Tuesday, October 1, 2024

YOU CAN BE ---A Strong Person !

                                                You can be all of the above--if you decide to be!
     To-day IS a good day to be "Strong"--"Capable"---"Beautiful"---"Amazing"--and "Enough"--

So, Yesterday , I decided to take  Son#2, the Pilot, up on his and his wife's offer, to move  close to them, as soon as this house sells--in the Spring, of course--They have sold their home in Toronto, and will be living permanently, at their summer home, on the lake---in Eastern Ontario---  Their summer home will be demolished and a permanent home will replace it-and they are putting a "granny suite" above their garage  for his wife's Mom, who is not ready to live there yet---but--we are almost ready--and while living there, we will search for permanent accommodation near  there--At least it is a plan---It's always good to have a plan! 

I like the above-- It says that you must be strong and courageous AND KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO ANYTHING-just keep believing in yourself--

There are times  that I forget the above and I begin to feel sorry for myself--crazy isn't it?--(and I cry)--I forget that sometimes, to do everything, that I CAN hire  whatever it is, out--and that is OK also--

Oh dear--Himself just came up here--unannounced--and Lopez jumped off the chair beside me here and ran  towards him and Himself began to whack him with his came-

Will it ever end?--Lord love a Duck! ---- Himself must announce his presence----

Last night, before bed, I took Lopez out-- He began to sniff the grass--  became excited--tried to run all over (but I had him on a leash)---  There was an animal near the gully--but IN OUR YARD--waiting to eat him----Lordy Be! --- I could not see it well enough to identify the animal, but it was wayeeeee larger than Lopez--- --I immediately brought him in--Good thing he was on a leash--

REMEMBER ---You CAN BE --ALL of the above!--and if I am around, I promise--I will not allow anyone to eat you--(but, I may "leash" yu--)


  1. Well, Lynda….THAT sounds like a very good plan! When do you plan to list your property? Of course, it will be a hassle BUT you will be glad when you’ve got it done…that will be a huge worry off your shoulders.
    We sold/moved away from the water/beach a year ago in central FL to a non flood area. Our old neighborhood is devastated by Helene…everything lost. It had never flooded in history. We made the right decision even tho we loved living there.
    Poor Lopez…lucky he has you to protect him! Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. Karen-- EARLY SPRING--or sooner =list this house--Hugs Lynda

  2. As much as I LOVE Son #2, I'm wondering if he has thought things through in terms of building a mother-in-law suite ABOVE the garage. Mostly because of the stairs, which become increasingly challenging as we age.

    1. no--There are electric stairs--or maybe not WITH son #2 but in the area--Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. I'm so glad you had Lopez on a leash. I am starting to worry about animals with Daisy. She rarely goes very far from the house unless I'm with her but we've seen some bigger animals in our neighborhood lately. Her Daddy usually takes her out at night. One night he did open the door and a Possum was standing right there! Daisy didn't know what to do. It's good that you have a plan! The birthday party was a lot of chaos - 3 little boys screaming, yelling, fighting. None of my children paying any attention to my husband or me. So much noise! Normally I don't think it would bother me but I'm still not even close to being recovered from this darn surgery. I'm so tired of not feeling like myself and not being able to do much of anything but I expect I'll have at least another 6 weeks of this! I do have a doctor's appointment next Monday and I start Physical Therapy on Tuesday - so some progress is being made!

    1. So sorry about that Birthday Party-I hated having Birthday Parties----and yes children are very selfish creatures --never stay there if you are able to leave them with someone else--Remember that your surgery was MAJOR --bone must heal---- BONE--and it takes a long time--YU will be better--just baby yerself and give it time-- and I am ending hugs--- Patience--- !!!!-OH----and never stay at a child's Birthday Party-*S*-Lynda

    2. SENDING HUGS___

  4. Lynda! That cane again! Could Himself use a walker instead? Harder to hit the wee one with that.
    It is good to have a plan. Wish I lived closer. I guess lots of us wish that. Did you see my meme about how it seems those you want to be closest to you live far away?
    I have a plan, too. It's Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i! Working at the Gift Shop at Hilton's Dolphin World. Just for fun. I won't need the $, just love dolphins...and Hawai'i.
    Today it's a rest day. I did enough yesterday around here. Lucky is sleeping; I got up early...guess what I'm gonna do now?!
    Enjoy your day, your plans, hmm...wonder if Fred knows how it feels to be clobbered by a cane that is bigger than you are? You might ask him...{{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie
    Saved the first meme, but don't agree with the second one. We can't FIGHT anything. Just focus on the things we want. I am share I shared before Mother Teresa'a quote: “I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.” We don't fight against, we are FOR what we prefer.

