Monday, October 7, 2024

I Am No Spring Chicken-

It is a new day---  It has been a busy day--- but---  I promise, to-morrow will be a normal day--and I can blog earlier--We were at the bank--arranging the new mortgage on the house--- with the interest rate even higher--Well, it was me who went into the bank to arrange all of this--  (which I have never done before in my life!)-BUT----  I DID IT! ---  It was cheaper to get a 3 yr mortgage--for now, but with any kind of luck, we should be out of here before that ends-- 

It is hard on Himself--who is not talking to me since we got home--wants to end his days in this house--but---I have to keep this house up--I do almost everything--and I feel  that we should be in a suitable , much smaller place--(Which we should be!)-"suitable" is the key tho---  a garage--plus a washer, and dryer--in a new place--(where,. I dunno????)------but, Son#2 has offered a place that could do for now--So many decisions -We could list this house, exclusively, for now, for the winter--then  on the open market , come Spring-

        But , right now, I feel like the above lady----kinda just going crazy--- like--- in the picture---
so----  What do you all think?---Do I go --or do I stay??--- Isn't that a song??-- Do I listen to my feelings--- and take a chance that they are the right feelings----or-------Do  I listen to Himself and  stay where we have always been--- AND --I AM NO SPRING CHICKEN! 

                                                                        Lord love a Duck!


  1. My dear, it seems like you are getting closer to making the decision to put the house on the market. As long as you have son #2's offer to fall back on, which would buy you time to find the right place for you and HImself, I say . . . go for it. list it. Can't hurt.

    HUGS and blessings


    1. right--- YU are so right Barb-Lynda

  2. If something happened, right now, to either one of you, which thing would be best?

  3. Hi Lynda,
    Good on you for handling yet another big thing. The mortgage. Yikes
    Like me, you do it all and make the choice but to do it. I understand as I'm in that same situation.
    Staying.... as that's where Fred wants to be and you too...or going are very, very tough choices. Thank goodness you are hiring more help. It's too much for you. There is no easy answer. I keep hoping something smaller, more suitable with a garage will present itself. You could get a realtor to hunt for you with your list of must haves for a new place. Just a thought as it's been a while since you've looked. No easy answers Lynda. Everyone will have an opinion, but ultimately, it's up to you. It will be a tremendous amount of work. Fred will be unhappy with any change and I understand that too.
    Perhaps, just perhaps, a family meeting with the boys would/could help as the restaurant son, police officer and city worker do hear about places as they are out in the community.
    Stay strong and positive. Take it a day at a time. Things will work out...they always do.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. yes Marge--tough decisions --but -- it did go OK st the bank-Lynda

  4. I believe, do as you had planned. List it, and move. It is not your husband who has the say - Marti

    1. Yu are so right Marti-- Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! Big decisions are hard. Sometimes, it seems like no way is good and it can feel scary. I say, follow your heart. Sunny in Ohio today. How is your weather? Hope you are having a good day. Hugs!

    1. Yes--- I believe it will turn out in time--Lynda

  6. It's Kathy. I understand what himself wants but you need to think of yourself too. I would like nothing more than to leave this home of mine for a smaller place - but I don't want to be the one who packs everything up and I'm pretty sure, after 29 years, that my husband will want to take everything with him! And we have a lot of stuff. You'll know what to do when the time comes. I'm so glad your son came and helped you put things away. I will have to rely on my husband for that this year. I saw the PA for my back today. Turns out my surgery was a bit more than I had realized. The surgeon took the rods and screws out from the first surgery and put in new rods and screws. No wonder I'm still in pain. They want me to take a medication called Lyrica - which is $1.60 a pill!!! I do start physical therapy tomorrow - I'm going to rely on my own work to get stronger! Doctors don't know everything (don't tell himself!). Good for you for taking care of the mortgage! That's not an easy task but you are getting so good at everything!!! I hope you pat yourself on the back! Have a good rest of your day - oh, and I sometimes feel like that woman too!

    1. Difficult time of life I'd say--Yes I was afraid of the bank--never did anything like that but actually it was OK-- I think yu are doing well-- Lynda

  7. Well, I totally understand your husband’s wish to stay in your home, but he obviously can’t do that without you, and you can’t continue to do everything and help him, so he is out of luck and needs to accept the reality of the situation. He may not be able to understand that with his health issues. You have been talking about moving for a number of years. If something happens to you, Himself is going to have to move.
    I think you should go ahead with the plan your son has suggested. And, I would move into some place where all the maintenance is taken care of, preferably a senior facility with independent housing, as well as nursing home care and assisted living, so that those services are available if needed. Make a plan and stick to it. If you choose to stay in your home, be aware that it will become more difficult with time and there will probably continue to be one crisis after another. Hard decisions. I frequently think it would be nice to have no maintenance and at 71 I think I will probably make that move in the next 5 years.

    1. Hard decisions eh--=but thy see like the right decisions-Lynda-

  8. Hi Lynda: I still think son #2 has provided a good option to start with and you could keep on looking while there. You can't continue to do everything yourself. You need to hire help while you are still there. You did a good job arranging the mortgage. Keep on thinking about your options. Hugs Brenda

    1. Brenda yu are so right-- Thank yu--Lynda

  9. Yes, Lynda...listen to your feelings. If any move, any anything feels bad that's your inner guide telling you, "No!" When it feels good, it is good.
    I am commenting on 2 blogs at the same time (well, I'll do the new one in a minute).
    Good job at the bank! That kinda stuff is a learning experience, for sure.
    It's a pretty day, but every morning I find it's become even colder every night. It's supposed to be in the 70s this afternoon. The warmer temps won't last long.
    I have the eye doctor this afternoon, appointments for my labs and to see my primary care at the Veterans Hospital tomorrow and Lucky the day after.
    I will be very happy Friday when it's all over.
    No matter what, sis, just focus on what you love and be happy.
    On to the new blog now. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie


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