Saturday, September 7, 2024

Get out there and strut yer stuff!

Yes dance like you are at Carnegie Hall---- Stretch----  Shake your "Bootie"--and the happiness spirit is now in your soul---I shall return---- jess going to take Lopez out into the cold--  4 degrees here--with mega wind--AND , WE STILL HAVE HUMMINGBIRDS__I keep telling them to go , but they must know best---  I see another heat wave is going to descent upon us next week-- They must know that!

                Talk to you in a bit --I shall dance down the back road----with little Lopez

                                                          " almost 12 noon-"--very cold outside --  Lopez and I have walked  several more times---the little guy is pretty cute----  so much energy!----something about him that you just have to love----

-I hear more warm weather is coming our way next week- Do you suppose the hummingbirds know that, so are sticking around? Last evening it took me about an hour to mix, clean  the feeders --and hang them outside-- I'll be happy to say good- bye to these tiny birds.

So, did you dance the day in?-----and , I do take naps everyday---lots and lots of naps-----but, I get up around 5-30am-I never ever used to--just since Himself cannot do all he used to do---and I try to do it now-----the laundry--the coffee--feeding Lopez--walking Lopez--emptying the dehumidifiers,  unloading the dishwasher--oh man--the list is endless!----

So, I really am older than old now---can do  as I need to---do not have to answer to anyone-- maybe not as so-called "NORMAL" sometimes--We can be fancy- free, when we are "older than old"-- which I suppose frustrates  some people--but, does it really matter anymore?--At my age I believe I can be a free spirit-- talk to the "Toads" in my life-- (Thomas, the humungous Toad, was on the driveway a couple nights ago-)---just sitting there looking for flies-------

So now you are all thinking, "What the heck happened to her?"----Well, I guess I am tired of being told how and what to do and at my ripe "OLD AGE"- it's time to just be myself--- Now why has
it taken me so long to decide this???--because if we do not dance like a crazy person now-when will we?

Happy Saturday  to you all--Now get out there and strut yer stuff!


  1. Good morning, Lynda! It is breezy and 51 right now in Ohio. I see you dancing!:)

    1. LOL--=- Yes--I was dancing--LOL--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. I love that dancing little girl. So free! I will go outside with Daisy today and just walk around the yard. I feel more steady on my feet. Have a great day!

  3. Then I will look for a longer post later, sis.
    Cold here, too. 25 degrees colder than it should be. It's sunny, though.
    Just caught up on bills. Going down to the dumpster area for garbage and recycling. Got shopping to do, too and karaoke tonight.
    If you don't get around to another post (or even if you do), y'all have a great day! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. I know yu are at Karaoke Mazggie--=I think I hear you singing--LYnda

  4. 83F at my house ... 8:52am. High expected to be 99F

  5. I think you have far, far too much for one person to handle, Lynda. If I were in your shoes, I'm sure I would buy a small home in town or rent if I had to - sell the one you're in and get HELP! Since your sons don't seem to be really helping to take care of their dad, you need outside help.
    I don't like seeing you having to take all this upon your shoulders. You're not young anymore, WE'RE not young anymore and need all the help we can get.
    Can you at least try to get through to your sons how dire your situation is?
    Thinking of you with much love and many hugs! Gloria xoxo

    1. Aww Gloria--no use asking---the sons-- just upsets me--Its a very difficult situation--lotza work--- and I do it all-=-= Yu are so good to think of me-- I would never buy again because then yu have to sell it--and apartments in town have no laundry in the apartment-- ---everywhere I turn it is hartd-maybe easier to stay where we are--but-- not good in the wnter which is coming up-- Lynda

  6. Yes, seems late for hummers, doesn’t it! But, like you say, they know what they’re doing.

    We are anticipating more warm weather by Monday. For now, it’s Fall.

    It is GOOD to be free w/our thoughts and actions. That is definitely a perk of being an old-er person!

    HUGS and here’s to a good weekend.


    1. a good weekend is good-- and a bit of a rest--Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda, I enjoyed your dancing on the back road with Lopez this morning. You were quite the happy sight. Good on you.
    Normal...oh heck no...that's just a setting on the washer. Be YOU, genuine, positive, caring, thoughtful, strong, smart, competent, brave YOU. If anyone doesn't like you...that is THEIR problem. A wise friend told me what others think of me is none of my business and. Don't have expectations of others as that will lead to resentments. That one is tough but worth working on.
    Enjoy your day. 50Fs here this morning but back to 90sF next week.

    1. cold here all day but i hear hotter days ahead-Lynda

  8. Amen for being oneself! You keep on being you, Lynda! You are a gift to the world!

    1. Really ??--NOoooooo--not a gift to the world--jess mudling thru-Lynda

    2. People who can manage to "just muddle through" are indeed a gift, modeling resilience for all!

  9. I still have lots of hummers. First freeze here is around Oct. 15th and so that is when they recommend taking their feeders down. Pool is scheduled to be closed in 13 days! I will be happy to have one less thing to deal with each day. I don't have to empty dehumiders every day anymore as have hose that runs into the basement drain....nice not to have to lug that bucket of water upstairs each day - but my plants did like that water! hahaha! Still weed whacking, killing weeds with sprayer and weed whacking. Will be happy when that is done too! Maybe by the time the hummer feeders come down? Today, after a hummer was stuck in my garage for several hours yesterday, I cleaned took screens down and cleaned my windows in the garage, dining room and sitting room in front of the I had to take down mimi blinds in garage and get a ladder to open windows from the top to get the poor exhausted little hummer that is why washing windows and screens became my project for today! I know we both deal with a lot, but just knowing that we are still able to deal with all the things that comes up makes us strong! Every day is a new day and we just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trucking along as long as we can!

    1. Thanks Sandra OCT 15h--good to know--Yes am still weed whacking --Yu sound like me--LOL-I should drain that water into the basement drain--its heavy and one day I tripped on the rug and water went everywhere -Yes we need to keep on trucking eh??-- --Lynda


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