Friday, September 13, 2024

To-morrow things will be better!

    This will be a shorter than short blog--because, I do not want to "gripe " as much as I feel I will--if I stay on here long--So--to begin , it has been a bad morning--so far--and the cause?----HIMSELF! ---I got him all ready to go to his Day Program, went out to get the vehicle out of the garage---and waited ---and waited and waited--IN THE CAR--for Himself----no Himself---  so, out of the car  and back into the house I went, and of course he began to grumble about me throwing out is special mask---(which I did not do)-and that progressed into how terrible I am because I throw everything he owns out--etc etc etc etc----(which I do not do)--and on and on it went--About half an hour later I got him into the car--so, we were late  because he really did not wish to go--said it was "Ladies Day"-which is only on Thursday---AND TO_DAY IS Friday---and-----Lord Love a Duck! I was very happy to drop him off there--

The AC is on---Yesterday it was extremely hot here and I think to-day will be the same----  I have not filled the Hummingbird feeders but I will--  Very few are here--and my grass man is here right now-He intends to give me a lesson on starting the generator----below is the new cooktop--all installed- 20 inches long--5 burners-- I like it!----Hopefully nothing else goes---

                            So, how is your day going?-It must be going better than mine-Is it???

                                Life has to be going well in your neck of the woods---My life has improved drastically since I dropped off Himself-----Lordy Be!-- Maybe I need a holiday??---But-----  I hear Air Canada might be on strike very soon---Maybe I'll pack Lopez and Sushi  and  just drive  to visit  someone--ANYONE----    ????????------(No, I really won't!)------I hear my Dad telling me to "KEEP MY CHIN UP"-------- To-morrow things will be better--I just know that!!



  1. It's Kathy. I'm sorry himself got into such a dither about things that just aren't true. It must be very hard for you to handle that. I'm glad you got him to his Day program so you have a little time to come down from the craziness. I am having my own little pity party. Yes, I am healing but there is so much I still can't do - and my left leg hurts all day long. My husband will be gone both today and tomorrow - and both evenings - while I am home alone. I don't actually dislike being home alone but I so want to start living life again! I have to remember - one day at a time and it's only been 25 days since I had major surgery! I must be patient!!! Your blogs sure do pick me up!!! Hang in there, I hope when himself comes home he is filled with happiness! And I will work on improving my bad mood too!!!

  2. Lynda, hope Himself will be better and tired after his program so you can rest. Maybe your lesson will be over by then.
    Life is good here. Spent almost 3 hours running (well, driving) around for JoAnne (with the bariatric walker) and Rebecca (my wheel-less friend), but I got some stuff, too.
    Now I am eating a crispy fish sandwich with cheese, tomato, 'good' lettuce and onion.
    Sadie helped me with things yesterday, so not much today.
    I will go over my paperwork for the renewal on my energy assistance (electric bill). I may be able to do it all on-line.
    The new cooktop looks great. Have you used it yet? What are you going to cook first?
    All for now, sis. I'll check back later. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

  3. So sorry that Himself is having a bad day. Hopefully his mood and demeanor will be better when he gets done with his program!

    May you get a respite, in the meantime!

    Things are well here. Had a visit yesterday from an old Sparkfriend, as detailed in my blog. We did lunch with OverworkedJanet, her husband, his brother and the brother's wife. The "we" would be myself and my kid sister Alicia. It was awesome.

    Sometimes don't you just wish you could meet every one of your old Sparkfriends for lunch, once a week or so?

  4. Oops, looks like I'm repeating myself... I commented about the lunch on your yesterday's blog, too! Oh, well, chalk it up to "a senior moment"! Hang in there!

  5. Hi Lynda, this mornings adventure with himself is so relatable. Ed is the slowest human. I start 15 min. before we have to leave, prodding. I'm sure a 2 toed sloth would beat him. It gets frustrating x 20. ENJOY your respite whole he's gone. He'll be better when he returns. Yep, keep your chin up.
    Oh I'm with you...sometimes I want to run away. Nowhere to go but going sounds good.
    New cooktop is lovely. Any big plans for cooking, other than rhubarb?
    Hope lawn man will help with hoses and generator. He sounds like a good guy.
    Try to get a nap or just do something you enjoy....daydream a trip 🥰
    Hugs and blessings
    Marge /St.Louis

  6. Makes me sad to hear that you had a bad sorry that your hubby gets in those days where you are the "bad person" - because you are not! You are strong and an excellent care-giver! He is lucky to have you! (Even though he might not realize it)! Glad you had the afternoon to yourself today while he was gone. Gives you a little break!
    Love the picture of your new cooktop! Wondering how you fixed meals without it for the last week or so? Microwave?

  7. Hi Lynda! Sorry for your morning but hope it got better. You can come visit me! Tommy and Kloi would love Lopez and Sushi! Your stove is sleek and beautiful. So glad you like it. My day was pretty good. Hot in Ohio for the next week! I did get a nice vanilla pumpkin horchata iced coffee that was delish! Enjoy your evening! Hugs to you!

  8. Your role as caretaker is rough; the “Himself battles” are unexpected and not reality-based. You must feel so frustrated and alone when these events happen! I wish that you could somehow get some respite to simply have some scheduled peace and relaxation…such a dream, huh?!
    Bring Lopez and Sushi south…you are welcome in FL any old time! ❤️
    Eissa7 (Karen)

  9. Hope Himself was in a better frame of mind when he came home from class. Nothing harder than being a caregiver....with David he was different in that he was sharp mentally, just his body gave out on him. I am sorry Lynda...

  10. PHOENIX1949

    Lynda - thought of you today when this comment by Demi Moore (American actress) when asked how she was handling her ex-husband Bruce Willis' dementia (American actor). Her reply to Drew Barrymore was:

    “What I say to my kids is you meet them where they’re at. You don’t hold on to who they were or what you want them to be, but who they are in this moment,” she said. “And from that, there is such beauty and joy and loving and sweetness.”


    Susan, Texas, USA


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