    1. Awww Maggie--=a complicated world eh?--- Ye I do feel so much better knowing I have a plan--and Son#2 seems happy that we want to be close to him-and yes, I try hard to protect Lopez---such a sweet little fellow--absolutely loves me---my buddy -- How are you to-night?-- Lynda

  5. Oh wow! Those absolutely sound like solid plans! Awesome. That gives you some time to find a permanent place.

    Oh my dear, it is OKAY, in fact, it is HEALTHY to have a good cry. So much going on, so many changes.

    Oh my. Poor Lopez. Wish Himself would get more comfortable w/him, but doesn’t seem like that’s going to be.

    Good think you keep that little guy on a leash. I do the same w/Miss Lilly. Coyotes around and who knows what all else. She’d be a snack. NOOOOooo.

    Hugs and blessings


    1. Yes Barb--My poor Lopez That is why he travels with me ALL the time now--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda,
    Great inserts.
    Having a plan is the first step. Over the garage means steps. I know you do steps now.
    Fred and Lopez are never going to be buddies. Glad you had Lopez on leash last night. Lord only knows what was out there.
    Enjoy your day and stay strong.

    1. No--We would have a chair lift or something installed--or--maybe just live close to him--maybe not in his suite-just feels good to have a plan-Lynda-

  7. PS. Pilot son seems very caring and kind. Being closer to him sounds ideal.

    1. I agree --It will be good to be close to him--my Pilot --LOL--Lyn da

  8. I sure don't know what I am doing wrong, but the last 2 or 3 comments I have written to you have disappeared....Maybe the internet police think I wrote something I shouldn't??? At any rate, my last blog was a bit long as I poured my heart out about something you had posted and it said it published....but when I went back to see if you had responded, it was gone! And this wasn't the first time. Oh well - just so you know I am following your blogs and care about you is all that matters! Hugs!

    1. Hi Sandra....your post from yesterday on the smoke detectors is out there and did publish. Not sure why it doesn't show up for you but it is there.

    2. Hi Sandra---I went back and read the last few posts of yers and they are all here on my computer--and You made me LOL about all the beeping from those smoke detectors because that has happened to us--LOL--Lynda

  9. While it sounds like a wonderful idea, please consider the stairs you will be using to navigate getting into and out of the apartment. I know you have stairs in your house, but this will mean using stairs everytime you leave the house, including taking Lopez out to do his business, taking Himself to the Center, grocery shopping etc. It is generous of Son #2, and would be nice, but there are many things to consider.

    1. Yes--- A movable stair--or whatever it s called--or--perhaps the move will be close to Son#2 --maybe not in his place--We shall see-Lynda

  10. Marti here. Lynda, that is fantastic, stupendous, WONDERFUL news!

  11. Sometimes a leash is essential! Takes me back to the time not so long ago when Ember and I encountered a fox on the loose in our neighborhood. Ember was four months old at the time. Fortunately she did not try to give chase, and the fox decided to flee away from our path.

    I'm thrilled with your having made a decision about moving closer to your son#2 and his family. I hope that the preparations and sale of your home go smoothly between now and then (Springtime is only an eyeblink away, as we all know "at our age").

    1. Oh Barb--It feels good to make a decision --and yes--the leash is essential with Lopez-- Lynda

  12. Hi Lynda! It’s always nice to have options about moving. So sorry about the cane again. Bless your heart trying to keep peace. How was your day? Sending hugs from Ohio!

    1. Today has been good--because I FINALLY decided where we will move--Lynda

  13. Hi Lynda: I think moving in with son #2 is a great idea. He really pays more attention to things more than his brothers who live closer. He calls you from wherever in the world he is. But there are some things to consider like would there be a daycare place near where he lives, sounds like there would still be stairs if the apartment is over the garage and would it be ok to have Sushi there too? I still think it's a great idea if you are ready for it. Glad Lopez was on a leash when you ran across another animal. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Brenda--You all are so good to help me with this decsion--I do appreciate hearing from yu--Lynda

  14. Glad you have made a decision...#2 keeps in touch more and also helps you by phone sometimes so wish y'all luck. How much of your stuff will you need to get rid of ?? and how many rooms will his MIL suite have? I do wish they'd put it on ground level for both you and Himself's safety..

    1. Well--it would only be till we found a place Around there--

  15. I think this is an excellent decision, my husband had Alzheimer's disease and we moved to a condo where we did not have all the maintenance to worry about. It helped me to keep him at home until he died. Do look for a day center as it will help both of you!

  16. Still late to the party and catching up.

    Oh, the proposed plan to live close to Son #2 sounds wonderful!!! Of course I only 'know' your family on here, but it seems that he's the one of your children who is most understanding and willing to help at this point in your life.

    Hopefully you can move (if needed) even before the house sells if you have it pretty much ready to go come Spring. Looking forward to seeing how this spins out.


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