Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Wish for the Week Ahead-

 It is coolish---  no sun---  but----NO SNOW either!--lotza leaves also, everywhere--- Lopez and I  hoofed it up the back road--Lopez in his parka---and--HE DID HIS BUSINESS!!  Woo Woo!--- So I can begin to tidy up the house, ready for another showing this evening--

So, we  got out of the house last evening-- (There was a showing)---with Lopez and Sushi --and we sat in MacDonalds parking lot--Fred ate --I could not-- (was all tied up in knots)--Apparently the couple liked the house, but they have to sell their house-----so, that is not going to happen--

When we returned home, in my mind , I was thinking--"Are we crazy to sell?"--" Maybe we should just stay here"---and--of course  we know we cannot just stay here-- but--- the mind wants everything to remain the same--and we know that cannot happen---I am not going to be able to be Ms Super woman forever---

So, the world still goes on----doesn't it?--and we must adapt---and that is OK I guess----
Positive thoughts -Positive thoughts only!--

To change the topic, Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot, is now in Brazil--He flew all night, from Montreal- He did say it was a good flight--smooth--and very hot there--probably sleeping now as  they fly there at night---maybe it's not so bumpy crossing the equator??

I hope that your Thursday is a good day--that you get some rest in--get to read your book---  and walk your dog---It is hair day here---( hope I get to go-)--hide the Halloween Candy---  and be good to yourself-- A new week begins to-morrow--


  1. Hope that the showings are going well.

    Glad that son #2 is on his way home!

    HUGS and many blessings and GOOD LUCK!


    1. Well-the people went thru the house -dunno if they liked it or not --They weren't here long-- I hear they don't like our neighbour-- Oh Well-We never see the neighbour--Lynda

  2. Good luck to you! Glad Himself had McDonalds for dinner! Hope you get your hair done!

    1. Chinese food for dinner-LOL--- plus I did get the hair done-Lynda-

  3. Hi Lynda, hearing no snow makes me happy.
    At least your house lookers showed up. I hope the next ones have financing in place and love the house. I'm sure you are tied up in knots and thinking maybe you should stay. I think it's better to go when you choose than wait for a big change in someone's health that requires a move. If you stay you'll be spending more each year for outside help in all seasons. Just my thoughts.
    I watched a video tour of your new town hosted by a realtor. It's lovely plus everyone in every video had very nice things to say about it. Safe, quant, quiet sounds lovely. Peterborough doesn't sound too far away for major shopping. Without the yard, you'll have extra money to buy yourself a new outfit. Wahoo. Being able to spend time with DH will make him happy. Don't forget, he said YOU were the best decision he ever made.
    Enjoy hair day.
    Stay positive.
    Try to unknot yourself will work out.
    Stay positive, strong, happy and healthy.
    Much love and hugs
    Marge in St.Louis

    1. Yes Marge it seems like a lovely area and son#2 will be there--Lynda

  4. Why do we always second guess ourselves??? I question so many things that I do....I guess it is human nature. I am sure that the thought of packing up and moving is pretty overwhelming right now and that is why you are having those thoughts......but you need to reassure yourself that it is a positive move and that you will get things done! You can do this.....Let go and Let positive and keep moving forward!

    1. Thank yu Sandra--Yu are right--Move on-- Keep reminding me-Lynda

  5. It's Kathy. I'm sure you will question your decision for awhile but I do understand. As much as I never wanted to live in this house, it's now been 42 years. I raised my kids here and said goodbye to several pets here. But I also think of all the work ahead. Even though my husband is younger than I am, he's not all that interested in taking care of our home or our yard. He fixes what needs immediate attention but the rest just goes by year after year without being done. Plus, our neighborhood is starting to feel a bit unsafe. Daisy sits looking out the picture window and there are constantly strange looking men who walk by - that never happened. Lots of police sirens and ambulances, even fire trucks. So maybe, once I'm healed and before anything else goes wrong, it's time for us to think about leaving! Praying for a quick sale for your home!

    1. I want a quick sale also Kathy-- Lynda

  6. Love your good wishes for us, Lynda. I am sure we all wish the same for you and yours.
    My wheel-less friend, Rebecca, helped me get him into his carrier. We are back from the vet, and all went well. He did gain a pound, but his teeth aren't too bad.
    I believe you have made the right sell the property and move. It may be a long process, but it will be worth it. You will have so much less work to do, be able to do zig saw puzzles with Himself, be closer to family, etc.
    I am happy the showing went well. The others will, too. You will be on your way to new surroundings before you know it.
    We've calmed down from out trip now, have eaten lunch and are about to snooze. Hope you get a chance to do the same. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. So yu took the cat to the vet?--Funny--I cut Sushi's nails--both are difficult things--LOL-- Lynda--These cats eh??

  7. Hi Lynda- DO NOT second guess yourself, you’ll drive yourself crazy!! The decision has been made, it’s the right decision…so, move on! No need to use emotional energy mulling it over. We all wish some things could remain the same, but sadly, they simply cannot. I have been in your situation, so I can relate to how you are feeling! Good luck with tonight’s showing!! Eissa7. (Karen)

    1. Thank yu Karen for reminding me--to not second guess the move situation-- I appreciate hearing yu say that-Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda! Hope you had a great day! Nice weather in Ohio and high 60. It is understandable how you are feeling about the house. It is bittersweet I am sure. My former CEO told us once that nobody likes change except a baby with a dirty diaper! Pretty funny but true, right? LOL Just think of that as you get through this and chuckle a bit. Oh nice to be in Brazil. Nice and warm with good food. Were you able to get your hair done? Hope so. It makes us feel better. I need mine cut. Try to eat something tonight. Ice cream? You deserve it. Hugs!

    1. Yu are so right--No one likes change--and--=yes I did get my hair done--I go to a Ladie's house--wash it before I go so she just sets it--Lynda


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