Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Where there's a will, there's a way!

  GOOD MORNING  to you all-a new day--AND, here we are--a part of this day--It doesn't matter does it that it's cloudy ---or even that it might rain--?   "Life" is a bonus--- that we  are given to-day-----  So, I have the cartoon below, on my bulletin board in the kitchen--  It always puts a smile on my face, because I think we all have lived it--been sitting , in the Dr's office, waiting to see our Doctor. Now wouldn't it be so funny if the nurse came out and said  to us all--what she is saying in the cartoon?--I love it!
                                     My face seems so much better--The surgery is healing--

                                                            No matter what, remember---
--- Be brave  --  Be strong and ---Cry if you must--- LOL----  but----I try not to cry for long--, as the more I cry, the more I feel sorry for myself--and I might as well get figuring out  how to solve whatever is upsetting me--  

---There is always a way  to do whatever we have to, even if we ask for help------Think of the nurse in the above cartoon--Whatta way to clear out the Dr's waiting room so he can get home to have dinner with his family!
                        Mom always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way"



  1. Good morning, Lynda! Your face is healing nicely. So glad that is all behind you. Nice rainy day in Ohio. All my shrubs I planted this year are so happy and my water bill, too! Lol Plus, we were supposed to be conserving water. I hope you have a terrific Tuesday! Hugs!

  2. That cartoon about the doctor‘s office, we have had that kind of remarks at least twice before, during our lives! Usually at least one person took the hint! It really has happened, the nurse was kind enough to tell us. Keep on healing up, and take care!

  3. Lynda, crying releases the built up emotion. It releases the stress. If I feel the need to cry, I always feel better afterwards. It's not good to let negative emotion build up. Tears are one way to get rid of it.
    Overcast with light rain? That's what it is here, too!
    Love the cartoon! I was actually told that by a nurse at one time with a kid at the pediatrician when the wait was very long. Doc had to run to the hospital with an emergency.
    Love the smile sign. Sometimes just smiling at someone as you pass them can brighten their day.
    On the way down to the office here to turn in my pet receipts to have them taken off my rent amount. They never did that when they figured my new rent. Maybe my rent will decrease. Lucky is an emotional therapy pet. They are supposed to deduct products for his care. I have lots of receipts for food, litter, treats, toys and vet check.
    Sadie will help some later with kitchen clean up. Will she be busy at your house, too?
    It looks like your face is 99% 'back to normal' now! That's great. Does the site itch? That always 'drives me crazy'...the itch that comes with healing.
    Hope all four of you have a marvelous day! You're right...we gotta make it that way? {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

  4. I was thinking the same thoughts as Maggie....crying is not always bad....and let me tell you, I have done a lot of it since my husband died. And I did feel better after letting down and letting go. Used to be I cried every single day, but now it is not, but I let the emotion overwhelm when I need it. Sometimes it is just a little pity party cry for myself, and other times it is a big emotional cry. So don't feel bad about crying! You are a strong lady who is dealing with a big emotional and physical job taking care of both your home and Fred all by yourself! Give yourself a pat on the back! Sending you hugs and so glad your face is healing so well!

  5. It's Kathy. I love the cartoon! Yes, a very good way to clear the waiting room. I avoid urgent care at all costs because there is always a long wait and who wants to wait when you feel lousy!!! But it's hard to get an appointment these days too - had to book my annual with my doctor 5 months in advance! I so understand the difficult days - I'm sure my husband would like to abandon me some days! I don't want to be crabby but sometimes it just happens. I'm so glad himself felt better after spending some time at the Day Center - that time away from each other is so good for you both. At my home, my husband spends about 90% of his time in his studio downstairs - and I spend my days upstairs. It works for us! I hope today is a good day!

  6. Hi Lynda,
    It's cloudy, drizzly and cool here. We've been without rain for 50 days and needed yesterday's rainfall.
    Your face is healing nicely. Hoping you get good biopsy results soon.
    I'm not a crier. I'm also not a worrier as things work out as they are supposed to. I am a planner and many times God laughs at my plans and something entirely different occurs. Good that we're all different.
    Thanks for the wonderful reminders
    ..strong, brave, grateful, happy etc
    It helps.
    Have a great day. Hugs

  7. Cartoon: Funny thing about that, it's always the same, self-effacing people who would leave, and the pushy ones who feel entitled would stay and give that doctor a hard time! Sometimes, when the self-effacing have been pushed onto their last nerve, they stand up for themselves, and then, only then, get the help they need and deserve.

    Never be ashamed to ask for what you need. Never take more than you need, though, so there will be enough help to go around. And let's not forget the doctors and nurses and other care givers, all need to be cared for, too!

  8. OMG! Just about spit the coffee in my mouth with that cartoon! I can see it happen now-a-days!

    Oh indeed, your incision looks a LOT better, very much less red and swollen.

    You said it . . . where there’s a will there’s a way! FOR SURE!

    Hugs and blessings.


    1. I loved that cartoon about the DRs waiting room--LOL-=-=Lynda

  9. All we can do is do the best we can and let the rest sort itself out.
    Your incision looks much better also.
    Hope your week gets better.

    1. Hi Darlene ---yes the incision is a lot better--Lynda

  10. Your incision on your face looks great! Glad to see that it is healing so well. Take care.
    Hugs, Chris

  11. Still late to party due to road trip ... the incision site looks great! I'm thinking that as time passes it will blend in pretty well.


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