Saturday, September 28, 2024

Do something every day that makes you feel like a kid again.

    Now isn't that so true?-Children are so "down to earth"-They tell it the way it is -the honest truth--and, couldn't you just wrap yer arms round this wee girl and hug her?-I bet she has a story to tell !

Well, How are you all doing this morning?--Are you "happy and you know it"-???---  It IS a good day to make to-day great---(and I'm not even a "Trumper"!)

My grass man and his brother will be out here shortly to bring in the docks---and tie them, along the shore---one more thing  will be done to get ready for winter----- 

Lopez and I "hoofed " it up the road early this morning--It was  cold!----I can feel  winter in the air ----getting closer---

        Some of you were asking  why I never post pictures of Himself's family--So, here are a few --- 

                                                                            His Dad
                                                            a bunch of us in Montego Bay(I am in this too)
                                me with son#1and son#2  at Bulls Bay beach with cousins
                                                                    Himselfs Mom

I loved visiting Himself's family in Jamaica--When we first went there, Negril did not exist--justas beautiful beach--no hotels-- Himself would catch crabs ---along the shore---  and always went fishing  in a hollowed out trunk of a tree-- I loved the family home in Lucea-- which is near Montego Bay--His family were so warm and nice --loved our children---- always lots of food--- altho sometimes the chicken was alive , and we had to drive to his house , to have it killed, before cooking it--So many good memories of our trips there!-- Now our grown children want a Jamaican passport so they can enjoy their heritage--I play the piano daily--I am no Liberace--but-Lopez thinks I am--
                                                    Try to enjoy your day, no matter what----Smile at people you meet--maybe take a wee bit of time to chat with someone ----     I'm sure you will "make" their day---AND---



  1. Yes, children ARE so down to earth, stick to the basics, unafraid to try something new.

    How lovely to have such wonderful memories of Hiimself’s home and family in Jamaica. That’s what keeps the heart and soul going!

    I like smiling @ people I don’t even know . . . makes ‘em wonder, “What is she up to??” And Mom always said we weren’t fully dressed til we had our smile on. Truth.

    hugs and blessings

    1. Cute eh??--Your Mom's expression about your smiles--Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I love the photos of himself's family. It must have been so much fun to travel to Jamaica. I would love to see that some day but it's probably not going to happen, I think my travel days are coming to a close. I'm at least hoping to get a nice drive in to see fall colors before they're gone! Yes I agree, if you want an honest conversation you must talk with a child. I love that my grandson Jake calls me every few days to see how I'm healing from my surgery! He's pretty much the only one who seems to care! Today is his 6th birthday party - we will be leaving shortly. I remember how soothing it was to listen to my mom play the piano after we went to bed. I sure do miss that! Have a wonderful day!

    1. How sweet that Jake calls you and wishesd yu get well--Lynda

  3. Great blog as usual, sis.
    Nice to see photo's of Himself's family. His folks look nice. I bet with his background the food was awesome and plentiful.
    Happy you're getting help getting the property ready for winter. I believe you said the hoses are already in.
    Not much going on here...yet. Weather is warming up from its nighttime cool down. Mostly sunny.
    I've taken out more recyclables and cleaned out the car. Now I'm eating. 1/2 of a Burger King whopper and cold fries that my friend Joanne bought me. I'll have the other half tonight before karaoke.
    Lucky is sleeping. Hasn't even asked for his lunch yet.
    I take it Lopez did his business and that Himself and Sushi are fine today. So far, anyway.
    Will sign off for now. Must run my wheel-less friend 'Becca to the store. I'll be lucky to be able to crawl in bed afterwards without waking Lucky. Two 'luckies' in one sentance!
    I saved 2 great memes today! Thank you for that. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Very warm here to-day--nice tho!-Hope to get groceries tomorrow- and yes, Freds family very nice people--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda
    Do something that makes me feel like a kid. Not sure what that might be. I've been the responsible, dependable adult forever lol. I know you understand.
    I'm so happy you play your piano every day. That's awesome and your family loves it too. Good on you.
    Himselves father appears quite distinguished. Your trips to Jamaica sound lovely. Himself has a large family. How nice that your kids want to visit Jamaica but who wouldn't lol.
    I'm pretty sure your happy now that you got hair done and escaped from home.
    Your grass man sounds very knows how to do a lot and gets it done. Likely the boys also know how and what but they are busy and not thinking about it until it's time for fishing shack. Glad you have yard man. He's a keeper.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. Yu are so right-we have the fishing shack-==-but we do not seem to see them bringing in the docks-LOL-lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! Yes, the little girl looks very sweet. Nice photos of Himselfs family. I love her glasses. It's cloudy again in Ohio. Rainy tomorrow. I've been in all week because the ragweed is the highest this week. I need out soonly! LOL Glad you are getting your docks in and things in order for Winter. It feels to get ready early so we can relax a bit. You're not even a Trumper. You crack me up! LOL Hope your day was good! Hugs!

    1. LOL--No--=Definitely NOT a Tumper-LOL--Lynda

  6. Lynda, your “wee little blogs” are the best! Thank you, thank you, for raising my spirits this fall morning. (Hugs) and hope you have a good day!

  7. Lovely family photos 🌿 Carol in FL


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