Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I will suceed to-day---(I hope)

Good morning---from the North---All is well--Lopez and I have hoofed up the back road---  and we will go again sorta soon---He is a good little boy--- still petrified of Himself's cane, but I try to grab him before Himself has a chance to whack him--

So, what you think?--- Is it looking better?-- still swollen,  but, it's not as sore--not as swollen--and I am on an antibiotic-- NOT PENICILIN--(cannot spell that!)--as I have an allergy to that, but, it was prescribed and I had to return it to the Pharmacy--and then was given another form of  Penicilin---and the pharmacist warned me that I could react to it also--so--I left it all at the Pharmacy---looked in our cupboard of meds--  and lo and behold -- (Can you believe this?) there was Biaxin --3 yrs old--but  I hear meds do not age--

Our daughter in OHIO, said, "Just ask Dad Mom because he knows everything"--and it seems true---  He might be old, but he sure remembers all his DR. stuff--The sutures come out on Friday--  I cannot imagine , getting them out so soon---  Just hope my face doesn't split in half--LOLOL-- (teasing of course!)

         I think life is returning to normal--(-Praise be to the good Lord!)--Mom's expression of course!---

I must tell you that we  had one Hummingbird here yesterday---so the feeders are still up-- Himself is home here-- no day program ---asleep--- napping--which is a good thing when one is nearly 96 yrs.

I like the above---  because we did find Sushi , one cold, December, and many friends helped me get her inside--It took time, and she was "FERAL" --(not now)--- but she has changed our lives--We do love her--

                                        Below are a few affirmations  to keep us "positive"

        I need to paste it in front of my face-- read and reread it ---- to help me get thru everyday----


  1. Good morning, Lynda. Yes, your face IS looking better! Glad it's not as sore, too. I'm surprised that the fact that you are allergic to pennicillin (that's not right, either) wasn't in your medical record for the doctor to see.
    Himself is napping already? Hope he will do it again later when you're ready.
    I really feel for Lopez...what a life worrying about getting too close to Himself and his cane! He is a good little boy.
    My old man is laying here waiting for our first play session of the day. Need to go to Walmart for his dry food (Purina One 7+) and some almond milk.
    Beautiful weather here. Mix of clouds and sun, but warm already...over 70F. May need to turn the A/C on again later.
    Hope the rest of your day goes well...for all of you.
    I'll check back before bed again. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. Awwwww Maggie--"Miss Maggie"---I love yu too-and one day we will meet-I feel it in my bones!
      Anyway, it was not in my medical records, because I never went to too many Drs --most Drs wives are the same-- (probably not good eh?) because Fred was and is a Dr., so he mostly treated me--=-I took one of our sons to a Dr once because he had broken his arm and I wasn't satisfied with the result and Fred refuse to believe me--I might even say that Drs wives are never medically treated by another Dr as the husband diagnosed and treats them--for better or for worse--LOL----All our children were mostly treated by their Dad-
      Yes poor Lopez--- I feel for him also-- so, I really try to remove him, anticipate Fred's movements and be one step ahead for Lopez- -Lovely day here to-day--going to be hot--AGAIN!--Hugs my Dear friend--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. I do think your face looks better. Isn't it amazing how the human body can heal in practically no time at all. I feel like it's taking my back such a long time to heal but today is only 4 weeks and it was a big surgery. I can see little bits of progress. I used to need the cane to get outside with Daisy - now I can do it with my own strength. And where my ankle was full of prickly feelings (they tell me that's the nerve healing), now it's almost not at all. So I must be patient and let my body heal in it's own time. We have another warm day today - just turned on the A/C. More for Daisy than for me, she's just panting. Right now she's laying right next to the vent! I'm glad you're there to help little Lopez stay away from himself's cane! Wishing you a good day!

    1. Kathy--Your "back"--is healing-- It must take a long time eh for surgery on "a back" to mend--You really are doing well! It was VERY warm here to-day--The AC on AGAIN!---- Hugs Kathy--- Patience --LOL--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, yes your face looks better. Surprised how quickly the sutures were removed. Hoping your meds get the job done.
    Hot in St.Louis again. AC on yesterday and today.
    I love Sushi. She sure has come far with your love and patience.
    Can Fred write prescriptions? His knowledge comes in handy.
    Please join him in a nap.
    Take good care.
    The affirmations are great! Thank you.

    1. The Sutures are to be removed Friday ---If it is infected I wonder if they will do that--No, Fred cannot write prescriptions -I wish he could! But at 96 I didn't feel he should renew his licence.--Now I wish he had!--"S" Lynda

  4. Yes, still looks a bit red and swollen, but glad that the swelling and the discomfort has gone down!

    Oh boy! Biaxin does a great job but really, really, really makes me sick (dizzy, nauseous, weak). Had it once for walking pneumonia. Got that switched fast!

    Your poor face will probably feel much better once the stitches are out. Fingers crossed. Can you put ice on it??

    Oh that’s exactly the thought that crossed my mind . . . Suchi, the little one that came in from the cold. She is a lucky girl (and I know you feel lucky, too!)

    Aawwwww, glad that you are able to run interference between Lopez and Himself. Poor boy. Jason uses a cane now and Miss Lilly is afraid of it . . . but he’s never been mean to her w/it . . . I guess just something new in her environment.

    LOVE those affirmations.

    Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.

    Hugs and blessings and healing


    1. Hi Barb-- so good of you to read and write on da Blog--It has been a good day Himself seems more almost normal--Hopefully these stitches heal-- I believe it is still infected--So, you are dealing with a hubby with a cane--nice he doesn't fling it around --I try very hard to intercept--Hugs, Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! Happy to hear things are returning to normal for you! Seems a lot of people are allergic to penicillin. I feel so bad for you. It bothers me to look at it and will be glad when Friday is over for you. Your daughter is a nurse so I assume you thought she could tell you. Sounds like you got it worked out. Yes, we need the affirmations. I was talking to my sister in Virginia today and a hummingbird landed on her flower. Cloudy in Ohio today. How was your day? Hugs!

    1. On the whole--a good day--Yes a terrible looking suture line-- I do not have the Lab report back yet--Here's hoping they got it all! I never went to go thru this ever again--*S* Good to hear from yu--Lynda

  6. Looks better to me, Lynda! Healing well.

    And it's not surprising that Himself remembers "the important stuff" from his decades of doctoring!


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