Sunday, October 6, 2024

Good night all--- Sleep tight--

The whole day is over-and I missed you all terribly---  It sure was one crazy day---  and---I survived---but, not as well as if I was chatting with you all--and, yes, I did walk away from Himself and the crazy nonsense--  outside----I went--

--Son #4 came out and put lotza outside stuff in the shed or the garage---and I was so so happy to see him-- plus, the "power" was out most of the day--Apparently the whole town's power was out and did not come back on until after 3pm---

                                I must show you a picture that appeared on Facebook to-day---

-me on the left ----and my friend, Dorothy, who worked with me in the Hospital Tuck Shop-- We used to dress up---  Remember we dressed up as rabbits one Easter?---I guess here we were cowgirls--another time, I remember we were pregnant--It made people entering the Tuck shop smile--- -I Thank the photographer who posted that to-day , on Facebook--

So, all for now--- Time to call it a day--I just missed you all--so thought I'd wish you a Good night--and  shall be here bright and early in the morning. I hope that your day went well--Were you happy --(and you know it?)-----  Were you stronger than you ever believed that you could be?--

            Son#2 the Air Canada Pilot is off to Brazil this evening---just in case you were wondering--

                                                So, grab your book and let it carry you away--

    and hug that furry friend----- I know Lopez here did not enjoy the thunder storm last night--AND---I SHALL SEE YOU ALL IN THE MORNING------ 



  1. Missed YOU more.
    Glad son came and helped outside and saw Fred too.
    Good on you for "walking " away. Clap, clap.
    Darling picture of you cowgirls.
    Glad you managed power outage and things are ok.
    Good night, sweet dreams.

    1. Thanks Marge--Happy I posted before I went to bed--I sure missed yu all--Lynda

  2. Oh my goodness, I had forgotten your power was going to be off and was so worried when you hadn't posted. I wonder if you realize what a remarkable woman you are and how all of us look forward to hearing from you. Good on you for walking away from Himself. Take Lopez with you when you go outside, or crate him so he can't be harmed by a cane. I hope you had a good night's rest.

    1. It really was a frustrating day--and I dunno yet what they replaced in town--7am to 3pm--I missed yu all--just decided t "post" at bedtime--glad I did-Lynda

  3. So glad you jumped in and did a late blog! I missed you! Sad that you had such a stressful day! But on a good note, your son did come and help you by putting things away for winter! Was another warm day here so I worked outside while my grandson cut the 4 acres for him so much for helping me....of course I pay him, but I would rather give my money to him than a stranger! I was able to get several other projects done while he mowed! Counting my blessings today! Hope there is no more power outages in your town! Sending hugs! Hope you have a good, restful night's sleep! You deserve it!

    1. Oh Sandra-It means so much when the kids help eh??--I wa SO happy to see Son#5-- That was a terrible day here--no power ALL day-- Good thong for the generator-Lynda

  4. Ok, it's my google account that shows those glasses. Here I am.
    You must've had bad storms last night for the whole town's power to go out. That probably scared all of you a bit, not just Lopez! At least it's back on now. Hope no food in the freezer thawed.
    Your sons can really be a big help. I know you're grateful.
    Not much happened here.
    Cool and windy. Didn't get as warm as it has been this afternoon.
    We played bingo this afternoon. I won 4 1/2 games. We donate ten cents a card. The winner takes all the dimes. I won a few dollars. It was fun.
    Now it's just one more tv show with my ice cream, a romp with Lucky and nearly bed time.
    I am glad Himself was okay with the outage. Usually folks with his condition do better with a fixed routine.
    Hope tomorrow is better for you, sis. Sleep well tonight. My mom used to say, "Don't let the bed bugs bite." We never did have bed bugs! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. LOL--My Mom said that too --about not letting the bedbugs bite--LOL--Yes--It was a frustrating day --not much I could do about it--LONG power outage--7am to 3pm-- Lynda

  5. I forgot about the planned outage, too. Thank goodness it was back at 3:00, we never know for sure. Take care!

    1. Well I sure missed you all-Lynda

  6. Oh my. That is NOT what you needed on top of everything else, a planned power outage. Glad son #4 helped put things away for the winter. YOU NEED THAT HELP!

    So so sorry that things have been so rough w/Himself. So glad that you walked away from Himself when he was ranting. As said, hope that Lopez went with you. It's tough on both of you!

    Hope that you got a good rest and today is a better day, although I know it will be hard w/o the Lodge for Himself. I sure hope they can open sooner than later.


  7. Hi Lynda! Love the pic of you dressed up! Happy to know your day was good and son came to the rescue. Matt will find brazilian food and McDonald’s! Lol Ohio hugs!

  8. It's Kathy. I missed you yesterday too, but I shut down my computer by 7 pm. I sit in the living room with Daisy and either read or watch TV. Sorry your power was off for much of the day! I see today's blog so I'll finish my comments there!


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