Monday, September 9, 2024

Keep Calm. Adapt. Carry On.

 Well, it's me--looking on here for "you'--and hoping all is well in your part of the world--I woke up this morning, to NO POWER--Darkness--Pitch black in our bedroom--I thought--"What the heck ?"-and began to look for lanterns which it seems are not working either, very well--  need replacing l-- Now wouldn't it be super nice if someone actually told me  not to worry --that they are taking care of everything---

We have a generator ---- so, I grabbed the "how to" book for it---and went outside. It will turn on the whole house--the lights etc etc---BUT---- I haven't used it in a couple of years ----  Eventually I got it working, and  we had power--  lights etc etc---and by this time, Himself was down in the kitchen wondering "why" and "what" I was doing--- and blaming me for everything--no coffee ready-- etc etc etc---

I did call #1 son, who  advised me to just sit it out----------that the power would come on someday---somewhere--

-NEVER CALL YOUR KIDS ----Why  can't I just accept that?-----So, my grass man will give me a lesson on generators--Where is the turn on button?--the gas nob?---the place to fill it --?-  Lordy Be!  Lots to learn isn't there?--So, its just another " Manic Monday"---  What else is new eh?

The above picture is about how I look this morning--my hair--no make up-- a bad expression on my face---and-- I think, yesterday,  I  looked--- like ------the Lady below----Lord love a Duck!

So, the best thing I can do, I suppose , is to take a few minutes and remember how blessed we are-----and carry on---Always ADAPT, Keep Calm, and Carry on---


  1. Wondering if you ever figured out why you had no electricity this morning? At least the weather wasn't too hot (or cold) in your home....hopefully! Darn kids are always so busy, but this seems like it might have an emergency as NO COFFEE! I know I need that coffee first thing in the morning! Every evening I set the coffee brewer to go off in the morning so I can wake up to the smell of it brewing! This morning, unfortunately, I did not get to drink coffee as I had to fast for my bloodwork to be drawn. I have my yearly physical in a week and my Dr. always has me get my blood tests done so he can go over them with me! But I did make the coffee when I got back home and got to drink a couple of cups before rushing off to my yoga class! I hope you get your generator figured out. Use your new iphone to take pictures of what he shows you so you can refer to the photos the next time you need to start it up! And yes! Keep calm and carry on! Thinking that will be my mantra today! :-)

    1. Good idea to take pics of what to do with the generator---I shall do that Sandra-lynda

  2. Sis, we are so alike. Probably most of us are. One crisis averted, a small break and here comes another crisis!
    It will get straightened out and all will be fine, but the wait 'til that happens can be difficult to say the least.
    Glad the grass man will help. Did you have a bad storm or a tree fall on a line or something?
    I'm on the way out to the UPS store to get my insurance card printed. I gave up my hard to use and the cord to connect it to the PC wouldn't stay in.
    I slept late this morning due to a busy weekend and no nap yesterday. Seems like it shouldn't be lunchtime yet, but it's already almost 1:00 pm here!
    Woke Lucky up. He's out of luck for a while. Will deal with him when I return. The trip should only be 1/2 an hour or so.
    Saved that 'best thing you can do' meme. That's what we need to do. Relax and trust. TTY later. If you don't know what that means, it's 'talk to you later.' {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Oh Maggie--I didn't cope well--I shall have to go over all the instructions on the Generator--I hear there was a bad storm before the power outage--I never heard it--was asleep-I woke up to complete darkness--I have a black and white "Brother " printer--basic--but it does the job! used to have a colour printer but those cartridges were so expensive. How are yu doing with the car?-love to you--- a brave woman--lynda

  3. Hi Lynda: There's always something happening. You usually get things figured out and back to normal. Have faith in yourself and your abilities to look after things. May the rest of your day go smoothly. Take care Brenda

    1. Brenda must "bone up" on the GeneratorI got it going but--- it shouldve been easier--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, truer words were never spoken...Keep calm, Adapt and Move on. You, Lynda, are a pro at it. When "stuff" happens here, as it does, I liken myself to Gummby as I can not get any more flexible. The response from Son #1 is identical to what I'd get. You'd have preferred hearing "I'll be right over mom" No doubt you'll figure out the generator...yardman can help and also help with hose connections. Hope loss of power was temporary and not an issue with the house. Sorry doc was grumpy...without my coffee I'd be very grumpy lol
    Hope your day improved greatly!!!
    You are such a strong, brave, loving, kind,amazing woman. Now go polish your crown.
    Hugs and blessings plus pets for the fur kids.

    1. awww Marge--Thank yu -I think what is bothering me more is the cancer on my face--which keeps bleeding and I hate wearing a bandaid to cover it--Wish it was off-- Lynda

    2. Yes--a response like --"YES --I'll be there"--is what we need to hear!--LOL-Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! Sorry about all that power stuff and having to figure it out. Good thing you are so smart! Sadie was in Ohio today so now I rest. How was the rest of your day? Hugs!

    1. The rest of the day went well-- trying to rap a few hoses up, ready for the cold weather---=Lynda

  6. Kathy- It sure wasn't the best day--but--I did et that Generator going--Did thy clear your drain??-No--I think that you are doing well--not long after major surgery and you are carrying on--Big hugs to yu--Lynda

  7. Oh, my goodness! I don't think I could deal with a generator! But somehow we all learn to deal with what we're given, don't we? This morning I was dealing with my whirling dervish of a 7 month old labrador retriever. But we survived the day, didn't we? I'm getting to the "crate games" part of the online dog training course I signed up for. The gal who heads it up is Canadian, so it has to be good, right?

    No, seriously, have you heard of Susan Garrett? World Champion at dog agility and on the Canadian team several times with several different dogs, over the years. Not that I'm looking to run Ember at dog sports, I just want her to have good manners and a good life! And Susan has an amazing program that helps me learn what I need to learn to help make that happen.

    I know you're an animal lover, too, so maybe you might have heard of her.

    1. You do what you have to do - we deal with things and move on to the next. I learned taking care of David one does what one has to and keeps on keeping on.
      Hugs Lynda...hope your week is peaceful.

    2. Wow Darlene--- for sure--=move on-- Lynda

  8. Glad you got the generator going! Yup . . . have to just do what you have to do, never mind the kids’ advice.

    Yes, we have to constantly adapt, carry on. Easier said than done some days, eh!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. "easier said than done Barb"--on some days-- for sure--but --better day to-day-Praise the Lord! Lynda


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