Monday, September 30, 2024

Live and Learn--

It has been a bad day---so far--but----  it is changing---You see, it all began last evening when I tried to program the new thermostat for the furnace---  I worked on it for hours and really all evening--Without that thermostat. the furnace would not go to another mode--like--"HEAT"--or "A.C"-----I called Son#1, and #2 , who was in England--and then son#3---- They all told me to just read the instructions---which I did--over and over --but what I was reading telling me what and how to get the right "mode", just would not  work---so, I would try again--then again---The guy who installed that thermostat would not call me back, no matter how many times I tried to get him to!

I finally went to bed---woke up this morning in a freezing cold house--cold air blowing up the registers--ran downstairs and turned off the whole system--then proceeded to call another service man--who has been here this morning--  He said, "No wonder you could not program your thermostat--you have the wrong instruction Pamphlet"---  And for years we have had that instruction booklet----  like--forever!--and --- it was the one the furnace guy left in our home to control the heating and the AC--I WILL NEVER EVER CALL THAT GUY AGAIN! Why do people try to "CON" old people?--probably because we ARE old--!!

            You pick yourself up and carry on----but--you learn and you learn and you learn--

Anyway --as Mom used to say,"You live and learn!-"---but---sad isn't it, that there are such crooked people in the world , just waiting to make an easy few dollars , on seniors--

So, "Keep your chin up", as Dad used to say----carry on, but---always remember  that there are people waiting to prey on others---  Who would ever think---?--


  1. It's Kathy. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that last night and then wake up so cold. And shame on that other tech who left you with the wrong instruction book. Yes, I do believe so many people think that because we are older we no longer deserve respect. I'm glad you were able to find someone who could come and help you! But honestly, couldn't one of your sons be more helpful? I'm not very happy with my children right now - it took me a whole day yesterday to get over the stress of that birthday party. But it also makes me so disappointed that they don't seem to care one bit that I am having such a hard time! No one has offered to help me in any way (except a couple of my friends). Makes me wonder what I taught them so many years ago! Anyway, I'm glad you got your furnace taken care of and I thank God every day that I have my husband, who doesn't always like me so much but right now he's doing the shopping because I can't! I hope today goes better!

    1. no no son came--and what happened at the birthday Party?---Life can be tough eh??--Lynda

  2. Sis, that man may not have meant to leave that particular instruction booklet for the furnace. It may have been a mistake. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. That said, I do believe there are some people who don't care...don't give us the time they need, figure since we're old, they can get away with stuff.
    With all that trouble, I can see why you didn't do comments last night.
    I'm happy it's fixed now.
    Now you can tell your wasn't the right instructions!
    Is Fred going to his program? That may soothe things on his end for the day.
    Sadie is giving me lots of help today. We didn't do much around here for the weekend. We need to get going on dishes, garbage/recyclables, laundry, maybe vacuuming, kitchen floor. It seems to me that sometimes I try to do too much and other days...nothing. I need to find a balance!
    Off to get things done. Hope you all have a calm, peaceful and pleasant rest of your day. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    The weather is nice, though. Always cool in the morning and night, but it warms up nicely later.

  3. I share your frustration when we can do something that seems like if we just read the instructions, we should be able to do it! Yesterday I spent over an hour trying to find out which smoke detector was beeping! At first I thought it was just a bird cheeping loudly from outside - I went to every window looking to find it - DUH! It wasn't a bird and it was coming from upstairs! So I went out to the garage and brought in a step ladder. I could not tell which detector the cheep was coming from, so I put new batteries in all of them....had to read instructions on how to do it. Replace batteries in all four of them! Still cheeping. Low and behold, it wasn't a smoke detector, but the carbon monoxide detector in the electrical outlet in the hallway! I felt really stupid. But on the bright side, all the upstairs smoke detectors don't have to be changed next month! hahaha! Trying to look at the positive side. Now I just have to drag the step ladder back downstairs today....too tired to do it yesterday after climbing up and down many numerous times! So glad to hear you got your furnace thermostat working! Thank goodness for those who are willing to help us older ladies!

  4. Hi Lynda,
    Oh my goodness. Maybe the furnace guy accidentally left the wrong instructions. I hope that's the case BUT you are correct as one has to always be on guard as some people do try to take advantage of older people.
    They aren't my sons, but I'm disappointed in their response to you...not the least bit helpful. You only ask them for help when you need it. I'm sorry about that.
    I'm glad you found someone to help! Always something geez.
    Hope today goes well.
    Smile and stay positive.

    1. Well Marge--I better get used to the response I guess=does make me sad tho-Lynda-

  5. So sorry for your mismatched instructions! Yikes! It would drive ME nuts, too. Hope it's all straightened out by now. My most recent challenge has been trying to balance everything, including getting my drivers license renewed. I was concerned because I'm about to turn 72 and there is some kind of deal where certain folks in our state think everybody 72 and above should be taking a driving test again, just like the new kids. It makes sense, so I prepared to do so, but when I went, it turned out not to be a big deal after all, and they just did the eye test and took my picture. My new license should arrive in the mail within a month or so.

    Smile and keep on keeping on!

    1. Good for yu Barb to get thru that--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! It’s manic Monday in Ohio. The plumber installed the hot water heater while the yorkies went to daycare. So sorry for your furnace situation. Manuals are hard to follow when they are the correct ones, much less the wrong one! Geez! Hope your day was better! Hugs!

    1. The day turned out OK--but--was a bad evening-- Lynda

    2. So sorry to hear! Hugs!

  7. All I can do is echo everyone else's sentiments. I'd not be happy w/the sons if all they could offer is read the instructions. **SIGH** I am glad that you found a tech who helped you get your furnace system up and running. *SIGH* Yes I feel sometimes that we old-er people are disposable and invisible to much of the younger generation. Sad, to say the least.

    All I can say is, I am glad you got the help you needed, and for sure, I'd need strength to walk away from stupid w/o spitting, and maybe more!


    1. __I feel the same way--we do not ask for help very often--but last night we couldve used a hand--Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda: I say the same stuff. That furnace guy was pretty inconsiderate. Glad you finally found a good one. Hope it's working now. And hopefully Fred went to daycare and wasn't there this morning complaining. May the day get better later. Good luck. Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda --Acturally--the day turned out pretty good--Lynda

  9. Lynda,
    If you got a new thermostat recently, and you have had that booklet for years, it would not tell you how to program the new thermostat. You would need a completely ne set of instructions for the new thermostat. So perhaps he just failed to give you new instructions. Miscommunication happens all the time. And half the time these days you can’t even get a manual, they want you to look it up online.
    Sorry for your frustrating evening-we’ve all been there!


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