Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Rainy Day thoughts--

 We have rain--heavy rain-- Himself is at his Day Program--Lopez and I are here --(Sushi in the closet)--We need this rain-I do like it!  I was sitting here paying bills--Doncha wish  you were rich?---  like--filthy rich?--I always consider myself lucky when the month is done and all is paid--so, I guess when that happens, we should just be happy--content too---Also, nothing has broken lately-- touch wood, so that helps----and my face is healing quite well--another good thing!

And it is "FALL"--- so so pretty outside with all the brilliant colours of the leaves--And it has been  good in the evenings to sit at the piano and play--Lopez falls sleep on the sofa when I play the piano--Every barn should have a piano, because the animals sure enjoy hearing music. Remember Tessa? She used to come and lay down right beside the piano, as soon I began to play.

I received an email yesterday, asking if I was interested in another Chihuahua-Whoever owns it, works all day and the dog is left at home--Chihuahuas are a one person dog--would not be easy to take that on  now, for me!-

                                             So----  my big question???? How is your day going??

                                            Are you happily  going thru this day-?-content-?----

A rainy day is a good day to reflect on life---read a book----pat your cat----and thank the good Lord that you are alive----


  1. Yes! Rainy days can be nice! We had 2 of them, and now today the sun is shining bright! That is nice too! Your poem at the end of your blog really touched that is the way I need to live. It is very hard sometimes to be alone in life after more than 50 years of married life. But I am learning that there still can be joy in life....and learning that I can be alone, and learning that I can do so many things by myself! Learning is good! :-)

    1. Oh I am so happy that you can use that poem in your life -Yes it must be hard to be alone-- -'specially after 5o yrs of being married---- but yu are doing well Sandra-- Hugs being sent to yu from me--Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda! Cloudy in Ohio but we got a good rain yesterday and other counties had tornado warnings. Yes, your babies love the piano. Tess did, too and Beau. Gosh, I’m sure you will pass on the little dog. Hope it finds a good home. You have so much to do. I was worried last night when you didn’t finish your replies from yesterday. Good to see you are ok. Enjoy your day. You need the rest. Hugs!

    1. Yesterday was not good with Himself-He seems to need more attention than I can give him-- so it makes it hard for me-- I think thats why I never finished the replies--I hear him with Lopez and I have to rescue Lopez --Lynda

    2. I’m so sorry. I knew it was something. Hugs!

  3. It's Kathy. I am so ready for a rainy day! But I can't really complain, we have sunshine and mild weather - not too warm but warm enough to go outside without a jacket. I want to have a good day today. Trying to manage the pain while getting some work done. I had a call from my daughter last night. After story time and prayers my little grandson Jake asked if he could pray one more time. His mom said of course - and his prayer was that his Grandma (me) heal from my surgery and feel better really soon! I love that he's thinking of me, and all on his own!!! What a sweetheart! I hope you have a great day and enjoy some down time!

  4. Hi Lynda
    Rainy days are great to slow down the pace. The last poem was full of profound things to ponder. Thanks for sharing.
    Today us sunny and cool in St.Louis...quite lovely.
    I'm glad you are taking time to play your piano.
    Sorry about the little dog. I hope he finds a good home.
    Take care.

    1. It was a nice cooler day here to-day and--I was able to get my new Kindle set up--Himself not good tho-- Lynda

  5. Great blog, Lynda. Love the poem except the line, "the grief of a child.."
    Children are usually happy, laughing, doing fun things that they want to do. Did save one meme.
    Glad Himself got to go to his program. I'm sure you drive carefully in the rain.
    Yes, animals love music! Lucky expects the radio to be on my favorite country station, except in the afternoon when I meditate. Then I put on my favorite 'new age' (guess that's what you'd call it) Tim Janis Tropical Shores on youtube. Lucky curls up on my lap on his fuzzy blanket and goes right to sleep kinda like Lopez.
    Been shopping at my Goodwill store. Bought an Old Navy puffer jacket with lots of pockets. I cannot wear my last year's (and the year's before) leather could put 3 1/2 of me in it! It's still perfect condition. I will find someone to use it.
    Weather here is great. Mostly sunny, no rain (maybe later). It has been starting out cool in the light jacket or sweatshirt temperature. Just had to take the sweatshirt off when I came in. Now I'm sitting at my computer desk next to a little fan.
    It's garbage day today, dishes to put away. Not much need for Sadie. You may not need her, either. Maybe she has a day off or is helping one of your other followers.
    Lucky is wanting to play again, then I must feed him his lunch. On my way home, I drove through a local pizza place for a 'lunch slice.'
    Will check back later hoping for a comment. Hope the rest of the day goes well for all of you.
    It's funny that Sushi and Lucky both like sleeping (or hiding) in the closet! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Hi Maggie--I actually downloaded my new kindle--the other was full---This is Kindle #4--=and I did it myself-- Himself not good tho evening--difficult to handle-- makes me wonder how long I can keep him here-- Takes it out on Lopez---Lynda

  6. Sounds like your weather is like we had yesterday! But we need the rain.

    Just paid bills here, too. And YES, it’s nice when the end of the month shows a little left over cash.

    A;nimals sure DO enjoy hearing music. Not sure how it sounds to their ears, but it sure does seem to calm and soothe them.

    Today was a good day. Miss Lilly had a good post op check up yesterday that went well. DH had PT that also went well. He’ll probably be continuing in October, as well.

    Yes, got house chores done yesterday, read a little and just a pretty quiet day. Did get Miss Lilly to the park in the late afternoon between the rain drops.

    OH my, love that poem. Printed it out. Great reminders.

    Here’s to a good Wednesday.


    1. always so nice to hear from yu--Yu go thru a lot also--kinda like me--Lynda

  7. Glad you are healing!

    1. me too--LOL--Big Hugs to yu--Lynda


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