio. It rained last night. We so needed it. More rain and storms all day tomorrow. I don’t like storms. Chili sounds good! Sorry you had Himself problems. Lord love a duck! I made lasagna. Have a great evening!

    1. It is cool here also--and we had a bit of rain--=kinda nice after all that heat--Lynda

  8. Marti here. I'm sure it feels great to be able to unload here and have people who read it, LOL. I wish I had ANYone to tell my troubles to. Not one friend who lives here, and two friends who seem to hate my boyfriend, and most of my troubles are about him, haha. Otherwise, well, I get up, take care of the dog, go to work, and come home. Sometimes I run errands. My best friend and I text but I always take it wrong and get mad and unload on her. I never get to see her in person. Texting doesn't seem to be a very good medium for love and understanding, LOL. I guess I could keep a diary and unload in it. There isn't anybody who is going to want to read about my good days, or my bad, really.

    I am sorry that Fred can be so difficult to deal with, and most of all the issues you have with him are day to day things that, in the long run, won't ever matter even a week from now. Sad that he has to be that way, over trivial things. Too bad you can't sit with each other weekly and say loving things to each other. Maybe suggest that, when he is in a good mood. No one wants to be criticized, day in, day out.

    Peace and love to you! Grin and bear it, what else can we do??? ;)

    1. Texting is a bad medium-- To-day Himself has been very good--but this is how it goes--and he doesn't hear either, so hears wrong things- and he gets moody at the end of the day when he is tired--never with the kids tho--only me--and I guess that is typical-I should be able to handle it but--some days--I cannot--but--again, he is going to be 96--Oh Marti---I would read about your good days-- AND your bad--LOL-- It might help me you know--(smile)-- Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda: Never a dull moment at your place. It's amazing how you hold it together so well. Your picture the other day shows your colours real good. They look great. Hope dinner went great after the morning issues. Enjoy the rest of your day. Brenda

    1. Brenda--for sure--never a dull dy when one lives with this unpredictable man!--LOL-Lynda

  10. Hi Lynda
    I like your new La-de-da attitude.
    I like that you feel comfortable sharing with us what's happening and that you know we are here to support and hug you. As you know, I have many challenges with my himself. I'd love someone to cook....I'm surprised himself CAN cook.
    Your foliage sounds absolutely fabulous. After extended heat and severe dry....its finally raining in St.Louis. We need rain.
    Hoping the rest of your day went smoothly.
    Perhaps the 2 of you could menu plan and decide who will cook on which day. Just an idea. Himself likely wants to cook when the mood hits.
    Take care. Stay strong, positive, kind and loving. HUGS.....hang in

    1. Marge-Can yu believe that all the rest of today has gone very well with himself-- unbelievable--but then, he had his Day program also which always helps-Lynda

  11. I've been on a my annual road trip, so am late to the party.

    Here's a possible way to take over a task with less problem (might not work, but is worth a try; I used similar with my mom about doing her housework):

    "Oh, honey, you always work so hard! I want to spoil you tonight by doing the cooking."

    You can use the same line every night he objects, and every day about any task you're having to take over, because chances are 99percent that he won't remember. Might not work, but worth a try.


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